Movies Only You Like


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I remember not talking to my friend for 3 days after he made me watch that.

It was fucking years before I stopped hating Danny Mcbride, but EB&D was too funny. I will never understand why Portman said yes to that fucking shit film.

I watched this only because of Zooey desu



This was legitimate kino

I loved it

Watched it with my gf and she cried when they ran over the jew lmao

I've seen it like five times now.

My dad and I fucking love it

but everyone loves that movie user

I used to fucking hate Danny Mcbride. This movie made me love him

here's another
going to see the sequel next week

I watched this yesterday with uni mates. Was alright, Danny McBride was the worst part of it. Shame he was the main character. Wish it with Seth Rogan or even James Francos little brother.


Great movie desu

t. A Leaf

This is an awesome movie though.

"I've just shot somebody and I did it on purpose!"

But, everyone like this movies.
1)great weedlmao flix+Danny McBride and queen Amigdala naked+no fucking Seth Rogen
2)surprisingly funny comedie
3)literally cult classic anticapeshit

We are driving! We we are driving!

t. also a leaf
I like GOON more than Hotshots.
Fite me
>tfw finally in the playoffs

Ella Enchanted is a classic, but it should have done better than it did

Anne Hathaway singin somebody to love is great

Plebs just don't understand

I don't remember much about Your Highness other than I thought it was really funny when I first saw it.

>49% because critics were pussied out by gore

You're right, nobody like any movies with that turd

Oh wait....

I used to get high and watch this all the time.
I completely forgot about it for the past 5 years until now.

its better than hotshots

wow. No wonder you have no friends.

Anytime I talk to someone who's even seen this movie, I'm the only one who likes it

Was is Shlag kino?

That fucking scene where The Rock barbeques the fucking hands.

>Movie actually had to pause and say this was still based on a True Story


>Ethnicity: French, English, German, Irish, Scots-Irish, Swiss, Dutch

Is this a joke?

Serious Michael Bay is capable of not doing shit movies.

Is this the one with reverse rape?

She's like the whitest white to ever be white.

It's an Oscar worthy Kino for me.



Only watched this because it was filmed where I lived and recognising nearly every location

>dat airport scene
>dem grey tones
>dat two groups of caped KINOs running directly at each other from opposite directions

Truly the KINO of our time

Oh its this guy, what was the name of that other film he made that literally got -1 stars?

Only ONE thing could have improved You Highness.

End credits animated quest to mirror the start credits. Ends with soft-core animated porn scenes between DMB and NTP.

It was a perfect 7/10 film. PERFECT.

I thought it had promise in the beginning when dwarves tried to hang him but it was shit.

Good movies.

A great movie.


Top tier bro movies


I thought it was pretty funny, but I was hanging out and shooting shit with friends. If I saw it in my alone in my basement I probably wouldn't like it.

I fucking love this movie, but the whole THIS IS A TRUE STORY thing the movie kept throwing up made me actually look up what actually happened and holy shit did the guy not deserve what happened to him in the slightest and the kidnappers were all assholes. Not surprised they cut all the shit about them telling him they were going to kidnap his wife and kids and rape his wife in front of him.