Ok boys, this is how it's going to go

ok boys, this is how it's going to go

January 2018 - Vince gets a hare brained idea to reboot the XFL, trying to take advantage of the backlash against the NFL. it's a reasonable idea on the surface. fans still want to watch handegg, but people are resentful over giving their money to a bunch of bums that disrespect the country and the economic system that let's them get paid millions and quite often 10s of millions of dollars to run around on a field a play with a handegg.

after all, it looks like the perfect time. the NFL's TV ratings, merchandise sales, and ticket sales are all going down faster than Rosie O'Donnell in a women's prison. but Vince hasn't noticed one thing. the kneetakers are also realizing that this could be cutting into their bank accounts. at the end of the season, not many knee takers left.

2018-19 NFL season - only a few knee takers are left. it's more of a novelty now and the fans, being that they have memories about as long as their thumbs, are coming back. a little at first, and then more. Vince still does not notice, he's almost manic that he's going to get the XFL back.

meanwhile, the WWE is hemorrhaging cash. Stephanie and that stupid Michael Jackson dancing bear brother of hers are pleading with Vince, but to no avail. all his money and attention are being poured straight into the XFL. Haitch is burying EVERYBODY and now has so many of the belts he has to bring Shawn Michaels out of retirement to help him carry them all. 30% of the WWE gross goes to engraving HHH on belts. He's got both woman's championships plus a few new ones (Antarctic Champion, Outer-Continental Champion, Iron Chef, etc.). WWE talent is starting to bail out in droves or be fired. Checks are bouncing.

2019-20 NFL season - only knee taker left is Coleen Kaperneck, and it's only because he stayed in that position so long he can't get up. NFL ratings are back, ticket sales are strong, it's a forgotten issue. like it never happened.

WWE is still lumbering along but it's on it's last legs. Vince hasn't put a dime into it or even answered their phone calls since January 25, 2018. with a roster of 1 tag team, 2 women, and 2 singles wrestlers, they are playing half hour shows in bingo halls. We get matches like "J Security Co. vs. Baron von Rasche's cousin" or "That skinny girl vs. The guy that rings the bell".

Haitch has jumped ship by now and divorced Stephanie. the settlement is they both get one kid and half the groceries that are left in the cooler. Haitch attempts to revive the AWA brand, calling it AWAxtreme! to accomplish this, he digs up Verne Gagne and props him up in an office chair behind a card table, working him ventriloquist style and attempting to drink water while Verne talks. due to a lack of talent (only a 6 man roster), Haitch has to wrestle again. His shtick is called "The Mad Janitor", carrying a mop with a bucket over his head so you can't tell it's him. This goes over well at first, since the shows are all staged in middle school gyms. but after 16 weeks, the premise wears thin and the AWAxtreme! folds it's tent.

Vince buys commercial time announcing "Only 320 days until the XFL"

Fall 2020 - No one even remembers the NFL protests and revenues are better than ever. Vince premiers the XFL and 1400 people watch due to their home team being blacked out. 98% of the players immediately walk when their first paycheck bounces. Vince goes for broke and starts hiring high school players to fill the ranks, and within weeks is jailed for 227 violations of child labor laws. XFL folds while Vince in awaiting trial.

WWE mercifully spins down the drain. Having had their inheritance spent on the XFL reboot, Stephanie and guy Stephanie have to get by selling autographs for $5 at Comicon. Haitch lives out his days hawking burial insurance on channel 94 at 3am

sounds about right

could this actually work? I could see this being successful as a minor league that plays during the off season of the nfl and college ball, but I don't know if it will be able to compete with the nfl's popularity.

i laughed
then it got depressing

Isn't that how arena football played, in the off season? Been a long time, I'm not sure. But yeah, maybe. But he's making a friggin mess of his rasslin league, so he will probably screw this up.

>NFL ratings are back
I can't take the post seriously after this. Ratings won't be back anytime soon since people will continue to dump the cable meme.

kneeling isnt the only issue football fans have with the NFL

people are also upset at too many commercials, too many penalties, too many rules, incompetent referees, and issues with parity

im not saying vince can fix these things, but if he can streamline football like he said he would in his press conference, people will watch regardless of anyone kneeling or not kneeling

>this is how it's going to go
Oh boy, another sports market expert. I bet the rest of this post is full of great analysis and not just some 20 something year old dipshit making assumptions.
*scrolls down*
Damn. I expect more from you, Sup Forums.

>tfw Sup Forums's kaepershit funposting actually convinces the WWE to commit suicide

Ahahaha suck it /asp/

>the NFL's TV ratings, merchandise sales, and ticket sales are all going down faster than Rosie O'Donnell in a women's prison

you do know that the overwhelming majority of nfl games are broadcast over the air, right?

People aren't watching over the air

wow! i've certainly been proven wrong by this unsourced post on Sup Forums.org

Anything i watch is antenna. I got sick of paying 130 bucks a month for pure shit hundreds of channels and i only watched 6

Thanks OP for this insight. We all want to know the future, because that's where we're going to spend the rest of our lives.


you could tell from the 30 for 30 he was going to bring the XFL back

feel free to prove that an overwhelming majority of nfl games are watched via antenna

everyone one else realizes the impact of cord cutting on ratings

This could be a decent league so long as the rules aren't radically different and keep wrastlin way the fuck out of it. There's a lot of college players that don't continue into the NFL that I would love to keep watching. There's talent to work with. Hopefully they've learned from the past.

>an overwhelming majority of nfl games are watched via antenna
not what he said. he said broadcast, not watched. you can read i assume? it's in the air for you to receive, should you want to.

this could give a lot of college players that would never get a chance on anything but a practice team for a year or two, a chance to actually play. but you just know vince would treat them just the way he treats his rasslers, and he'd start trying to control which teams won. he's way too ingrained in the fake sport.

let's see...267 games a year...only about 24 of those are cable exclusive...HMMMMMM....


>try to watch NFL game live
>ad break
>three and out
>ad break
>ad break
>ad break
>quarter/half time
>shitload of ads
>same 4 or 5 ads again and again

Maybe Americans are just used to it, but I gave up by half time.

Its not in competition with the NFL. America has a almost limitless appetite for football, especially NEET fans who love just streaming some live event while doing something else.

If Vince streams XFL games plus has a chat on the side (like on Youtube) it will grow fast.

It's all we've ever known. It's better if you're at the stadium, drunk, and slamming $8 beers and nachos. NBC has started showing Premier League games, and Americans are hopefully slowly getting redpilled by the no ads.

it won't be if it airs march to august

Its a running joke here that the last two minutes of a football game will last a half hour because of all the timeouts and ads they manage to cram into that timeslot.

Perhaps the XFL will make more of a impact on the CFL as opposed to the NFL. In terms of taking a hit on the CFL's roster.

>Outer-Continental Champion

Everyone here is talking football... If this thing airs March to fall, it's going to get slaughtered by Basketball. It's going to literally start off by competing with March Madness, maybe pick up a bit in April, and then it's competing with the NBA playoffs in May and June.
These games won't be able to make money in prime time slots, and investors might be scared off when the initial slump occurs because everyone is too busy watching MM and gambling to care about XFL.

Minor league football is a good idea, but it has to know its place. Also, having 1 owner of all teams is stupid, as is paying the most to the teams that win the most. Guess what will happen? After a few years all the best players will have gravitated to one team. Making the other 7 pointless. But I think this is McMahon's plan. He wants a NFL franchise and if he can get one for $100M that is a bargain price.

it's not a joke of it's true