I liked it

I liked it.
I think critics disliked it for a stupid reason.


It's decent except for the end was a cop out because audiences cant' handle a non-happy ending. How it should have ended:

>Pratt dies
>Lawrence goes through a period of alone grieving, gradually getting worse
>Finds Pratt's info on how he woke her up
>Ends with her staring at some other guy's tube, debating on if she should make the same decision that she condemned Pratt for

>I think critics disliked it for a stupid reason.

Actually I'm inclined to agree.
When you really boil it down critics dislike it because a main character does something 'questionable'. Every female critic was already off board.

I mean, I feel this is an 'if the roles had been reversed' movie, guarantee you some of the negative critics would have given it a pass.

Ayyy, that would have been a bretty neat ending desu, senpai.

Well I mean it was literally rape.

This so much. If J-Law and Pratt's characters were switched it would be certified fresh, no question. Not a great movie by any stretch but certainly engaging and interesting. I'd say roughly half or more of the negative reviews came from buttmad SJWs.
2/10 made me reply

So is the implication that they died their alone or is the crew gonna wake up to a whole bunch of new random people born on the ship?

Okay SJW, good point

Lesson for next time is have the girl do it.

>being alone and getting to do cool shit all the time with no repercussions, even get to go on cool outside space dives
>oh no I'm going to die eventually like everyone else who has ever lived, so tragic!

>wake another human being up that will create drama, is capable of lying and deceit, even killing you, and causing turmoil
>good idea!

What a fucking retard, honestly.

Nothing to like. Surprise Sup Forums are shit tasting faggots

5/10 at best. Prolly 4/10

Everybody has seen her pussylips

Not everyone enjoys being a lonely neet.
In space

>becoming friends with a woman, developing a relationship all the time, her falling in love with you, then deciding to fuck you is rape

w e w

i think being alone for the rest of your life with no communication would probably turn you insane

it was pretty cool, most likely in my top 5 this year

After the Fappening, Lawrence became JLaw and no one was interested in any of her parts.

Why the hell did he tell the bartender at all?

Even when you're "alone" and isolating, there are still people you come into contact with, even if you don't leave your damn house.

So it's not truly being alone. There is still human contact.No human contact for 90 years would be rough.

Hell even just shitposting on Sup Forums like this would be enough contact for most people to not go totally crazy.

You are aware it is currently 2017, right?


I at first disliked it but as the movie kept going I liked it more and more.

The robot bartender was best guy

I don't know why he thought the bartender was so bad. He acted human enough, and even though he might not feel emotions, he understood them. Yeah he can't leave the bar or anything, but that's still someone to talk to. Plus he can speak to the machines, which I know isn't fantastic but work with what you got.

He wasn't really alone, per se.

>tfw no romance path with the bartender because even though he understands emotions he wouldn't be able to reciprocate

feels bad man

He has a mouth.

>ship has only one med-pod

med-pod can diagnose and heal people in a couple of minutes

>it breaks down
what then?

It doesn't even really make sense to have one considering everyone was supposed to wake up at the same time and they'd have full doctors.

tight budget please understand

>It's Elysium all over again

who is this qt?

I was surprised by it. It was good. I thought it would be a romance film and instead its an actual sci fi.

damn I would never have watched this unless this thread existed. should I actually rent this?

The medpod was only supposed to be fore emergencies during the voyage. When everyone's awake there'll be a medical staff among them and there'll be no purpose for the medpod.

>using doctors when you have a machine which can basically cure everything in a matter of minutes


Or stream it. Do watch it though. Its a decent sci fi and not rom com rubbish.

I must admit I was a bit dissapointed that Pratt's character was woken up by mere coincidence and not because the ship realized it was malfunctioning and needed a mechanic. Although that explains why nothing in the ship was telling him to fix something which was what had got me frustrated at first.

What emergencies? Every single person including the captain guy kept saying "it's literally impossible for someone to wake up early". They never once planned for an emergency in any other way shape or form so why include that one thing?

this was a good idea

This is why all drone owners need to be gassed.

It seemed pretty inept overall.

Presumably the ship's crew would be awake before the passenger population.

I'm not sure if they made the company who runs the ship completely inept on purpose as some kind of message about man's hubris or what but if that's what they were going for they fucked up.

you need to be gassed faggot.

>tfw do lots of fuck ups that shouldn't have happened if you followed normal procedures
>they can't sue you and even if they do the message will arrive almost a century later if they can even afford sending it
>you also leave the passengers in debt

the madmen

Why didn't Pratt send one of the little robot guys into the exhaust tunnel to open the door?

Um, I don't think the little robot guys do anything they weren't programmed to do...
Even if they can, they don't seem up to the task...

He made one into a remote control and used it to deliver letters.

>There's a spare for everything!!!
>Except for autodocs
And like that 101 plotholes

Oh, yeh, you right. Was thinking it was being suggested the bot does it solo, not controlled remotely. Still, I don't think it would have the dexterity and strength or whatever.
He went into the room with the intent on just fixing the door, but discovered it wouldn't stay opened. I would think he could just tie the handle or prop it in place or something but he was pressed for time I suppose.

No time

The ending twist was nice, how they were predecessors of the future beings in Interstellar who created the worm hole. Didn't see that coming.


Their ship was so fucking ugly

She should have went back to sleep or Jim should have died.

Better endings, but it still wasn't bad. If they didn't sleep together would critics have given it a pass? That's the part they are hung up on.

laurence Fisburne died from what? Stasis induced injuries? But 620? Come on now.

The pods are a life support system and his was failing. So he went through probably months of getting not enough oxygen or food or other shit. So yeah his organs got gradually fucked up.

That star wars shield thingy triggered my space autism.

It makes sense though,to have some kind of defense when no one is awake to make sure that shit don't happen.

But apparently their system suck, lel.

different user here, but i thought it was pretty shitty. not saying it was rape. just shitty.

the subconscious demanded he tell so as to make the ego feel good.