How do we save Sup Forums?

How do we save Sup Forums?

It's clear now that Sup Forums isn't the problem, it's Sup Forums, /vg/ and Sup Forums

Sup Forums is just a cesspool in and of itself.

>going to a cesspool on purpose

>It's clear now that Sup Forums isn't the problem

nice try, Sup Forums

>implying I don't just come here to shitpost

fucking Sup Forums and its fucking nigger mod ruined Sup Forums.
ever since he started moderating Sup Forums, it got so much worse.
this also explains the massive amount of capeshit threads.

>Sup Forums trying to be subtly subvert our board and blame it on others

You asshole are acting like the made-up caricatures that you despise.

>shitposting/meme threads on Sup Forums
>nobody points them to or >feels thread on Sup Forums
>nobody points it to >actress thread on Sup Forums
>nobody points it to or >anime/manga thread on Sup Forums
>nobody points it to >FOX news television channel thread on Sup Forums

Just say it hurts your feelings to see political views you don't like on "your" Sup Forums, and then hide the thread. Don't pretend you're concerned about crossposting though. If you were, you'd complain about every instance of it and not just the ones that touch on politics.

You're not bothered about the quality of Sup Forums, you're concerned with censoring political views you don't like on Sup Forums. Just admit it and then fuck off.


This. You can't even joke about race without some retard screaming >>>Sup Forums

Ban all subhuman mongrel Americuck

it's hilariously transparent. look at all the garbage up right now too

Bring back green oval

lol there's literally a holocaust denial thread up right now and Sup Forums isn't a problem?

>Sup Forumsirgins
>Sup Forums are born board-wreckers


This sums it up

No this does and your refusing to the answer the question spammer:^)

Turns out Sup Forumstards were the real jewish niggers all along

>instantly speaks for the imagined majority in the first sentence
Dropped hard m8. lmao @ you for saving that.

The problem is Sup Forums /vg/ Sup Forums Sup Forums and /po/

this right here

Get rid of the newfag nigger loving mods on this site

>avoid ban
>censor old IP

dubs of truth


Well he's an idiot pedophile so the ban it's not his only concern.

Stopped reading right there. I dislike the kind of normalfag kids on Sup Forums nowadays but pretending to speak for EVERYONE and claiming they share your whiny feelings about off-topic posts is retarded. I welcome off-topic posts in any thread, if you want nothing but SRS DISCUSSION 24/7 go to reddit. Silliness has always been the appeal of Sup Forums.

gonna type down the text and use it for future copypastas


endless reposts are among the board's biggest problems.

I welcome off-topic replies.

off-topic threads just turn every board into Sup Forums.

Sup Forums used to be considered a toilet. Now shitposting is the norm.

Stay on Sup Forums anti art reddit scum


cool samefaging

>/pol isn't the problem
Shut the fuck up Sup Forums