Are you ready for another episode of Samurai Kino tonight?

Are you ready for another episode of Samurai Kino tonight?

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You know it, babe.


So is the Scotsman confirmed or not?

Well op, does Aku's grasp choke the past, present and future?


I'm gonna watch db super, I hated all 80 episodes, but can't stop watching it every weekend.

How old would he be now?

>Samurai "Mr. Lister the Sister Fister" Jack



As I always am


There won't be a new episode tonight because it's April 1st

he gonna die

He was shown in the last trailer looking old as fuck shooting guns while yelling

>Samurai "Pediatric Pedrator" Jack

he was in his late 40's-mid 50's so he's probably 95-100 years old

Requesting that image that has the "necessary/god tier/..." viewing for Samurai Jack.

that wasn't a good list

>not marathoning it all before the new season ends

Took 3 episodes just to kill these bitches. Jack still needs to get back his sword and go looking for Aku. Anyone else feels like it's gonna be rushed?

Just watch all of them. They're all great, except maybe 2.


7 episodes left to get his sword and potentially defeat Aku.

I think the pacing seems fine so far. Seems like there is plenty of time for him to find the sword, regain his sanity and then prepare to take on Aku for one last showdown.

See is kind of disagree, i know Gennedy said this is the final season and he has no intention of making more. But it feels like there just isnt enough time to wrap everything up in 7 more episodes

Secretly i think they new it would be well recieved and they'll do another season

Is this show really good? It looked like fucking shit. Like a cartoon version of Tom Cruise Last Samurai.

>It looked like fucking shit


The shit graphics, fighting and story are why I'm not watching. White guy wannabe samurai dude. What do people like about this show?

You're not baiting anyone friendo

I have faith in Genndy. I'm just buckled in and enjoying the ride no matter what. This season shouldn't have happened in the first place.

>The shit graphics

How is it my fault your childlike mind is genuinely impressed by Newgrounds levels of flash animation.

I'm sorry. Is that PS1 image supposed to impress me?


>It looked like fucking shit.

I know you're memeing but that was a stylistic choice

He's say he's 38. He'd be 88 now.

when will I be able to download the episode?
is there a good site to watch it live?

Yes, there are a bunch of sites to watch it live

how long till it airs? and care to share a link?

>youre face when its all a setup for ashi spinoff

Im a Brit so it airs 3 am my time so 4 hours 40 minutes from now

And just go to the thread near the time, someone will post a link

Gifs please

>yfw Jack defeats Aku but stays in the future

pls no

I want him to get to the past, Samurai Jack

The obvious moral dilemma is too obvious for them not to address.

It also gives them an easy way to even better explain his earlier reluctances and feelings that he was "betraying" his family; He actually has given up on that quest.


thank you my man

im conflicted. I wouldn't want it to stop if the quality is gonna be this amazing, on the other hand what are the ods that the quality will keep up if they decide to "milk" the show with more seasons.

I mean so far Gennedy has made 5 seasons of pure kino

No reason he cant do it for one more

No really



Only 3 hours to go


Can we talk about JACK?

Yes then month long break until the next episode KEK

it's pretty shitty compared to the original tee bee eitch

When is it out?

I'm tired of going to Sup Forums and here over and over asking but... STREAM FUCKING WHERE??

Wait. really?|


fuck he killed them all? too cross faded for that shit last week

>Its a Samurai kino episode

>jack and ashi are trapped inside a giant monster's belly and must find a way out

it doesn't seem like this one will be kino


fucking spoilerfags. Goddammit


Post >yfw wolf dies

we've got summaries for episodes 4-8 already


When does it air?

Fuck off on outta here newfag.

>implying jack is pure enough to use the sword

no pls

best scaramouch impression or best scaramouch impression ?

>Reaction videos

makes me feel less alone cuz i watch everything alone

When did television get so shit that this is the only weekly show I look forward to? Even Planet Earth 2 when downhill after the kino first episode.

I understand that feeling.

So no ones watching Rick & Morty s3 right now?


I'm going to marry Ashi!


She doesn't even know what marriage is.



read this in his voice

This new season is the best thing ever.

Anyone have a link?

Putlocker is gone as of a few days ago.

kino time soon

(no spoilers allowed)

Theres no episode this week you idiots. Its the next. Check out the Episode list for season 5 on wikipedia.

>site says april 1st 11pm
What the fuck are you talking about?

Jack falls off the tree and dies

Pretty obviously going to capture/find the one (one of the) aku daughters that survived, then help her heal as he did for himself previously, then she will realize aku is wrong and help him, ending in a climactic fight against Aku (the other daughter/the trainer)

Jack and Aku get married

did jack lose his sword in the 4th season?

I haven't watched Samurai Jack in 12 years. Do I need to see the other episodes to know what's going on?