Now that Assassin's Creed and Warcraft were both failures who will be the saviour of vidyakino? Tomb Raider?

Now that Assassin's Creed and Warcraft were both failures who will be the saviour of vidyakino? Tomb Raider?

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Max Payne

How was Warcraft a failure? It dominated overseas.

The time is ripe for a Starcraft movie.

Nope, Uncharted will.

>mfw they pulled out of their ass a chinese character and turned the japanese girl into a south african just to sell this shit to China.
This 'lets dicksuck China' era is getting hilariously horrible.

Last of Us because it already was a good movie

technically Warcraft wasn't a failure abroad.

Shut up and take my money already.

>tfw they are making a cinematic universe with Just Cause, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex and Thief

Shes a horrible pick for Lara and that costume looks like trash

>casting that no tits as lara
look I know they revised her looks and all but she still has some noticeable cans

but this is just.........

Ubisoft has got to be the dumbest company ever.

Just had one job. Make Assassins Creed 2 into a movie. There is enough there for a full trilogy after the first one.

Instead they mash together some dumb shit that makes no sense.

Nah, the costume is spot on, but the actress isn't attractive at all

I had a feeling the movie was going to be shit when they changed the Animus. Having an original character was fine since the canon has shown theyre have been plenty of subjects and assassins besides Desmond. Plus its an excuse to visit a period that hasnt been seen in games yet

Youre right it is spot on but it's not an appealing design at all. Im not saying she has to go back to that teal top and booty shorts but at least something from the Legend or Underworld games. Those had better looking outfits


I don't mind the animus, it would be boring if the main character was sitting on a chair the whole movie, but once the past sequences start they really shouldn't have to show the dude doing the same things he's doing in the past in the present, it was just distracting and boring.

Halo 4 : Forward Unto Dawn


Movie is utter shit. CGI looks like the one from 2001.

Does this bitch even have any expressions?
She was good as emotionless robot in Ex Machina, but casting her as a human person was a mistake

This is not Lara Croft. They could take this actress and make an original character out of her and make an original movie, but that would be too risky so they'll just call it Tomb Raider and have the security of an established brand. This shit makes me sick. It really does.

They didn't even bother to make a extended cut on bluray. And no words on the sequel so far.

Nobody outside Worst Korea gives a shit about Starcraft

>some random dude on the internet has a better idea then the fucks making millions of dollars

who thought it would be good to keep going back and forth during the past action sequences? It would be like cutting away to Desmond while youre playing as one of his ancestors. Stupid

kill yourself you disgusting piece of shit

Half the time she looked like she was going to start crying. Especially that last scene in the movie.

She is supposed to be a ruthless CIA operations head?

Assassins Creed is getting a trilogy

>In March 2017, Daphne Yang, CEO of the film's Taiwanese co-financier CatchPlay, stated that New Regency was looking to turn the film into a franchise, since it is based on "successful Ubisoft games and would make ideal sequels."[64] Two additional films are planned, with the first sequel entering development during the production of the initial film.[65] Kurzel told Premiere that he would like to explore the Cold War in the sequel.

China will keep the vidyakino flowing

>trying to make video game based film

CG were the best parts desu. It was the live action that sucked.

Bad pick for Lara, she's a dog. Truly, I have fucked far more attractive girls and I am literally autistic. She must be related to a producer or director of the film.

TLoU could be good if they get the casting right. I wonder if it will follow the events of the game 1:1. I'd like to see something different.

This. I believe Uncharted will be the first video game movie to break the curse.

Jake Gyllenhaal's The Division
Tom Hardy's Splinter Cell

Nah, SC2's writing is awful and SC1's plot wouldn't work since no campaign is enough to carry a movie and combining them would make it jump all over the place.

They had so much good material. Pretty
disappointing desu.

>Movie is utter shit. CGI looks like the one from 2001.
>hes says ironically without having been old enough to watch films in the cinema in 2001 and neither having seen Warcraft in the cinema

>from the writer of Transformers 5

The girl voicing lara in the tomb raider reboot should've played her; a pity she's a shit actress. Instead we get skeleton raider.

Will Metal Gear Solid be good even without Kojima involved? Or will it be good because Kojima won't be involved?

This. She's flavour of the month casting and is wooden as fuck. I was saying it a year ago that the only reason that suited ex machina was because she was supposed to have no understanding of human emotions.

It's like the reverse of the Hitman movie where Instead of casting someone with a stoic charisma they cast someone who looked like they were about to burst out crying.

Camilla Luddington cries all the time and expresses intense emotion in her portrayal of Lara Croft in the new games. Plus she has nice tits so they should've just cast her in the movie too.

Again like the Hitman movie.

nah she doesnt have the right look

It's supposed to be directed by the guy who did Kong Skull Island.

Remember all those parts in that movie which came off as melodramatic to the point of parody?

Or how badly done the opening scene was that it looked like the opening of Tropic Thunder (before it's revealed you're watching a movie being filmed)?

Or the way that the director was so overwhelmed by such a huge cast that he never tried to convince any of them not to just give phoned in performances?

Also remember that Konami didn't want to make a MGS movie 10 years ago because they knew it like all videogame movies would probably damage the brand and so waited until they killed the franchise themselves before green lighting anything?

Yeah it's gonna be BRILLIANT!

watch John Wick

lara croft is the epitome of the hot videogame chick.

why couldn't they cast at least a 6/10?

Borderlands is literally your only hope

Not because vidya stories are intrinsically bad, but because Hollywood is intrinsically bad at stories.

>pretending Resident Evil movies aren't vidyakino

They are the only ones that have worked and made money and will be the only ones.

Witcher movie with Josh Holloway looks like kino


When will "gamers" realize that their precious little toys make for incredibly poor source material? They shriek and shriek about games becoming more "cinematic" at the expense of gameplay, and then they think every fucking laughable piece of trash game "deserves" a "real" adaptation.

They were commercial successes you autits. Enjoy your vidya movies for years to come.

>tfw most successful vidyakino franchise of all time
Take note everyone. This is how it's done.

That's one step shy of YIFY

It won't happen until video games are respected as the art that they are

This better be bait.

The vikings pillaged as far as the Mediterranean and Iran, taking with them women and their dirty Arab genes. Just a fact to keep in mind when viewing OPs image.

The first two are alright

It was good and pretty faithful to the source material. It moves a little too fast for people that never played the games. That'd be the only problem I could see with it.

Because extended cut would be super expensive with that much CGI

>technically Warcraft was a massive hit in China

It was a shitty movie.

What were they thinking?

Kerrigan going zerg and betraying jim.

>It dominated overseas.
Let me explain something about distribution.

In Italy we have a syndicate (er... sorry... I meant to say "union") of distributors, most of whom are also the owners of the theatres.

This means they get to decide which movie gets more screenings and for how long.

As a consequence, some foreign masterpieces are sold out because there are simply not enough shows for all of them.
So people end up buying tickets for another film -- just because they want to spend a night at the movies. Thanks to the fact some films get more shows overall, even if every theatre is half-filled, the result is that this micromanagement of screen-time decides what is a box office success and what results in a bomb.

This usually happens with Italian shitty movies, which are not even the best indie productions, but just the usual pre-heated soup by whoever is in charge atm.
Yet, it might happen for foreign movies as well.

Distributors decide it must be screened more than other movies. People end up watching it for want of alternatives (they wanted to go somewhere else, but it was all sold out). By means of this, you end up doctoring the box-office results.

This happend with Warcraft, e.g. there were other excellent and high-quality runner-up movies. But Warcraft got more ads, more screenings, and more theatres overall. This itself determined its success.

If you consider the territory, most of Italy is mid to low-density. This means that you get only a multi-theatre (a theatre with a lot of screens) per province (except for big cities). So people sometimes they have no alternatives. No one wants to drive 40 km or even 50 to get to the next good theatre. So they tend to watch what they are given in their local council or township.

Mortal Kombat reboot is the only correct answer. The original was the first and one of the only vidya kinos ever made, reboot it and make it the last

Another example:
>a movie was shot around the corner
>it got 3 screenings (overall!) in 3 theatres of the nearby towns
>theatres were so sold out people were standing outside. Suppose you have a 1,000 people room with another 3,000 people waiting outside
With such a turnout, you would expect theatre owners to opt for more screening of the same film... but guess what?
>they didn't, because "distributors" did not allow them to do so
>they had binding contract with distributors who decided "this film must be screened at least X times at XX:XX YY:YY and ZZ:ZZ hours over the weekend"

If there was a free market, I would take the "overseas success" at face value, demonstrating the film was good.
But given how box office successes are doctored, I don't think it means shit.

Warcraft grossed $220 million in China, and $430 million in total.

Italy is irrelevant.

Profits = sequels.

>Italy is irrelevant.
As usual, anons here on Sup Forums don't get the point.
I am showing you how it works in Italy.
I presume most of the countries work like that.
Especially in China where corruption is rampant.

I just gave you a down-to-earth example of how box-office results can be doctored.

China, in my opinion, does even more than that.

If you think my whole point was about Italy, please go back to reading comprehension 101.

I am simply stating this:
>since in most countries the free market of films is a myth
>and since in most countries the box office results are usually doctored in the way I explained
>it doesn't matter how much X or Y grossed, because that's something you can achieve artificially
>So, the whole argument is irrelevant

>China, in my opinion, does even more than that.
you're a fucking Italian, you're baseless conjecture and theories are worthless unless you actually know how it happens in other countries. you do know that your country and Spain are 3rd world countries when you look at certain aspects of your shitholes, right?

>you're a fucking Italian, you're baseless conjecture and theories are worthless unless you actually know how it happens in other countries. you do know that your country and Spain are 3rd world countries when you look at certain aspects of your shitholes, right?
I think the burden of the proof is yours.
Or do you live in a special fantasy world where corruption does not happen and film distributors don't doctor box office results?

As far as I am concerned, EVERYONE does that until proven differently. I don't even have to defend it, because movie distribution industry is so rotten that it happens on a regular basis.
I'm not projecting. Reality is harsh to deal with, I concede it to you.

But we must stop this meme according to which box office success = good movie.

Now, since it was you who started this by claiming something on the lines of:
>it was successful abroad, look at the cash they made

Now, to prove you I am not projecting:
>China has been the subject of a major crackdown on movie industry corruption

[1] (they had to revise down box office numbers)
[2] (just 5 months ago!)
[3] (in general)

>Warcraft grossed $220 million in China, and $430 million in total.
>How was Warcraft a failure? It dominated overseas.

All irrelevant remarks, since box office frauds happen on a regular basis in China. Itanon is right.

Matrix did it and it was not boring.