Which actress has the saddest tits?

which actress has the saddest tits?


Noomi Rapace


Natalie Dormer

Not sure what point you're trying to make, she's literally shown her bare tits on TV and they look great

still mad

I don't even know who this is but I just punched a wall

Soliel Moon Frye from Punky Brewster, Wonder Years, Charmed

Came here to post these. Also Tera Reid's pepperoni nipples.

Neve Campbell
Carey Mulligan

>Soleil Moon

Fucking hippies


>that surgery scar

Better question, which actor has the saddest tits


Kathy Bates

disgusting strokeface whore

Natalie Dormer's tits look like they're trying to escape her body in opposite directions

Clara from Doctor Who

Came here for this, so disappointing with all her potential. When I saw her naked I JUSTed so hard I farted

I'm gonna nominate Scarjo after she butchered her good looks.
Now she just looks like a dyke.


Nicole Aniston before her surgery

the years after weren't great either
now they are mainstream surgery

>doesn't like her big tits because they get her the wrong attention
>chop them off
>now flaunts her ass constantly

I really don't understand this.

There was this one britisch ultra qt. Can't remember name. She had this one make-out scene with some jackoff in a stairwell. Ffs, the tits on the naked granny from The Shining looked more ample and welcoming.

No contest. It's actually impressive that she hasn't killed herself yet.

neve campbell


A woman making a regretful decision and acting like a slut? Christ mate, should call the newspapers.

Eh, I could live with that
Too bad she wasn't just completely flat

You fucking idiot... Do you actually think 38DD breasts are better than 36C breasts? Tit's aren't "the bigger the better" and women with huge cow tits like that develop back problems. C cups are literally perfect.


They look like malformed american pancakes topped with mutated raisins


NO U, she could have ushered in an era proud big breasted women in film and TV but chose to spread the false hollywood body image and fill the pockets of plastic surgery butchers.
And fuck off wtih your "back problems" argument, bitches complain about everything stop listening to them you beta.

Jenna-Louise Coleman
Very unflattering scene.
Why do you gotta take a cute face and ruin it with a disgusting body.

She must have gotten them fixed. They looked bigger and much perkier on Doctor Who


I don't actually have her topless pick but her tits were disappointing. I still dig her.

Those were disappointing, but not the worst

Marion Cottilard weren't exactly fantastic desu senpai!

these hot dogs

*sad trombone sound*

Why does she have so many fanboy, when those puppers are so sad-looking

The blond girl from walking dead whose name I can't remember right now

mournful tits

Don't be mean, they're just very small

they'll never sag

Her butt is pretty nice too.

You were the chosen one...

it's like two suicide notes stuffed in a glitter bra

Kate Pushupbra Beckinsale


Ouch. DFC is wonderful but sagging A cups is horrible.

I don't think Beckinsale's are real and haven't been for a good while now. She's fallen into the bad habit of playing with to much surgery in general these days.

Maggie Gyllenhaal

carrie mulligan's in shame


Emily Kinney of The Walking Dead


could be worse desu

Eva Mendes were pretty dissapointing

negro that's dfc

Not gonna lie, they're better than I was expecting.

we got to see them?

based dfc

She hasn't shown them in full since Manderlay but by this they don't look good.

Kate Winslet

Well she's had 9 kids or so. It's not surprise.

>Kate Winslet

Has she ever shown her tits?

Who put Finn in a wig and tood him to tuck his dick?


Scarlett Johanssen, due to the hype and then reduction.

They're alright.

They're alright too. Small, but not saggy and small.

Emma Peele was describe as having tits that "resembled fallen gothic buttresses" aka saggy as fuck



shes only gonna get worse


dorner pham

dear lord

>tfw know how it feels to have genetics this bad