ITT: We cast a Witcher movie

Eva Green as Yennefer of Vengerberg

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>pics of countless actors that look like the video game characters with no regard to budget considering most of these lookalikes are A/B tier celebs that would be impossible to get into 1 room without making the budget 400m

>not realizing most of the casted characters would be LITERALLY WHO's because a series as recognized as The Witcher wouldn't need an all-star cast. Maybe just 1 recognizeable guy like in GoT (Sean Bean)

Idris Elba as Geralt

memes aside but he can be Geralt


Kstew for Cirilla

The perfect Yennefer casting is impossible, as the perfect candidate to play her is now old and past her prime. Pic very much related.

Make a Bloodborne movie instead.

hmm, ok. You can cast a literallyWHO to run around and read item descriptions for 90 minutes and end up beating up some creature that looks like a deviantart Tim Burton monster

Compelling idea, but they should tweak her name and character role a bit, make it Yennefer of Fingerbang

I'd be fine with a minimal dialogue movie of a guy running around killing monsters and eventually the boss.
You could cream it for like 12 movies.
I'd watch it all.


jesus man. you sound like the type to consider transfromers Kino. please off yourself

I completed Witcher 3 main story and got the fucking ending where my beloved Ciri walks out on me and fucking dies, where Triss and Yen both tell me to fuck off, Dandelion is just standing there doing nothing in the whorehouse and Baron hangs himself. This game has left a hole in my heart that I won't be able to fill in. I'm fucking destroyed. I wanted to play the expansions but then I saw Ciri die and Geralt get all broken inside in the swamp. It fucking hurt. Not even my 22 years of virginity hurt so bad.

Ciri, how could you do this to me? ;/

Transformers suck.
A Bloodborne movie would look amazing aestheticly.


>being a bad dad
>trying to play both girls
>helping an evil spirit

you deserved it

I had to go for a long walk right after I played that ending. Fucking sucked but then I decided this must actually literally and by a huge margin the best game I have ever played. I never gave two fucks about how the story of a movie turned out but this thing game pretty much changed me. Damn.

i didnt play Witcher 3 yet, but i heard Iorveths not in it wtf, he was my favorite

Denzel Washington as Dandelion

>Denzel Washington
>not Robert "Manlet King" Downey Jr.

Ray Winstone as Vesimir

or the Baron

Zach McGowan as Geralt
He has the face from Witcher 1
And the voice

This desu.


Eva Green is fucking disgusting, kill yourself

She has a great personality.

You seem to be unaware that the witcher movie has already been made

Obviously you'd make it about Laurence and Willem with the events of BB as the last third of the movie.

Like Dead Poet's Society mixed with Brotherhood of the Wolf and Dagon.

Kstewart is literally ciri irl

Pretty good choice.

Autistic people often have difficulty recognizing facial features and will only be able to tell people apart by their hair style and color.

fuck now I know why I loved Ciri so dearly. Kristen has been my waifu for 8 years.
Fuck off.

true it's an amazing game. probably the best i've played since red dead redemption.

>No fun allowed

hi Sup Forumseddit


madds as geralt
big tits from mad men as yen
frog face as triss

I'd love to see Eva Green sexfighting (loser cums first) and titfighting Alexandra Daddario. Who wins both contests?

Geralt - Mads Mikkelsen
Yennefer - Eva Green
Ciri - Elle Fanning
Triss - Gemma Arterton

oh no shamelessfu

>Who wins both contests?
we do user
we do

>children with them are automatically jewish
that makes them MORE valuable not less. Your kids will be part of it.

Tom Hardy as Imlerith

>22 years of virginity

Hey user, I'm 22 and also a virgin but I played the game right and got Ciri as a Witcher. You just have to be more confident in appeasing her.

why does Sup Forums come here every week to cast this fucking video game? fuck off already.

Because its the best game that has ever been produced. You play through it and kind of don't know what to do next with your life.

Peter Stormare as a Geralt who's seen some shit.


It was a series of novels that had TV series and movie adaptations (albeit terrible ones) long before it was ever a video game.

He would ham it up too much

> Mfw 27 year old Virgin who has kissed and held hands with a girl

Fucking agreed, let's get that thread going please

is the witcher just a meme or actually worth playing

problem is that i would have to start with the first game, which has shitty graphics

Understandable, but look at the subject matter, if it takes itself too seriously it could be bad in that way.
A Witcher movie with a Hellboy treatment I would find enjoyable but that's just my opinion.
Too serious can be off putting, how well did the Solomon Kane movie turn out?

She's better than Daddario by a mile, pallie. At least Eva Green can express more than 2 emotions.

>show my tits in every movie: the actress
wow. yeah eva really is a genius.

You don't have to play any of the other games, you can get right into this. Otherwise, yes, it is a 10/10 title.

Your point?

Witcher 3 is one of the best games i've ever played, and i find most games shit.

Geralt. The only valid choice.

She looks more like Emma Watson. Just compare their faces, I'm sure there's been an inspiration.

yes and she can actually act.

>tfw no jewish gf to racemix with

>an user made a logical statement that triggers me
>he must be autistic

its so good that i havent even played any other games a month after i completed it. it just didnt seem even a little bit fun to play other titles. i uninstalled and gave away final fantasy 15 after completing Witcher 3. bought ps4 recently and with it both games. It's laughable how bad ff15 is compared to Witcher 3.

No it hasn't, shut the fuck up.

>not having eva be best girl

Need I remind you fucks he's a fucking manlet? Don't you remember him in 100? He's a fucking dwarf

im glad the developers of witcher 3 made such a good game. developers have gotten lazy as fuck. mass effect is shit, fallout 4 is shit. it really says something when both witcher 3 expansions on their own are better than most full release games.

those developers have raised the bar and are now working on a cyberpunk themed game. these guys really are the one shining beacon in this shitty industry.

That said I miss ensemble pieces in general.

till lindemann as geralt.

here's him asserting his dominance


it's literally the best game ever made

Absolutely insulting



Jessica Chastain as Triss.

too old

and another one is being made by Bagiński, and it's probably going to be shit aswell

10/10 bait.

The Witcher is more kino than 90% of tv and film from teh past decade.

Eva Green is truly the most beautiful woman in Hollywood, hell, she’s the most beautiful woman in the entire profession of acting, if not the most beautiful woman in the world. Her dark hair, her smoky gray eyes, her perfect little pink lips, and yes, her gorgeous milky skin, are all unmatched in quality. Not anywhere in Hollywood, or the rest of the world, can one find a woman of such beauty. Along with her her physical perfection is her mental perfection; Eva overflows with sexual energy, not the loving and innocent kind, but the dark, lustful, passionate, and vulgar kind. Her lascivious energy, behavior, and appearance makes the Sup Forumstard enraged, as do her Jewish roots. Take for instance her casual attitude toward nude scenes, in particular her scenes in Noam Murro’s masterpiece: 300: Rise of an Empire. In the film Eva is fucked, choked, pinned against the wall, and absolutely ravished by the virile Stapleton. She takes great delight in the forceful fucking (Both her character, and the real her.), smiling and gazing at Stapleton throughout. She even goes so far as slapping Stapleton in order to make him dominate her further. All these attitudes and behaviors make the Sup Forumstard recoil in rage and horror. The Sup Forumstard cannot comprehend a woman enjoying sex, let alone revealing her true nature through it, and completely reveling in it. Truly, Eva is a woman who will not bend to any man’s will, least of all the will of a neckbearded neo-nazi who posts on obscure internet image boards founded by child pornographers. She is, in complete honesty, a strong and independent woman, and she expresses this through her sexual freedom primarily. I believe what enrages the Sup Forumstards the most is the fact that they will never have her (nor any Jewish goddess like her), and so they attack her on her Jewish faith and origins in order to protect their own cold, weak, and pathetic hearts.

He is a manlet.


Find someone else for Ciri.


real Sup Forums boys roll with the jew. israel must be secured and muslims must be btfo. mazel tov

Geralt isn't some action hero. You would need an actor who could give a very low-key and subtle performance, like Mads.

She doesn't exist in the books. Stop being a sperg.

>different jaw
>longer chin
>different nose shape
>different eye shape
>less full lips
>different lip shape

She's very different than ciri bruh

i like Elle and she looks young but do you have any suggestions?

>Not having him go bane-mode again and cast him as letho

>casting a 26 year old woman in the role of a child

I take it back, actually. She'll do fine.

It's 2017, it's time for a black Ciri

Brendan Gleeson as the skellige Clan chief

Brendan Fraser for Geralt.

Ciri is not a child in the game though.

she is no yen





> is this how you speak to your empress?

>Elle Fanning

When will this meme actress disappear?