Sup Forums, if i get 5 unique posters, i will show you something truly amazing, you won't regret it...

Sup Forums, if i get 5 unique posters, i will show you something truly amazing, you won't regret it, lets see if i can get enough interest

Attached: download.jpg (273x184, 6K)


I'll play


Fuck it, bumpin'


Eg lika å eta pote skjona du da din vetle rævafjott

Fuck you in advance, OP.

OP here, 5 people have posted, give me 30 seconds to set it up

Better be goddamn amazing

Here she is, isn't she amazing?

Attached: 629b0288dd_1080_mp4_20161204_153932_713_by_shenziholik_daqrw8k-pre.jpg (1192x670, 50K)


Tryna get backtraced and hit by a prestigious hit man from the deepest of webs?

Do you think she'll shit down my throat if I pay for her dinner?

back trace me using what, my age and my jasiri pictures?

hell yeah


Where you at Jasiri I got cash for dayz lemme buy you a lil somethin'

sure, want my credit card?


Fy faen dar tok du meg, bra jobba

bork bork bork

Ka faen sa du no di vetle fitta? Eg ska fanameg eta rævhåle ditt te hemorroidene dine ha hemorroider