My friend died today Sup Forums

my friend died today Sup Forums

cops and family wont tell me how and for some reason that upsets me. can i get an F in the replies and take a drink also if u see this post.


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>cops and family wont tell me how
thats because youre a suspect

im sorry for your loss. F

F have Idaho friend

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Was looking for an excuse to drink today, F

if i was a suspect they would have kept me there longer than 5 mins. they said they dont know the reason. they said sorry for my loss as i explained i was a close friend. he had passed and they gave us hugs saying hey its okay. we just rolled up to his house wanting to go shoot pool at the bar tonight, he hadnt replied to any of our calls or texts all week. he had a rare bone disease and im thinking he OD'd on his opiate meds.

very close, i live near CDA.

i appreciate you. pour one down for the boys sir...

>if i was a suspect they would have kept me there longer than 5 mins
false. watch your back user

id also like to point out the fact i only knew him for 4 months. not bery long but we got close as friends. he doesnt live too far, we fried on shrooms and stomped on meth pipes in the street, did some art, played video games. he was an honest to god good guy. yeah he was a muslim raised guy, we drank brews and laughed and smoked out. he was an honest to god good american guy and i love him and his family. im so v depressed boys. feels good to get this out on here.

he helped me through some troubling times last month, always was offering all our friends comfort and food, making sure we never went hungry. never went thirsty. always checked up on us. when we checked up on him, well. he had died.

were trying to honor his death in every way we can, but his family lives 4 hours outside town and we cant all go to his funeral including myself. we dont know what to do about it all other than get fucked up and shout his mantras as we drink and remember. try to celebrate but the thoughts always lurk about the afterlife...

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i have nothing to worry about. i had nothing to do with his death or other illegal activites. last time i saw him was a week ago

Wanna talk about him OP? Recently lost someone very important and telling stories about them is always fun, makes you remember good time.

go ahead and share yours user. if love to hear

me and ahmed always had fun taking dabs, getting drunk and playing pool. hitting on hot girls and getting their numbers then waking up and laughing about it all. he was a very good friend, loyal and kind to all around him. manners were ON point in every situation.

The most recent good memory of me and him was when we just went up to our cabin and shot his old 20 guage, at that point, i had not smiled genuinely for months. Miss him so much.

Also, your Ahmed sounds like an absolue bro.

thats such a chad way to bond. keep yourself around people who give u that smile dude, the people who make u really take in the moment. life is really really short and our fallen brothers tell us that story when we remember them. im sorry for your loss as well, that sounds like a kick ass time and i myself would do that with u any day.

Ah its so hard to find people who are just that cool, yknow?

Sorry OP
Life is a very short thing and for some it’s even shorter
It isn’t very fair and we get caught up in useless things
Remember these good times

i appreciate your comment, its odd how those were nearly my exact thoughts tonight. thank u bro. dont forget to take a drink

Mate what the fuck happened we have to know how this nigga went...

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oh i know dude. but they are out there. as much as society wants us to believe everyones the enemy, u never know who could end up being a really good friend and a great person in general.
obviously caution is involved meeting new people but on god were too packed in as a society to realize that amazing people are right in front of you.

and life truly is too short. ahmed died at 25 years of age...

>nipples are fucked up

thank u for trying my dick hardly moved im too sad for this shit

also im trying to figure that out for myself. what i mentioned above about his bone condition and medicine he took could be a huge factor. but guy lived such a painful life, who knows if he took it for his own. im worried genuinely now. ive always checked in on him hoping hes okay because he lives so close but the fact he actually died confirms my actual suspicions and worries in the first place

They people always go so sudden aswell. He died of a heart condition that i may or may not have inherited, he was only 39 and was in the military, so its not like it was a health thing

pour a drink out for da homie

Kill yourself.

how old was he? just full on get it out here bro. im here for you since youre here for me. its okay just tell the whole story man

suicide pact?

He went suddenly, so his death doesnt have much of a "story", but he died at 39 because the arteries going to his heart thickened suddenly. He had no history of heart condition and was very active. The last thing i said to him was "cya wensday", he died two days after

I feel. F

wtf thats so random dude

i second this;)

suicide pact? live stream?

thats pretty fucked my dude sorry for the loss here's an F