When did Sup Forums become a porn board? Why is it infested with zoomer memes? What happened?

When did Sup Forums become a porn board? Why is it infested with zoomer memes? What happened?

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About 75 porn boards right now... Shit sucks

Blah blah, got more popular, blah blah, normalkeks joined, blah blah

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Lack of creativity from younger anons.


There's now actual faggots

Sup Forums used to have a distinctive culture... There was no place quite like it, and now it's gone forever. I blame memes for the the decline in creativity.

Gookmoot I'd actually pay $2 a month for a porn-free Sup Forums with 24 hour jans to nix all porn and faggotry. Make some money for this shithole.

Bring back OC, memes and raids.

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shitty memes

Sup Forums is whatever people post. The idea that Sup Forums is or ever was some kind of culture is a joke. Don't like porn? Don't like poor quality shit? Post some non-porn good quality shit then.


Just because there is no restrictions on what you can post doesn't mean there is no culture.

Trends friend, nothing more, nothing less. You either go with the flow or go elsewhere. Don't understand why anons treat this place like some possession of theirs. It's like a TV, you either like or hate it. Time to switch over Pal.

What you call "culture" was a mere cluster of regular posters that were on Sup Forums when you were on. Cultures endure for generations. Thinking of the Sup Forums you liked as a culture is the same as you thinking your clique/gang/circle of friends in high school as a culture. It wasn't and neither was Sup Forums.

What I meant by culture was the general attitude and common elements of regular posters. Most people can agree that Tumblr and Twitter both have "cultures", that there is such a thing as "internet culture". The same can be said for Sup Forums.

It's more like entropy.

The Loli/Shotta is what bothers me. Actual child pornography. And the Sup Forums admin's say its okay to post it here, fucking backwards neckbeards.

Sjws got in back during the tumblr raids and found that they liked the anonymity of the place...been filled with traps and black dick ever since...

TLDR : long haul raid by tumblr

>The same can be said for Sup Forums.

Cultures change with time. I've seen it first hand with Sup Forums, I've being here since 2007 at least. Also guess what? Porn has always being here, there has always being porn threads.

2003, or thereabouts


I'm not defending it, it's something I cannot understand either. But loli has always being a part of 4chans culture. Much worse used to be posted here until the FBI got involved.

>Porn has always being here, there has always being porn threads.
There have always been threads about anything, its the ratio between them that's important.
Honestly I think it's gotten so bad that Sup Forums will never evolve again. This is the last trend.

Sup Forums is the most extreme. The kiddies think they edgelords. If you made a more extreme board...

>This is the last trend.

Good. It's time to let Sup Forums die. I've watched this site go from being a good laugh to being advertiser friendly. But Sup Forums will never die, people enjoy flogging dead horses far too much. The current year is 2019 and the current culture likes wwyd homoerotic filled threads and cuck LARP fantasy threads. Lonley guys jerking each other off.

Oh yes. That's what it's become. Enjoy your stay.

I've also been here since 2007, and basically after brazzers got megabig there were tons of porn/where threads.

Honestly, nostalgia tends to blur your clarity. There were a FUCK TON of dubs threads, far worse than anything we have now, as well as tons of repetitive shit basically repeating the same old c-c-combos or setups with no real creativity.

Also, raids sucked. You either got a bunch of cool dudes who did DDOS shit or everyone else who was clueless. Literally the last time Sup Forums was actually cool was Cicada.


become? way to show off hkw much if a newfaggot you are. now fuck off

>and basically after brazzers got megabig there were tons of porn/where threads.

Fond memories. If I got a login and pw early I'd rip the site, burn the images/vids to a fucking CD and sell that shit to my mates.... Good times.

Whoo think was him...!?!

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Believe it or not there was a time when porn only accounted for only like 20% of the threads.

yeah, and it was that special kind of porn back then.

and this time is how far in the past extacly? dont act as if it happened yesterday is what im saying. its been like this for years now.

Errrr.... no. There was loli threads, furry threads, porn threads, sitckcam threads, fluffy/desu abuse threads and C.P threads. Porn of all different kinds. Just now we can add FB/IG, wwyd and general newage teenage autism threads.

This. There are more containment boards now, which means the threads b gets are more concentrated and less diverse

>dont @ me, roodypoo

Lot of people got older here but sexually frustrated. The frustration is mirrored by all the porn.

Go to:

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& Sup Forums is the only Sup Forums board that is EXPLICITLY allowed to have PORNOGRAPHY posted within the limits of the GLOBAL RULES. This has always been the case.
Meanwhile, there are only two other boards:
( /hc/ = "hardcore"; and /hm/ = "handsome men" )
that explicitly allow pornography at all and even then, those boards are very restrictive in what they will allow.

That isnt true at all, almost every 18+ board besides R9k has explicit porn. Gif, r, all the hentai boards, etc.

After 2015

goodnight bros, bye thread.

: nice dubs
I repeat there are only TWO other boards:

If YOU think otherwise please name those other boards, and I will be pleased to prove you wrong.

I am not talking about what people "get away with" I am talking about EXPLICIT approval in the RULES.

Apologies if you don't understand what "explicit" / "explicitly" mean:

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And sooooo many pony threads

You don't get out much do you?

I am pretty sure that I "get out" a lot more than you do:
road race cycling, hillwalking / backpacking, mountain climbing, rock climbing, regular & often time consuming gardening in my own extensive gardens and travelling across national borders to visit friends and relations fairly regularly.

But when I am indoors in my own freehold house:
I like to use Sup Forums within the confines of the rules as defined by Sup Forums, not by some fucking reddit retards that want to impose their own retarded restrictions (on me and other bona fide Sup Forumstards) that have FUCK ALL to do with Sup Forums's actual rules (that most of us are happy to comply with).

>Enjoy your stay.
..... and in the meantime, why don't you fuck off somewhere else and leave us Sup Forumstards in peace?

this : also : nice dubs