Comfy Horror Shows

Happy April Fools Sup Forums! Celebrate by bantzing with us while watching the comfiest in horror television broadcasting. Including... Goosebumps, Are you Afraid of the Dark, Beyond Belief, Tales From the Crypt, X-Files, Tales from the DarkSide, and your suggestions!

Stream Link: cytu dot be/r/sleepsnug

Thank you and sleep snug.

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Comfy tier 1:

Comfy (patrician tier):

>that image from the X-Files opening

FBI, I'm Dr Bambi

goosebumps starting

nice was hoping youd show up again

tales from the darkside beginning now


god she was foxy

pun intended

My headcanon is that this pic related is Patrick Bateman and he's in the same universe

Was Alfred Hitchcock presents comfy?

top tier episode

thanks for being a nice streamer op. please never quit like all the other spooky comfy streamers have

>Comfy Horror Shows
horror cannot be comfy

And that's where you're wrong. Horror is one of the comfiest genres.


I was always a bit of a wimp so don't watch much horror, but the discusssion is interesting, especially on Sup Forums most people are pretty chill and have some comfy threads

>Are you Afraid of the Dark
>Tales from the DarkSide
>Tales From the Crypt

what are the must see gems from these series?

>I am special agent Fox Mulder, with the federal bureau of investigation!

goosebumps now

Comfy seems like a weird word to describe The X Files - it almost takes away the very dark aspect of the show.

Most of the filler episodes were super comfy

Outer Limits remake show is actually pretty great. Made by the same people who did Stargate SG-1.
Tons of more or less famous actors in it.

I also loved watching Poltergeist: The Legacy as a kid.

if i pull that off, would you die?

Kindred The Embrace is comfy and cheesy as fuck, though it's a shame it only had one season since it stopped when it was finally becoming good.

How similar is it to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines?


Could you add the Outer Limits (1995-2002) to your lineup?

bump bump

Don't expect much


Lower your weapon.

Not. Vampire High is the most VtM of any tv show. Don't let the online synopsis fool you, it's not like in Vampire Diaries with vamps pretending to go to human school and shit. They live in the basement and try to control their impulses, like killing the day stutdents, so they can pass as human. Or at least not go on a feeding frenzy if surronded by people.

Anyway, it's pretty much VtM with the serial numbers filled off. The episodes are only 30 minutes though.