Why are you not a Nazi yet user?

Why are you not a Nazi yet user?


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The only things that all Nazis have in common are that they are gay and have small penises. I am straight and my penis is big, thus I am not a Nazi.

>has a penis fixation
Whatever you say bub.

the nazis are the losers
lost in war
discredited theories
untermench members
low-tier intellect
seriously.........just don't


Nazi's gang rape men in jail,

Nobody like these negative Nazi assholes that's why they don't have friends.

Nazi's don't cook, Nazi's don't work, Nazi's live off welfair and don't do laundry.
Nazi's are generally lazy people. That's what Mine Kumph was about how to get rich quick and how to work from bed without lifting a finger, and how to live off someone else.

>failed ideology of a literal soyboy

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obvious samefag

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What a faggot, there's plenty of reasons to hate the nazi's but your list is fucking embarrassing!

>nazis are the losers
Only fucking just, they had the brits on one side and the russians on the other, yet they still managed to fuck half of Europe before the end

>discredited theories
Wtf does this dogshit even mean?!

>low-tier intellect
Absolute bullshit. Is that why all the nazi scientists were recruited by the dogshit USA under operation paperclip? You wouldn't have gotten to the moon without their rocket expertise and the jew experiments on what happens to a body in low pressure environments.

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no for real, hitler was a vegetarian. a true soyboy

CTRL+F to find a business on this wiki page if youre skeptical.



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>only fucking just
in about the dumbest fucking way possible. Hurr, let's make ourselves surrounded durrr

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Don’t forget the Oklahoma City Bombing
Nazis man, they suck

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>I hate successful people for being successful

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>the Black Hand is often viewed as having contributed to the start of World War I by precipitating the July Crisis of 1914, which eventually led to Austria-Hungary's invasion of the Kingdom of Serbia

Attached: aaa.jpg (640x241, 47K)

>to his father-in-law, Donald Trump, the president of the United States. Kushner is the elder son of the former real-estate developer Charles Kushner, the son of Jewish immigrants from the USSR,

Attached: 220px-Jared_Kushner_June_2019.jpg (220x282, 15K)

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love how you didnt adress the untermensch part. mustelidaeic

makes sense

How do you know Nazi's have small penises? Are you the Nazi penis inspector? I bet you are, you raging faggot.

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>Nazi penis inspector?

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she looks nothing like that without her own face paint (makeup)

>being proud of your nation and standing against what's destroying our society is wrong
>being a degenerate, liberal transqueer non binary pedo niggersexual is fine
People like you are brainwashed and braindead beyond belief

>t. Nigger

>proud of your nation
that's fucking retarded. how can you be proud of a nation? that's like being proud of the socks your mother got you. do you even know what pride is? don't worry, i'm going to give you a minute to google it.


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