The white man is FUCKED!

The white man is FUCKED!

He thought he could succeed in crushing the spirit of the black man through slavery and Jim Crow. He thought he could succeed in dominating the white female through rape and pay inequity. But the white man only succeeded in giving the black man and the white female a common enemy. This is why white women and black men are always the "it" couples. They represent a union of good that can defeat the evil that is the white man.

You made your bed, white man! It's time to lay in it!

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Alright, time to go back in chains.

I’m Mexican but okay nigger lol

Ok. I’ll just go fuck all the black women all of you abandoned.

This is like threatening to pick up pennies on the sidewalk. Lmao.

As a white man I can say that our women (especially the nordic blondes) were absolutely made for black men. They are so right for each other.

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Kill yourself.

At the end of the day, it’s still money.

Nigger detected

Well someone has to pay for his cell phone bill

Uhm, she is not white though


>Black man and white woman = shit mutt offspring
Guess what.
>white man seed can only continue the master race... you were fucked from the beginning OP, I’m sorry but you never stood a chance.

Go enjoy aids

Your sister's Insta.

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I want my white wife to have a child from a black man. I want to raise a black son because it is the right thing to do

I hard imagining her lips wrapped around his dick

My last two gf’s were pretty white girls and they both said they could never date a black man, sorry buddy.

Smart man. She should come first and us white men need to know our place. We can't handle our own women, but black men can. So the cuck life is our best option.

>never date
but did they say they dont want to be fucked by one?
they lying to you user

thats because black guys have a better chance to get rich or die trying
which is a win-win for them
white guys just work till they die

Kill yourself.


You spelled Jew wrong.

The only thing that holds blacks back are blacks. No one gives a fuck that you're black more than a black person


I know some women that openly said they want to be fucked by blacks but they have so many issues I pity the negroes that may fuck them lol



>living in Norway
none of the nordic chicks I know even know any black dudes kek

Only soy cucks let their women get taken by monkeys hahahahahaha

>living in Norway

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>implying Princess Martha isn't a complete brainlet wackjob