Should we revive kekistan Sup Forums?

Should we revive kekistan Sup Forums?
With the upcoming US election, I've noticed that the normies are starting to gain major influence on... well mostly everything. There has been extreme purges of all edgy content on nearly all websites and the news is portraying the remaining one's (like Sup Forums), as terrorist sites. Shall we take a stand Sup Forums or fade into Oblivian?

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Blow your brains out.




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Stop samefagging and kill yourself.

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It don work, i tried
And also stfu u doomer fuck, only depressed pieces of shit use Sup Forums dark theme

gotta get trump to tweet about kekistan mate, that'll show those libcucks

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Fucking kill yourself

Nuclear Grade Cringe.

just let it go user, the sargoys got to it, there is nothing we can do

I support this statement

OP is a faggot.

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Whats more cringy?
Clown world or Kekistan?

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It's time to take the blackpill

stop phonefagging and kill yourself.

Kekistan, hands down


that hurt my soul, fucking boomers

Shouldn't we all?

Get back to your containment board, edgelord.

When this gets to page 8 I'm nuking it

It won't happen, but we can try

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Kekistan is way cringier. Clown world is mostly just kinda sad.

Zomg own those libs, my Sup Forumsrotha.

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it could come back if it had a new spin on it