I don't understand taxes Sup Forums

I don't understand taxes Sup Forums.

Do you have to make a certain amount for them to collect federal income tax? I only make like $40 to $60 a week and I noticed they haven't taken out for income tax essentially this entire year.

Am I going to get to tax time and be royally fucked?

>Pic unrelated

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If you make under 12,000/year i think you dont have to worry about it.

>$40 to $60 a week
lol what

People living below the poverty line don't get taxed in some countries.

>$40 to $60 a week
Stay mad wagecuck

Well yeah, if you don't earn enough to get taxed you don't get taxed. You can look it up it's not secret information, they tell you exactly how they're going to fuck you.

Also what the fuck are you doing for proper employment that pays that little? are you 12? if so, gtfo.

Every legally-employed worker not paid in cash pays taxes. If you receive a check from your employer, taxes are taken out of it before you receive it (these deductions are usually detailed on the other piece of paper papered to rip off from it. If they didn't deduct these taxes, their books would not balance, because business owners also pay taxes. You won't be fucked. You either owe or you don't, it depends on what expenses you're responsible for come tax season.

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Welcome to small town American where fast food franchisees are the only jobs and the managers cut pay and hours to pad their bonus.

You can fill out forms not to have it deducted but you will be responsible for what you owe at tax time and will more likely be audited. Your employer is required to fill out your tax information in order to prove you are eligible to work but that is it.

Hope you meant $40-60 an hour.

You're making 60$/week, you're already fucked.

at 8$/hour, that's six hours, or slightly less than one day, of work a week.

Yeah, no shit, the point is you pay taxes regardless. Doesn't matter if it's now or later.

I meant a week
Tell me something I don't know
$7.25 an hour generally only 9 or so hours a week. My boss is an asshole and pizza cook isn't exactly a lucrative position. Unfortunately that's the only kind of job here.

Bullshit that's the only kind of job, you're not trying hard enough.

you literally cook pizzas for three hours a day three days a week?

nigga i used to fold towels six hours a day three days a week and barely made enough to rent a small room for me and my gf from her cousins, should have knocked her up there instead of waiting to get a Real Programming Office Job first, would have been a lot happier

Time to go learn a trade.

>Be op
>no skills
>Folded towels. Get fired for making towels into fuck pockets
>Can only make pizza 9 hours a week
>Somehow manage to have phone or computer with internet access.
>Cant possibly find anything better or learn a valuable skill in the trades
>100 pounds over weight
>havn't shaved in weeks
>smell like dead fish

People shouldn't have to work to survive! The government spends enough money on defense to feed the entire country AND give us healthcare!

Yeah no shit, you were folding fucking towels and only 3 days a week.

Go get a proper job, there's plenty out there, don't tell me there's not. You're not trying hard enough.

Defense spending is like 800 billion a year. not gonna look it up.
Bernies healthcare plan was 3 trillion a year.
3T > 800B
Learn 2 math.

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If you get paid less than $600/year the employer isn't required to fill out the W4 or list you on W3's. There is also the possibility that he will be given a 1099 but as
said unless he makes more than $12000 a year it's not really an issue.