Kinda sad as an oldfag to see nobody posting about this

Kinda sad as an oldfag to see nobody posting about this.

R.I.P to the Spartley Spooligans

Attached: FB_IMG_1570986111292.jpg (960x960, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Forever queens of Sup Forums

There were like 15 threads about this yesterday.



they both died?

They were barely alive to begin with.

I’m just happy for their parents. Such a massive burden lifted

they didn't die, the vegetables just reached their expiration date

I wonder how the dad and son are doing

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OP posted two chihuahuas so I'll post a pug. Let's make this a proper dog thread

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yeah, they were basically just a brain stem.

Someone on another thread said Cal is on the boywankers site. Can anyone post some screenshots of it? He is 21 btw

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she finally let them die because her youtube channel got demonetized


>Spartley Spooligans





polly pockets herp derp

*pans to dog as he wishes for the sweet release of death*



Fuck I hate millennials. I used to think furries were bad.


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Even the dog looks retarded

I forget, what exactly was wrong with them? It's obvious that it was some brain development issue but I don't remember the name

Microcephaly. Basically thet have no brain, only a brain stem.
Literally a single digit IQ.

The parent should have died instead. They knew 100% from their genetics that if they ever had children that the kids would be developed like this, and they fucking ended up having children anyways because all they want is attention and to play the "poor us we have retarded offspring" Ploy. Fuck them, Hitler was a better person by putting poor souls like these girls out of their misery. Hope these fucks die in a car fire.

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