Once Trump rounds up the Mutineers...

Once Trump rounds up the Mutineers, hundreds if not thousands of you who supported Impeachment will be arrested by Homeland Security.

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I can never get a straight answer here. Is he a fascist or not?

He is not a fascist. This is for the Good of our Country. Pelosi and her co-conspirators must be locked up out of sight of the American People where they might do more damage. Trump has been very patient with them. This could well jeopardize the 2020 Election if the People's Minds continue to be poisoned with talk of Impeachment and Removal from Office.

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no but those who oppose him are

I don't think Trump could give the definition of "patience" if you gave him a dictionary. On a side note, I hope he gets voted out. Not because I dislike him, but simply because it would be worth an infinite amount of keks and lulz to see him completely chimp out on twitter.

Exactly. It's because of antifa and liberal "resistance" that these decisions are being heavily weighed and considered. Trump doesn't want to have to lock up the House Leadership, but they keep persisting in attempting to topple this government, and fortunately it's been discovered in time and now is being dealt with.

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Maybe the 2nd amendment people should get involved if the government wants to round up citizens because they support lawful actions like impeachment.

He certainly looks like an orange so he would sit good with the other pedophile fruits in jail.

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Whoever came up with that chart and "investigation" is being watched by ICE and will be also consequently arrested along with the other Co-Conspirators in Congress and other places.

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This. Look, we've had it. We tried putting out a hand of friendship after the Election only to have it slapped back time after time. Enough. We're going to clean house and go back to what we were doing--saving America from the scourge of liberal socialism.

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Fucking idiot.
You can't arrest public individuals for a believing the president is a criminal.

Which he has always been, btw.

Your pussy stinks

Of course I support his impeachment. I believe Americans should be tough on crime and he is a criminal.

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the 2nd ammendment people? lol,you mean the ones who only care about the 2nd ammendment when the democrats are president.this was proven by donald trump

>trump has been very patient with them

what a moron,since day 1 he hasnt wanted to cooperate with the democrats.lets make america great again by getting rid of the children in the white house and the children who support the child in the white house

on a thread of retards you came out to be the most retarded, congrats :)))

>jeopardize the 2020 election

cry more kid,republicans are dumber then i thought if they choose trump again in 2020 after all the bullshit he's did


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>house leadership

god you trump supporters are dumb,how about this? instead of bitching about the media all day long.why dont you work on the reason why you lost the house majority.next time you pick a president might i suggest picking a republican instead of a pile of liberal shit.then you might of kept the house instead of losing it because your as stupid and left wing as donald trump

Umberto Eco's 14 features of fascism. It describes Trumpsim perfectly.
1.) Cult of Tradition (MAGA, bring back coal, white nationalism)
2.) Rejection of Modernism (Globalism is evil!)
3.) Action for action's sake (Build the wall! ‘Lock her up!’)
4.) Disagreement is treason (Trump openly refers to liberals as traitors, turns viciously on dissenting Republicans)
5.) Fear of difference (rampant Alt-Right racism and sexism)
6.) Appeal to a frustrated middle class (Every Trump rally ever)
7.) Obsession with a plot (The Deep State, George Soros)
8.) Humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies (Limousine liberals elites, the swamp)
9.) Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy (tearing up the Iran treaty)
10.) Contempt for the weak (Trump mocks disabled reporter - and just about everybody)
11.) Everybody is educated to become a hero
12.) Transfers his will to power to sexual matters (“you just walk right up grab her by the …”)
13.) Selective populism (#MAGA red hats, self defeating tariffs, ‘Lock her up’, pardoning right-wing cult heros)
14.) Newspeak (Fake News! Swamp, Deep State)

nah,your just an overgrown kid.like your president,i hope we dont have to hear another 4 years of bitching after the 2020 election

>alt right racism and sexism

>but its alright when my side does that,like they did when obama was president

>trump is liberal

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he's been a democrat most of his life,his family members are life long liberals

its time to start living in reality instead of trump's fantasy land you redneck retard

frogposter is mad

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>he's been a democrat most of his life
stop posting now frogposter

Punch yourself in the face you fascist piece of shit

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>might of

Losing the house is the norm, but I wouldn’t expect the underage such as yourself to know his.