Just a reminder that Jesus loves you

Just a reminder that Jesus loves you.

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Of course he does, because Jesus is a gay homo



Thanks Jesus

get outta here with your god onna stick

He did talk a *LOT* about money.

Doing nothing is an odd way of showing love...

Jesus died for us.

You ever have a buddy take the rap for something you did? That is what Jesus did. He took the eternal wrath for all the shitty things that you and I have done.

He took the ban for our shitposting.

fucking fag

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So, god was angry that the folks he made didn't do what he told them to do despite him giving them free will and his rules being retarded and mainly about making the folks he made spend more time telling him that he was great. (big fucking ego problem for an omnipotent being?)
So, he closed the gates of heaven because he was pissed that people weren't telling him he was great but he had the masterplan to get his own mother pregnant, have himself born amongst his minions and, after making tables and shit for 30 odd years, have himself tell the plebs that they better start telling him how great he was more regularly, then he decided to get himself killed so that he had to open the gates to heaven again to let himself in?
Makes perfect sense. Where do I sign up?

Who asked him to? What was the fate of all the people prior to his supposed sacrifice of himself?

Thank you OP

I understand that you are being facetious but there are any number of local churches that would be happy to have and further educate you.

I understand you confusion and displeasure about God making rules, allowing us to break them and then being mad about it.

It all has to do with forgiveness and justice. If I steal from you, I can make it right by paying it back. Some things can't be repaid. My death won't give the years I took from my victim back. Even if it did, I don't have enough years left to repay.

Jesus's death. The death of God himself is enough to repay it. It is enough to remake creation into one based on love and forgiveness. Where we know the pain and price of sin, but don't have to pay the price that we can't.

I've fucked up.
I've fucked the world up.
I've made things as right as I can but there is no way for me to unfuck this.

fuck jesus fuck god fuck the holy spirit and fuck you

Who asked?
Anyone who said help me fix this thing I've screwed up.

What was the fate prior?
Death in the hell that we made for ourselves.

you are delusional

I forgive your anger.

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Have you seen my briefcase

Stop putting words in my mouth.

Perhaps. But if I am wrong, I am merely being a kind, forgiving and generous person. I try to do no wrong and I try to help others.

Who are you if you are wrong about the world?

No, but nice trips.


I'm OP and not offended.

I will go to a church if you can answer me one question satisfactorily:
Why does an omnipotent being need to be worshipped?
Why, in his written communications with his creation, does he spend so much time telling them how and when to worship him and in what manner ertc?

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>I am merely being a kind, forgiving and generous person. I try to do no wrong and I try to help others.

nobody gives a shit go fuck yourself

nice gets

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Look Jesus, we've talked about this. The sex just wasn't working for me. I'm moving on with my life, and so should you. Now stop messaging me FFS.


No he doesn't.

Jesus is a human construct invented by committee

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he doesn't need your worship, you worship to acknowledge his greatness, and the gifts of his creation.

The Bible says different. He demands our worship and tells us how often we must do it and in what manner.

I know, I had to change my number twice. His friends call him "hey-soos" but I call him a stalker.

You're the one that should be asking my forgiveness and no, I won't give it, Next time mind your own business and maybe you won't be crucified

if you rely on the Bible to tell you how to believe, and revere God you're misguided. The only authentic understanding of God is your own understanding and acceptance of his, and your innate divinity.

Attempting to overthrow an secular society to implement Christianity is illegal and would be summarily dealt with.

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In the culture in which the laws regarding sacrifice were written, human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice was common.

Later the gift desired.
Psalm 51 " You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise."

Matthew 9 " On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”"

Jesus is gay?

Has anyone seen my briefcase

How did I hurt you? Let me know and I will apologize.

There are missing books of the Bible where Jesus has homosexual experiences.

yus, Jesus was a turbogay

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For starters you can apologize for the countless hundreds of millions of people whose lives have been destroyed by Christianity over the centuries, people who clearly did not want it in their lives and it was forced upon them often to the point of death.

You can start there.

At least someone does

I have no intention of doing that. The ancient Christians didn't attempt to overthrow Rome which actively persecuted them.

In fact St Paul wrote in Romans 14 "Every person should place themselves under the authority of the government. There isn’t any authority unless it comes from God, and the authorities that are there have been put in place by God. 2 So anyone who opposes the authority is standing against what God has established. People who take this kind of stand will get punished. 3 The authorities don’t frighten people who are doing the right thing. Rather, they frighten people who are doing wrong. Would you rather not be afraid of authority? Do what’s right, and you will receive its approval. 4 It is God’s servant given for your benefit. But if you do what’s wrong, be afraid because it doesn’t have weapons to enforce the law for nothing. It is God’s servant put in place to carry out his punishment on those who do what is wrong. "

Jesus, forgive me. Please be there for me at the end. I'm sorry.

But what did I do?


What was done to you?

>every person should place themselves under the authority of the government.
This is proof that Trumpers aren't Christians lol

I care and will listen.

My society sucks because of Christiainity, user. Without it, we could have been in space by the 1700s. Instead your cult killed everyone who didn't believe in their fucking skygod.
You fucked this society user. Fucked.

He will be.
As tempting as it may be to hurry the end on, please don't.
It's something I struggle with constantly.

Sadly many have lost their way.

Jesus sounds cool, but guys like you who wants other to convert. Fuck you

Do you know what it is in my briefcase

It truly saddens me when hypocrites use faith as a justification for hurting their fellow man. It is one of the things that Jesus spoke most harshly against.

No. Please do tell.

Man up or shut up.

God set my life on fire because I refused to follow my prescribed destiny of murder/suicide when I was 17.

FUCK that motherfucker; no wonder nobody believes in his bitch-ass these days.

My life fell apart many, many years ago, and the pieces do not go back together. Instead, I just get to sit here and wait in absolute misery until I die, poor and alone.

Fuck God, and fuck Jesus too. And just for good measure, fuck muhammad and abraham too!

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I want you to know there is peace and forgiveness.

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the only lives destroyed by Christianity were those who would not repent.

Am I the only one who thinks Sarah Silverman looks like she smells like a gym bag?

Man up how?
The Inquisition was bad? Yes.
The Crusade had no basis in religion and were merely a power grab by racists and Venetian merchants? Sure.

Murder suicide is never the answer.
You can build a new life. It may not be perfect. I know mine isn't. I know that I will never have what I want most in life, but that's ok. What I have is good.

iF THAT'SnALL what it has to be, why am i abandoned at the age of 11????

to test your faith

I think she's kinda hot and actually funny. I also think she is tragically broken like most comedians.

Fuck off normie, you don't belong hererrerere

she does look disgusting

I wish I had all the answers.

Sometimes people made sinful decisions and others suffer for it. The world gets really shitty sometimes.

Try to forgive and let go of the pain and build from where you are and make your part of the world a better place.

but would jesus eat my ass?

>Murder suicide is never the answer.
I'm not asking you to understand the circumstances, because you simply wouldn't. Further, I will not relay the story. Just trust me in that people needed to die, and I thought I'd be the bigger man and let karma take them... Unfortunately, I was supposed to be karma, and my inaction led to them experiencing wonderful, successful lives despite their severe transgressions..... Too late now!

>You can build a new life.
Nope. Not allowed to. Every time I try, it fails miserably. The pieces don't go back together.

>What I have is good.
I don't have. I'm not allowed to have. If I had, I wouldn't be miserable, and if I wasn't miserable, I wouldn't be being punished for not fulfilling my destiny.

She's got the potential to be hot, but she just doesn't seem to capitalize on that potential, and instead just looks like she smells like month-old unwashed socks and cat piss....

She did have a little bit of humorous material, though, but there's just not enough there...

OP Here, Shitty answer. Faith testing is barely a thing. It happened to Abraham, it happened to Job and it happened to Jesus.

There is the incident of the man blind from birth whom Jesus healed, who was blind to demonstrate his power, but from the context the guy was probably from a rich and powerful family so while he was blind he probably had it easy.

The world is shitty because we fuck up. We dump pollutants into the water so kids get cancer. There is huge amounts of low level lead poisoning in the ghetto which has been demonstrated to lead to lower intelligence and violent behavior and yet we criminalize people for it.

Our sins have fucked the world.

i'm sure she's losing sleep over what you think of her user

One thing that really shaves my scrotum is when people confuse love and lust. Totally different things.

>There is huge amounts of low level lead poisoning in the ghetto which has been demonstrated to lead to lower intelligence and violent behavior and yet we criminalize people for it

lol just shut the fuck up you idiot. those people aren't violent and stupid because of "lead poisoning" it's because they're fucking dumb violent niggers.

The life we get may not be the life we want. The happiest person I know literally deals with shit all day long and his greatest thrill is finding a lost quarter.

I think I find the not trying to look hot, the hottest part.

I hate makeup and such.

>The happiest person I know literally deals with shit all day long and his greatest thrill is finding a lost quarter.

well he's just a fucking retard

Licensed sewer plant operator. Metal detecting is his hobby.

Not the smartest guy around but he has a steady job that is for the most part easy.

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i love jesus too, he is my best bro

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Because that's the reason I'm discussing it; I'm secretly hoping she comes to Sup Forums and reads my opinion of her and changes herself in a positive way.

Get fucked, dickbag. Not everything in this world is purely motivated by narcissism, no matter how self-centered your life may be.

>I'm secretly hoping she comes to Sup Forums and reads my opinion of her and changes herself in a positive way

what could be more narcissistic than this?

She seems like she would fit in if she did.

There was a guy who claimed to have hooked up with her. Described her as someone who was a real person as opposed to the fake celebrity types.

Then life is all about the luck of the draw, and those of us who get the shaft should just punch the fuck out. Gotcha. It's been looking more and more like the only solution lately, and honestly I've grown tired of trying in vain to argue it....

>The happiest person I know
I'd be fucking ecstatic to have stability in my life, especially financial stability...

But, again, I'm not allowed to have money, because if I had money I wouldn't be in agony, and if I wasn't in agony, I wouldn't be being punished for not fulfilling God's plan for my life.

Where did the name "Jesus" come from? It sounds roman af, even jewish



but you weren't even being sarcastic, you're just stupid

i'm pretty sure it started out as a curse word from some ancient grimoire

>the only lives destroyed by Christianity were those who would not repent.

In other words

>You wouldn't convert so we destroyed you

You're not different from the mudslimes. Call me when something good finaklly comes from the desert.

>She seems like she would fit in if she did.
Nope. She's Tumblr material; SJW idiocy fills that poor thing's cranial void...

>fake celebrity types.
I wouldn't doubt she's got a streak of realism about her, but there's no way she's not plastic as fuck personality-wise. Not from what she's displayed off-script.

>pic unrelated

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What the fuck is a screenshot of the greatest game ever made doing in a religion thread?


This. Religion was simply a quest for political power, just as science is today.

In the last era, he who controlled the church controlled the people....

Today, he who controls the science controls the people...... This is why there are so many bad scientific studies and manipulated statistics and findings and etc. today...

Controling beliefs is controling people. Controling people is absolute power.

I think where we start is the luck of the draw. What we do with it is up to us.

If you nurture love, you get love. If you nurture forgiveness you get forgiveness.

When you get shit, do you plant crops, or do you throw it at people?