So I recently got a foreign gf who has never seen any western television or film yet she speaks fluent english

So I recently got a foreign gf who has never seen any western television or film yet she speaks fluent english.

What should I show her?

Batman v Superman or Suicide Squad

the most important piece of anime in history

Dr. Zhivago

Straw Dogs
Blue Valentine

dumbfuck you cant watch batman v superman without first seeing man of steel

how much did she cost?

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Alien & Aliens


will get all of these

nothing. i moved to her country

>nothing. i moved to her country
god you must be desperate to move to Laos just to get some pussy


im a fledgling entrepreneur about to make a half milli this year. its a white country too ya backwards basement dweller

half a million baht cant be much in real money

Some Snyder kinos there really deep.

i make about half a million baht per month on one of my sites.


Which country did you move to?

Legit I'm looking for a white country to leave Canada for

Your ass.

Spain. You can live more comfortable on a budget here than any other first world country in the anglosphere. I'm not sure if Spain is considered a first world country or not now that I think about it.

post more kino boys. no capeshit

Nice, it's on my list. How do you like it?

Oh, and try Interstellar if she can appreciate a little sci-fi

i like it a lot. i took spanish for 4 years in highschool so its been a treat actually becoming fluent. hopefully i can convince my parents to retire here next year instead of the states. the artisanal food selection here is better than anywhere ive been previously and i hope to homestead here and possibly put down roots. not sure if it was you memeing about thailand but i find spain to be 10x better than thai.