Hey Sup Forums, I wanna be a trap, but I don't know if my face type is right for that. Please help

Hey Sup Forums, I wanna be a trap, but I don't know if my face type is right for that. Please help

Attached: webcam-toy-photo1.jpg (800x600, 34K)

First off how old are you? Next thing, you need to take better pics with better lighting. Next you need to start waxing your face better, and grow out longer more feminine hair.

I'm 18 as of September 21st just a late bloomer like my dad, I can't afford the wax but thank you for the advice!

Well you have nice eyes. Just try it out. Everybody is beautiful.

Great you have a nice looking face. But how is your body? Do you have Snapchat? Do you mind posting some pics of yourself? How big, and or plump is your ass? (Serious question) what do you identify as sexually? I'm straight but even I have to admit you're cute

I'm bi with a HEAVY male preference. I'm pretty thicc, but a little chub in the gut, but I can still see my donger when I look down.

Oh and my snapchat is Tittle321, username should be something like "Some Gay Kid"

You have a big head and a big face and your chin is wide
It's going to be very difficult for you

big head full of cum

I'll add you right now, add me back, I'm Antonio ;)

Post some ass pics, post a few please.


transfemme here; get all the "hehehe faggot tranny" and shit out of y'all's system because i have knowledge to dispense

first off, don't be worried about your "face type" . literally ANYONE can pass as whatever gender they want if they actually try. you've gotten pretty lucky: you look pretty feminine naturally, so that's a plus. id reccomend learning the basics of makeup and trying some other facial hair removal techniques. A consistent skincare routine will also help soften your skin and make you appear smoother and girlier. lemme know if you have any questions!

>literally ANYONE can pass as whatever gender they want if they actually try
That's a big fat lie and you know it

unironically good board for your situation

dude just no. if you want get fucked in the ass just be a homo. being trap isn't for you

What kind of products would you reccomend for face care and acne? I have mild acne and I use this cream stuff to help but it doens't help with blackheads.

Get over yourself

Oh thank you user. I don't use Sup Forums all that much, pretty much just Sup Forums to look at all the pretty traps

you got a man jaw sorry

>I wanna be a trap
But what do you mean by that? You want to crossdress in sexual situations? Or you want to live as a woman?

ok boomer

honestly, i can't recommend much other than trial and error. people have different skin. when i had issues with acne, i had way more success avoiding gross foods than i did with a whole armory of skincare products, so try that alongside washing twice a day with hot water.

Post your ass! That's the true test of a trap if they're hot or not

key bit there is the "actually try". makeup (which is basically magic) and consistent body care is essential. a lot of people just shave their face and slap on a girly haircut then get sad when they don't pass. it takes a lot more effort.

No, i'm very comfortable being a guy, I just wanna be the male version of a tomboy if that makes sense.

Post ur boypucci then

so you want to dress soft-masc instead of full fem, while coming off as a girly looking guy?
Sounds like boymoding on hrt
But that would be dumb if you're not genuinely trans

You open to sucking cock? I like how your lips look bb I hope you'd be willing to swallow

▲ ▲
I hate that alt-255 doesnt work anymore

let people live and do what they want to do, even if it seems "dumb" to you

If you don't experience dysphoria and you start developing female traits, wouldn't that make you dysphoric as a man?

The people who do this are most likely dysphoric but in denial about it and use the "I'm just a femboy but I use meds" thing as an excuse to treat themselves subconsciously

I mean, I consider myself a bottom but everyone i've dated wants me on top. I;ve only gotten to ride/suck someone a couple of times.

I agree with the second half, but that's not always the case
some people just like being feminine sometime, gender identity having nothing to do with it

while there is a concern of HRT causing dysphoria, i don't think op has any intention of going on HRT, so they should be fine

ITT: not understanding what a trap is

That's cool, I'd like to hear more about your experiences. Add me on snapchat I'd love to get to know you better- rico19813

I have a feeling you don't either
Trap = has dick, passes as woman
can be either crossdresser or trans woman
But for some reason these days people are really desperately trying to make it only crossdressers

how tall are you?

This is my butt, I haven't shaved in a while so I'm not too comfortable sharing any full nudes

Attached: webcam-toy-photo2.jpg (800x600, 47K)

Hairy butts are nice POST IMMEDIATELY

this boy GAY

How about you send it to me on Snapchat, therefore it'll be more private so I can rate it properly, it'll be worth it, I'm happy to help

Just post a dick pick already !

>I haven't shaved in a while

Okay user, but just cause you asked

Attached: webcam-toy-photo3.jpg (800x600, 35K)

Can you please spread it, and bend over?

That's a little more private, if you add me on SC then maybe.

shave your ass immediately, you've got some good assets you're working with

Thanks user! I inherited my mothers badonk, she walks around the house naked cause she's a hippy,

I added you, check your Snapchat

Show soles

Turning my phone on right now.

what's your snap? i want to add you.

Commit suicide you disgusting faggot tranny retard, honestly take your life and hang yourself like 44% of the other tranny fucks do never post again dumbass -Your friendly neighbourhood tranny abolhisher 500

Scroll up

I'm... not a tranny though
I like being a guy!

I really want to be more femboy im hairless up top but below the belt i have thick dark long hair all over :/

Same here user

Me think you protest too much. Probably some incel faggot who got touched by his dad when he was a kid. Rid the world of your dirty soul and burn in hell cock stuffer.

Did you see that I added you? Add me back

Added you. Should be Ross.

>i have a feeling
are you gay?
you seem to know alot stuff about degeneracy

All faggots are useless pieces of shit. Hate them all.

Then don't bother with them, weak troll.

mama melos!
go lick hair until heat death of the universe

What does that even mean?

Oh and... Nice dubs

Attached: BlD3bWQ.jpg (700x512, 57K)

Technically I'm bi since I also like traps who are just crossdressing and not trans woman. But not into masculinity at all. Thanks for asking


Add me on snap for moar. Tittle321