Has anyone else wanted a Sup Forums flag that isn't the Kekistani one? I made one that looks a lot more like our home

Has anyone else wanted a Sup Forums flag that isn't the Kekistani one? I made one that looks a lot more like our home.

Attached: 4chan-colours.png (400x200, 17K)

Hey not bad

Came to say the same

Get rid of the black (good advice in general)

this cesspool isn't a home, it's where we come to shit. if you spend excessive time here you're probably scum.

Here are some tits, as is our custom

Attached: 1516099072484.jpg (1280x1920, 219K)

shit and cum.

>like our home
Welcome to our home newfag from Kekistan

I went for black (and the orientation of the stripes) as a call to the anarchist flags, this being a fairly lawless place for a website. Would you prefer that portion in red?

Attached: 4chan-red.png (400x200, 17K)

I also very roughly mocked up a more complicated version. A red shield for the clover leaves to sit on, Moot and user rampant as supporters, and a ribbon at the bottom in Latin.

Attached: 4chan-complicated.jpg (400x200, 23K)

Flip the black and pink please, I'd like to take a gander

here you go

Attached: 4chan-flip.png (400x200, 18K)


Attached: 1.png (717x880, 820K)

I'll take Asian ahead of nig nog, so yes, thank you

Thanks. I thought I would have liked it more, but I don't.
>Good Job OP

I've been here literally over a decade. And... I don't even know why you said that. What in that flag bothered you?

Came to say do this

kekistani flag is not Sup Forums flag you fig newton

It may not be intended to represent Sup Forums, but it has the clover leaves in the canton and was born here. It is definitely a child of this place.

Attached: 200px-Flag_of_Kekistan.svg.png (200x120, 10K)

>I've been here over a decade
Ffffffffuuuuuu, i can't even recognize who is who and what is what nowadays... my mistake bro sorry, but... who's heaven?

Not that guys but man you just gave me feels. Fuck I miss that cunt

Muahahaha, at least somebody knows ;-)

One of the reasons I want this is to not be racist. The racism has long been a plague here. Here is a picture of dark boys having sex with a white girl to annoy you.

Attached: 1437661527825.jpg (850x779, 355K)

Sorry user, but I'm not seeing any kind pf "rascism" in that pic.