Is anyone else surprised Greta did not win the nobel peace prize

Is anyone else surprised Greta did not win the nobel peace prize

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No not really, and I'm sure shes flattered they even considered it.

Nobel prize is a joke nowadays.

Wonder if she'll ever do porn

Co starring another Nobel laureate.

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literally who?


Imagine being this retarded

Why would she win a peace prize when she literally divided the world over climate?

Obama made it a joke just like he made everything he touched a joke

>hurr durr I dont understand the impact of Nobel laureates work in the sciences and since I hate obama then all Nobel prizes are a joke because my political views
Yup retarded

you suck

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Nobel peace prize for peace is not scientist related, usually activist related. There are Nobel peace prizes for science and very specific categories NIGGUH

epic maymay tranny

Mostly I’m relieved.

> Having a Nobel wouldn’t have helped her cause
> She’s much more effective as a grassroots activist who doesn’t seek accolades for herself
> I’m glad the old white guys in Oslo didn’t fuck this one up, the same way the did when they gave Obama the prize
> Yeah, it was a liability for Obama as well

cute Greta is cute


Retards shouldn't win anything.

is this real or shooped? sauce?

No, but I'm surprised no one has killed her yet.

Logo shopped in, obvious..

Oh so you meant the nobel peace prize is a joke and not nobel prizes are a joke when you said "Nobel prize is a joke nowadays." Maybe if you werent retarded, you would learn to say what you mean

Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize before he even really did anything as president, it proves that the prize has no value and in itself, is politically motivated.

Only internet shitposters with no knowledge of the real world take this as a "surprise".

Why? Bitching & crying about something to the media doesn't mean she deserves an award.

i wish there was some way to prevent teenagers like OP from posting.

who is she ???? some autistic girl from Sweden trying to make a headline ?

Obama's Nobel prize has devalued all other prized. The man used drones indiscriminately and killed a fuck ton of civilian children in the process.

Personally I think using drones was right and don't care about some collateral damage. But clearly not what a man of peace would do.

also, drone usage against americans in foreign countries is a violation of due process, a constitutional protection.

How dare you

It's actually a he. He's trying to get ppl to approve of transsexuals and shit.

She's a (literally) autistic teenager who is being taken advantage of by people who use her outrageous reactionary response to hyperbole about climate change to push for increased Leftist authoritarianism and globalism.

Being a "minority," (female, "disabled," not American), the Left also likes to push a claim of bigotry against anyone who recognizes the abuse against this child, in stead of ever addressing actual criticisms against her claims and their push for power.

She didnt fucking do anything. All she did was bitch without offering any sokutions. Literally ANYONE could have done that

This. At least say at the end how glassing China and India would help a lot with climate change.

Why the fuck would she? As has been proven a literal retard can go and do what she did. Why would anyone expect a prize for accomplishing literally nothing.

It's fucking crazy, she managed to be like the only 16 year old Scandinavian girl thats not hot. No wonder she's so whiny and media hungry, how else is she gonna get attention

To be quite honest I'm relieved . But sadly it's for the wrong reasons. The current theory is that she did not win because there has been no proven connection between armed conflicts and climate change. Thus a peace nobel price would not be adequate.
This would imply she actually had an impact on climate change, which she did not. In fact she accomplished nothing besides shouting the loudest whilst fear mongering and spreading dangerous and misleading messages and making people miss schools. I mean yeah it's important to raise awareness but it should be done right. Besides there already actual scientists working their hardest to have an actual impact and who are now adittionally busy with clarifying her misconstrued arguments. As a result her temper tantrum really didn't help anyone or change anything except maybe some poor scientists innovation may be credited to her pressing in the future. That is why I am very unhappy about all the hype that's being brought up around her and was very stratified to see this reach an end. My current hope is that now that this has happened and that she's also having adverse effects on parties supporting her that this hype will finally die down.

Anyways I actually came here to Jack off so if you'll excuse me now...

Obama got it just for being a nigger. And then he killed everyone with drones and started wars in other countries.

I bet her parents are pissed. All this parading their Asperger daughter around, and enabling her paranoia and fear mongering...nothing to show for it.

She didn't win because no one accepts the the nobel peace prize as a valid award for good worldly stewardship ever since they awarded it to Obama for simply being black.

Basically, it is now a joke, and they have to try extra hard to give to someone that actually did anything at all to earn it so that people can take it seriously.

Probably are pissed. Everyone I've discussed this with, including my most liberal acquaintances have pointed out some suspicion that the parents are in it for money. Why else would they give a fuck about putting their daughter at risk of scrutiny and harm.