Attached: HUNG NIGRESS.webm (350x622, 1.59M)

Attached: 1557850338722.jpg (1504x1680, 943K)

Attached: 1569951342603.webm (636x382, 1.59M)

Attached: 1552604228095.webm (640x352, 766K)

Attached: 1562469318112.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

this cant be real. these guys are too much of a pussy

What am I missing? Gasoline fumes?


It's like it took a big chomp of him.

Oh the wire in the water I see it now.

I fucking love you americans kill those filthy monkeys kill them all

Guptas drive as badly as Chinks, but at least the Guptas stop and attempt to help.

But really this isn't real right? They just paid this girl like two grand or something.

That CNG was one hungry hungry hippo.


>get's dared to do a wheelie
>challenge accepted


I hope it is

Attached: hot wheels.webm (430x340, 696K)

Attached: 1545963599154.webm (720x1280, 1.19M)

store? Looks staged and fake as fuck.

fake and gay

Can anyone show a video of someone getting mauled by a train? I know what will happen to me if i decided to "quit"


Hey what if these threads are made by federal agents to find more red rooms videos? They post either real ones they already know about or staged on to get a response. Would be an interesting tactic to say the least.

Yea that would be an interesting tactic mr federal officer, I would kindly suggest you leave the site and go home to your family instead of doing this gay shit.

Sure death isn't real and so are videos and also life is fake as well you're not living

lol almost!

Why would I out the game if I'm the guy? That doesn't make sense my guy.

her right arm gets ripped off but her left arm lands on the blue box?

Nerve gas

fake as fuck noose is slack


bitch off the lean

No kidding.
"modern art"

He'd have bad burns but he'd be relatively okay.

If it's real then it was shot in Tel Aviv.

Ive actually killed before. Not only im not in jail but the bodies have not even been found. And even if they did chances are the police wont even get anywhere close to me.
The only good thing about living in a 3rd world country is you can do shit like this and no one would ever find out.