Is 5 inches enough?

Is 5 inches enough?

Attached: when he is white.webm (640x274, 919K)

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Can be

if you're black

Your average just be lucky your not under five

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google said to me that 6'5 is average peen length


a black 5 inches is like 8 white inches.

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Yeah. I got 5" and I have ginger hair, but no freckles and brown eyes so not too creepy. Still, I have a lot going against me and now I'm 31 and married to my beautiful wife. Before that, I never, ever had a problem getting laid. Even friends with benefits that came back multiple times, to a little dick guy. Even had a couple married girls come back for more when I was young and chasing cougars. Just learn to flirt and always stay in shape.

Suck and lick the clit, tongue and finger that pussy, use every damn inch you were endowed with, and just be thankful that you didn't pop out of the womb with a microdick.

Thickness is as important as length. The woman is only so deep.

brown sugar doesn't taste sweeter than white sugar

>no more like

>google said to me that 6'5 is average peen length
I feel like it's more around 7. Been with a dozen guys and no one was below 7.

also, femanon.

>also, femanon.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

That’s a lie, post tits bitch.

Don't listen to him, 5.5" is average.

is that your dads dick size too?
or are you just craving peoples poo

Post tits or gtfo you fucking neckbeard.

So how is Tel Aviv this time of year Jewish user?

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great tits, garbage tats

>No timestamp

wheres the timestamp?

im under 5 inches so i have to say yes

If you like shorter women it is. If you have a 7 inch dick you're not going to get to go balls deep unless you date an Amazonian. I can just touch the end of my Chinese gf's cervix at 6" and she's like medium-small. One more inch and I wouldn't get to put it all in. I know an even smaller girl who says she won't date big dick guys. Hurts too much. Which tells me a lot about the guy she eventually married.

>google said to me that 6'5 is average peen length
That's because Google has a dick that long.

Find a more constructive hobbie dude.

>Been with a dozen guys and no one was below 7.
My wife used to think I was ten inches until I told her she was retarded. I suspect you are similarly retarded.

Damn girl you fine

I have 17.5 cm, which is almost 7". About a quarter of the 100-ish women I've slept with complained that is was too long. I'd say a thick 6-incher is optimal.

That's horrible. Sex is for married couples only. One woman per man. One man per woman. BUT: God wants to forgive you today. All you have to do is repent.

How big are you really?

It depends.
Knife blade stuck in you? Yes.
Dick for your girlfriend? No.

Why do women go on about body positivity, yet feel it's fine to degrade a man because of his height or dick size?

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Like not even 8

around? No.

6.2 to the bone and an ex used to complain I was hitting her coil!

cont. You really wanna makem hurt in a good way you need to be bigger.

u mean bpel or nbpel?

And it's all the way up your ass.
Use the duck.

bpel or nbpel?


Is that Momo?

enough for what?

Few need a bigger dick. Ya need a bigger boner for the ladies.

>100ish women I've slept with
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Fucking millennials using unnecessary abbreviation law-abiding, Christian citizens have to look up. Are you posting from your mobile phone?

what movie is this from

Daily reminder that there is a reason you are more comfortable talking to dudes than girls and there is a lifetime of playing vidya and getting high while eating pizza with someone who cares about you just around the corner once you get rid of your pride and ego

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I’m about 5 inches, and my wife used to claim that “size doesn’t really matter”. But eventually I wound up watching her get fucked by a guy that is twice my size, and trust me, it matters.

She’s even admitted she was totally wrong about it. So what I am saying guy, is that YES, SIZE ABSOLUTELY MATTERS TO WOMEN


Twice your size... He was 10 inches long?

instead of people talking about their length, how about we talk about girth?

Five inches is like you're really hungry and someone gives you one potato chip.

Right. Im just barely over the 6 inch mark but from what I can tell the chicks ive been with say it's big or seem a little surprised, and I doubt it's because of the length.



Yes, he was 10 inches and thick. No joke

All these faggots

Length only matters to a point, anything 5/5.5 inches or above is good. 8/9 is getting too long.

Girth is where it is really at, if you 5 inches in length by got a 5.5 or 6 inch girther, you're a god.

TL;DR: atleast 5inches and 5.5+ girth youre really good. Pencil dicks feel like nothing is there, even when he took my virginity, my tampons were thicker than he was.


when you are to stupid to use the metric system

You should do some research on what a sentence is.

Depends how many guys she's been with I'd assume. A girl whose only ever had one or two other dicks in her would probably still enjoy it just fine. A super ho whose had multiple cocks in her at once likely won't be impressed though.

What's it like being a virgin?

At 43 I long for the sweet release of death.

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Was it awkward when you measured his penis? I'm assuming you were wearing a chastity belt when doing this so as not to assert dominance or post yourself as a threat.

This. 100% every time.

poor michael cera

He told us how big he was, and he wasn’t exaggerating from what I saw.

No, I was not wearing a chastity belt, but I was only allowed to watch.

Also femanon here,

I feel like the average is 13 inches, all the guys I've been with (34 guys) were all 14 inches and above so yeah :3

Femanon out xoxo

I'm about 6" but my girth is like 3.75" feelsbadman.png

The average is 15cm not inches

5 inches with 300 pounds behind it can do a lot of damage

>be me at teen age
>Small dick complex
>Tall, handsome, tanned, muscular, green eyes
>Being this good looking made it worse, always had girls after me and made out with many, but the complex grew and grew with the years because it added to the dissapointment
>With the years, being a virgin added to the complex, and the porn/ masturbation addiction made me either not get hard or cum too fast
>I am surrounded by a lot of girls and they talk all the time about the size of the penis, erectile disfunction, premature ejaculation and all sort of bad stuff
>From experience, just 5 per cent of the girls are understanding of these issues on guys when they talk to their friends

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Probably. I tried finger banging my gf with just my thumb, pretty much pounding her hard with a thumbs up. She seemed to enjoy it. Besides, vaginal orgasms are supposed to be kinda rare. Thrust as hard as she's comfortable with and eat her out and that should handle things.

Would you go to heaven if you die?

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half turkish half british

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It's not so much the width as it is girth. If you are 5 or 6 inches but fat it will do the job

As someone who has taken a variety of dick, 5 inches is fine, though as you go smaller, being able to use your dick well becomes more important.

if you want to give more out of what you got, get a prince albert ring if you're a dom, or a reverse prince albert if you're a sub.

Oh yeah, also if you finger her, remember you have to hands.

What if you have a 6 in pencil dick?

what website is that?

get a penis pump, ex BF was on the thinner side but used a pump before sex and he got about an inch or 2 out of it. Only lasts for an hour or 2 but it works.

mfw 6x5

mfw can confirm this

GF straight up said if we broke up shed still want to fuck me because the dick is that good

why do you care? are you a small-dicked manlet?

>hitting her coil
get a bigger robot?

My gf has never complained about it so I'm not worried. We been together over a decade.

never complained does not mean it couldn't be better. Why not do it for her and see if she likes it? Theyre realyl easy to use and only takes about 5-10min

Big dick ain't all it cracked up to be.

First off, let me tell you that you guys don't know how to measure and most people see smaller than they think they are. I noticed it because I measured myself at a 6.5"-7" and thought I was just barely average, then I spent time in the army, in saunas, public pools etc.

I was absurdly bigger than most people around me and they noticed it too. When I started having sex fairly late in life, I found that I needed to buy the bigger condom packs because smaller sizes simply wouldn't come on me.

This is due to the fact that I am both long and very thicc. My dick measures up to a quarter of me upper leg circumference in full rage. You can't miss it.

And let me tell you - it sucks.

I can't go balls deep because girls can't take it well. I can't go wild because it hurts. I always need special accessories to keep myself hard because my dick gets very numb and loses the erection fast due to the energy it takes.
I am now at the point where without pills and maybe a cock ring, I cannot achieve erection.

I'm 25 years old.

I don't need a big thicc dick. I just want sex to feel good. To make a girl feel good. To enjoy this act that people with 3.5" pecker are able to.

I have a 6.5+", 6" circumference dick. And I have never cummed from sex. I don't know if I ever will.

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>needle dick
fuck junkies, they'll love it

Well, is it 5" LONG or wide?
With how most women are buying the bad dragon dildos in extra large, No 5" is not enough. Your foot is even too small.

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>are you a small-dicked manlet
Took longer than normal for the poo brain response to arrive.

Damn bro...i feel you
Im 8 inch length and 6.5 inch in circumference, and condoms make my dick numb and limp too. They literally choke you at the base and cause discomfort.

Now that i thought about it...i have never came from pussy or ass alone.
Either the girl im with finishes me oral or strokes me until i cum..or i have to stroke myself to cum over her.

Probably porn fucks you up too. Ive been trying to quit.

Yall need jebus

>I have a 6.5+"
>I can't go balls deep because girls can't take it well.

Stop fucking underage girls, i'm 7.5' and i went balls deep with every woman i was, only one complained about pain.

Hahahaha. Anyway, if you can make a woman cum with your fingers, you shouldn't have a problem making her cum from penetration right?

>Is 5 inches enough?
8 inch length, 6 inch girth is good

Ladies tell me mine is pretty big.

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many girls don't want huge dicks in their pussy all the time
gf of my friend with a big dick didn't like fucking him and told me in confidence that he sucked in bed

Black people have the greatest number of very large, and very small dicks.

Which is fun for black teens who now need to overcompensate lol.