Ask a dude who wears tiny short shorts to display his hairless legs anything

Ask a dude who wears tiny short shorts to display his hairless legs anything

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nice feet

Attached: nice scary feet.jpg (549x622, 59K)


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why are your legs hairless

I had electrolysis treatment (which is permanent)

but why. are you a swimmer?

>Kike the World
Co ho!

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that's an H you retarded namefag

No, because I wanted them to be hairless (forever, not just for a few hours or days)

show butthole

you're fuckin' weird dude

Why are you sho mad at me!?

how much did this cost, how long until you were completely hairless forever, and how many treatments did it take?

why tho?

When was the last time a penis was in your bum?

After three winter seasons (from November till March or April) I was visibly smooth. That is, any remaining hairs were so sparse that only I could see it. I'm still going back 2-3 times in December to scan through for any remaining hairs. I did it in Hungary, so the prices are not easily comparable. But I could have bought a good used car for the total price I think.

>2-3 times in December
I mean, 2-3 times during Winter/Spring

Would you suck off Trump?

About a month ago

What’s types of std’s have you had?

Nothing so far, though in my early years I was a bit careless, but I got away with it.

I wouldn't suck anyone above 40-45

This is a strange thread that I see very often.
How long have you been posting this

2.5 years maybe

So then, you're not into guys your own age?

Do you know if there is a method of hair removal that doesn't make you look like i woman, i have very dark think leg hairs and don't like it i just want a few lightly visible ones

I think shaving makes you look anything but a woman. I chose electrolysis to have as womanly legs as possible

are you gay?

I thought it was obvious

no, tell me

Yes I am