What is the movie equivalent of a videogame that focuses exclusively in gameplay?

What is the movie equivalent of a videogame that focuses exclusively in gameplay?

Films like Tree of Life and Eraserhead.

Action movies like Mad Max 2

hardcore henry

Dredd, Mortal Kombat

Grass by terrence malick

I don't think you guys understand. It's not about the action, gameplay is the core element of a videogame.The excellence of games like DOOM resides mostly in the gameplay, leaving aside other aspects like the story and graphics (although revolutionary during its time).

If anything, has the right idea.

Die Hard is basically the Doom of movies

Batman v Superman


A game that focuses on gameplay is much like an action movie that focuses on action. Dredd and Mortal Kombat clearly put their stories as a second thought compared to their shooting and fighting scenes, respectively. They're great examples.

I feel like Eraserhead is a perfect answer to OP's question

Wouldn't they be more like fighting games then, due to the precision required in both development and execution in game? Doom is just a happy accident that it plays as well as it does.

12 angry men

Fighting games ARE games that focus almost exclusively on gameplay. user was just using Doom as another example.

Films where the main criticism is "style over substance" or something similar. Visually stunning films without much "point" or "narrative" and all the ancillary stuff, just focuses on the visual and aural aspect of the film.


Doom is no happy accident, though I don't think it's a game designed from the ground up as a purists gameplay experience either.

Doom is a passionate creation of four(?) guys, putting their hearts into making a cool game with heavy metal, gore and demons as oppose to today's peer-reviewed, sterile, over-analyzed, safety-harnessed samples deployed by a staff in the several thousands.

The movie equivalent of that? I dunno, I've never been very knowledgeable of the behind the scenes shit regarding movie production. Maybe Evil Dead?

citizen kane

literally just mechanics masturbation

I wouldn't compare Doom to Virtua Fighter.

VF has next to no effort put into character design, story, atmosphere or any other fluff. It's purely for the fight system.

Doom may seem like raw gameplay when compared to the modern FPS that constantly interrupts the action with cutscenes, forced camera perspectives and heavily scripted segments but it actually has a lot of effort put into atmosphere, sound and visuals.


since gameplay is the most fundamental thing for a video game, the equivalent would be a film that focuses exclusively on story

most good films do anyway, like most good games focus on gameplay

I figure it would mean all action for a videogame, so all action for a movie.