First time on Sup Forums, whats the best advice you can give me?

first time on Sup Forums, whats the best advice you can give me?

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always cup the gonads.

Attached: MongolianBasketWeavingForum.png (369x369, 6K)

Get out while you still can

You’re here forever, so you got time to figure it out yourself dickhead

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You will learn

Post sharpie in pooper.

Do not get indoctrinated into the far right politics that often appear on this board and Sup Forums. Do not take anything you see here seriously.

This. Also, lurk moar

you can say anything you want

Dont listen to this faggot.

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OP, follow this advice:

Also, this person has a penis

Attached: dear sweet zenmai kourogi.jpg (1280x1920, 273K)

Click on user supplied links, they're always safe.

Lurk moar


Also what these guys said

If anything advice is the last thing you need.

If there’s rhyme or reason to what you do on this site, you’re doing it wrong.

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this one either

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i already love this site ngl

Leave while you still can

Make a video of yourself being gang raped by a bunch of niggers

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No advice. Just "welcome!"

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For the love of God, learn how to use the filters. Highlight what you want to see, and hide the shit you don't.

I highlight shit like YLYL, rekt, and chubby chicks, but avoid shit like loli, shota, and dick rate threads.

on a serious note: don't make anything described in an infographic. it doesn't make crystals when you blow into it, it makes mustard gas, and you die


hiring manager here, that's not how it happens. HR has quotas for women but not darkies.



>tells newfag to use filters
>suggests using them backwards as a prank
oh you

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never use a vpn

never say that you are a minority

... But are you sure? Because I work with some stupid fucking niggers that are only working there because otherwise we'd have no diversity

Eeeeyyyy. I'm glad someone caught on!

Make sure you add the word "nigger" to your frequently used vocabulary

Understand that Sup Forums isn’t some mysterious ‘dark web’ board full of hackers and criminals. Be disappointed to find out that it’s full of edgy shills, eternal virgins and dick rate threads.

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And pedophiles.

don't bother. This place has been shit for a long time. I started in 2006, and I'd say it was still worth visiting through 2012. But it's been absolute trash since then, worse every year. I just come here out of habit.

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What's your field?

Eh, not really anymore. That shit has been rare as hell in the post-moot years, and rare in general since the great /wg/ raid of 2012. Loli lovers are perverts but not even close to the genuine article.

Yeah this place has really lost its charm.
But I have no where else to go

Yeah. I think he's just crying about the loli.

Lurk more or leave while you have the chance, user
I imagine you're a kid that discovered this place from your friends or like YouTube or something, but it's not some cool, le edgy haxor site
it's all just fucking cuckolds, non-passing traps (with a few exceptions), retards, and shills for every side
you'll just end up a fucking loser like me if you stay
now fuck off and enjoy all your (you)s

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tbh i never really thought of Sup Forums as this super dark and creepy place, i always just viewed it as the home of greentext and people shouting NiGgEr


I find myself spending more and more time on other boards. I like the chan format, but Sup Forums is anything but random in 2019.

Always keep an eye on the foreigners and the jews

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>not using Tomorrow style
make it dark feggit


Eat right and get exercise.

then the meme fails. Nobody with a degree from Harvard, or a college degree at all, is being edged out to work security.

I think you should get a more professional career going.

3 years on Sup Forums and never heard of filters. I still can't finds them

eh, im working on it, my ultimate life goal atm is to not end up like a neckbeard




Leave while you can

ive been getting this comment a lot and this place seems more toxic than chernobyl, i think i might just lurk, but at the same time i cant stop talking to people

lurk moar newfag

Delete your System 32 folder to make your computer run faster.

Please go there

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Leave. Immediately. Do not pass Go

Leave, before it's to late
Then again, post some hot girls, clothed bikini, nudes

To be fair, I'm a security manager for a defense contractor. I'm not a guard. I can't complain about making 78k/yr

>first time on Sup Forums, whats the best advice you can give me?
from an oldfag, take it or leave it.
Lurk moar.
pics or it didnt happen
only gay if balls are touching
tits or gtfo (chicks not traps)
do it for the lulz, or its not good
rule 34 always
cant relax around snax
op is always a fag, so is moot
sage goes in all fields
finger goes in fingerbox
I cant think of anymore right now cause im drunk and dont care about punctuaton
also pools closed due to aids, bobba my knobba
roodypoo and pudi as well


thanks for the advice

social security post it now

this person got a dick i bet

If you take anything you see here as the truth you are an idiot.