

Attached: 53.jpg (297x400, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Aki

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Let's see where you're taking this, OP


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sooo how've you been?

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how about you?

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do you girls have any 5 gum?

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no but i could go run to the store if you need it

Attached: 134.jpg (837x978, 449K)

hey. sup.
you little ladies looking for a killer time?

Attached: greg.png (1280x738, 602K)

the same

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sleep is nice

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>Western faggy cartoon

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hey bitch why do my balls hurt when I do this?

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Do you have any crazy family members, or crazy stories about them?

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I don't think so.. sorry

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Do you like reading, or listening to audiobooks?

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its so weird seeing the yuris speak english

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Anger at his purest form

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I like reading manga

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What is your favorite?

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hmm.. I don't really have a favorite.. I guess i'll choose Demon Slayer then.

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I've only seen the anime

Mine is hands down Berserk

Hellsing is up there too, their humour comes across better in the manga.

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did you like it?

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Oof long day
Gotta sleep


God bless all of you

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Yeah it's pretty good


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This is also a post

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I saw that user. Thanks.

Attached: hello there.png (682x574, 407K)

It always bring me joy seeing these threads

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nice image

Attached: 282.jpg (715x687, 244K)

Thanks, have some more.

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i dont have this one!
where did you get it?

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Twitter I think? I'll check.

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Nice farfetch meme

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I luv hentai.

Attached: 1570110486088.jpg (1985x1320, 651K)

Wholesome and cute

Lewd >:c

Attached: Konata886.jpg (987x832, 274K)

Yeah, it's on his twitter @naga_U_

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ah i like naga u :) thank you

No problem

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i should rewatch lucky star

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I want to see lucky star for more konatas

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you think tsugu takes suggestions? she has an email... she even answered me once

ive been really hoping for an hours-long video of tsugu just like, sitting at a table doing homework or working on something, just really really long, no cuts no loop kind of thing, and i could just watch it for the rest of my life

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Goodnight everyone

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goodnight, sleep well :)

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Maybe, if you do a cool suggestion she probably gonna take it, but i dont she can do a 1 hour video, making a video probably takes a lot of time and doing an entertaining video of 1 hour probably its ultra hard

Good knight

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well i mean, i know its a long time, and thats why i wouldnt really ask her for it, but she wouldnt have to do anything specific. just kinda, be in a space and do whatever, like sit at her desk, maybe get up and get some tea i dunno i just want to see a super long thing with no cuts, its kinda hard to explain i guess

...like this maybe? youtube.com/watch?v=tuSwRxFbg6k

but uhhh less creepy

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Its a good idea but i dont know if she can do it, i imagine her like you said before, doing homework and just hearing the sound of her writing on the paper, it would be incredible comfy and it doesnt sound like to weird for a video of tsugu
Maybe you should tell her, at least she can do a tiny video with very comfy sounds
Also guy from video isnt soo creepy its just weird

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I"m legally diagnosed screamo

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she has a comfy sounds video already, sort of. in this twitter video you can hear her breathe :)
its one of my favorites

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That video makes me feel incredibly good, i dont usually like to see that type of videos but seeing her makes me feel happy, but if she do a video of her just writing or reading a book it would be amazing, probably a lot easier that that video, just her doing one thing, nothing more

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i know. the rough part would be making sure the motion tracking and stuff stays working as intended for the full however long, since if there was a cute or jump it would ruin the point of it
im glad you liked that video though! she sometimes releases small short ones on her twitter :)

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bahaha i tricked fren into talking like dummy
wait does this make me evil!?!?!?!?

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In a quiet video of her just writing probably the motion tracking wont fail also now im following tsugu on twitter, i wont miss videos like that

Kogasa is real evil youre cute and soft like real bunny

Attached: Konata705.jpg (1452x2000, 515K)

divie dubs!!
and nu uh am not fluffy
neither am cute!!
ill smack you do hard you wont remember yesterday!!!!!

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Pls forgiv me, i dont want to be punched
I wont say that youre cute or soft but pls dont punch me

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not punch!! smack i sayd!
we arent animals here!!

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And whats the difference?

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My fren, please calm down.

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punch is like
im gonna punch the lights out of ya!!
see how violent
but smack is pic related
regus a pervert and deserved smack

ill smack you if you threaten with sword play!!

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ya no me se mas :c

A smack from you its too cute
Even if it hurts i can accept it

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We'll see about that.

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thats it!!!
im gona smack you!!!
where you at!!!

but that sword down!!
im not joking around!!

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Im at mexico...
You can go ver here?
Or i go with you?

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I'll be merciful, for now.

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they didnt explaiin why she can see the nanmachinesssssssssssssssssss
they didnt mention the king hunting her downnnnnn
they didnt even cover the school arccccccc

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nu uh you come here!
as punishment ill smack you and you has to make me treats bahahaha

ya i knews it am way too scary

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Ryuko-chan is better

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cute and wholesome

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Careful, you don't want to end up like this.

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Wrong thread buddy

What treats you should want?
Do you like salty things or sweet things?

Ryuko is kinda cute being tsundere

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nah im just slapping it in both, im pretty upset. they flanderized her character to hell, too.

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I cant say anything related about it because i dont know what are you talking about, sorry

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What are you little girls doing up so late?

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