I am a college professor with a tiny dick and only one ball

I am a college professor with a tiny dick and only one ball.

Ask me anything.

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which college

A small college in California

Another pic of my tiny dick and one ball

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Do you have ghost ball sensations where you can feel the ball that's missing?

No, I was born with only 1 ball, never known what it feels like to have 2

poor bastard...what size when u have a stiffy? u a virgin?

Is it the right ball or the left?

I'm 3 inches when fully hard, no I'm not a virgin.

Can you describe one of your fantasies you have about one of your students.

if you sneeze really hard does the other ball poke out of your pelvis for a second?

show us your butthole.

Do you just tell gals ahead of time or what

It's the right ball, I don't have a left ball.

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and then one with a sharpie in

No, I had exploratory surgery, the other testicle was not undescended, it never formed in the first place.

Was going to ask if you had test cancer. Thought I had it when younger but was lucky, just transient ball weirdness, still have both.

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Only been with 2 women, and yes I told them ahead of time

I am weirdly turned on by this pic

Not trying to be racist or /pol, but are you Jewish?

I'm not sure what fetish applies: fat, old, dangling ball, or the fake ass crack.

>I'm not a virgin
How do you have sex?

No, I'm ginger, Irish descent

Actually just how huge his asshole looks. Could easily slip my tongue in

Oh, please! The Irish are known to be well-endowed.

Can we assume your configuration has made it easier for you to stay celibate when the failing girls come ask for better grades?

I can't make a woman cum, it doesn't even get close to g-spot or pleasure her. After I cum, I either finger or dildo her pussy.

timestamp you know the rules faggot

I've never had a student ask for "extra credit". . .I assume they would rather fail than even try to blow a fat ginger.

Oh man... feels.

What do you teach?

So much for the luck of the Irish

More butthole plz

What did they say? Have you had some nope out?

Man that's gotta suck, ever thought about getting an implant or something?

do you ever fantasize about your students finding out and mocking you

Why didn't you vote for Trump?


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They laughed, but I found out I like humiliation. Still fucked me.

have you ever failed a student because they were a nigger?

You sound like Tom Green. Are you Tom Green?

No I'm used to it

Yes, I like humiliation, so I fantasize about them finding out and laughing at me

But how could you even effect intromission? Three inches doesn't even make it past the labia minora.

Why the pinky ring

I like Tom Green. I'm not Tom Green.

how does it feel knowing, especially in california, a lot of those cute college girls you see are fucking bbc in the dorms

>I assume they would rather fail
You give women too much credit. Take Melania Trump, for example…

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No, some of my smartest students were black

lol no one is fucking niggers you cuck. ask anyone, they smell like shit and can't even help with homework. just useless

what do you teach

Bitch don't ignore my question what do you teach. I don't want to talk about your weiner.

Nigga he has MONEY

do you imagine watching them fuck your top students in the classroom?

Debt is not the same thing as money.


Was a STEM degree worth it then?

Yes, I enjoy teaching.

when you lose your pension, will you kill yourself on stream for us?


one of your students should pop your remaining ball


So why you old and on Sup Forums and showing the internet your asshole on a Sunday night? You got the depression or something?

if a student walked up to you after class and said, "sharpie in pooper" wat do?




So what do you do for sex? Get your girlfriend a well-hung bull then sit off to the side and watch?

(Historical aside: Wanda Landowska, the French harpsichordist, was very happily to a man in spite of her aversion to heterosexual contacts. Her solution was to go to the Place Pigalle and contract filles de joie: she would bring them home and and play the harpsichord for them during their trysts.)

"Ok, I'll post tonight user"


thanks. now i'm going to say this to every professor at my school

Do you let it out on your students?
Do you think you would be professor if you had a real dick all your life?

And only 3 fingers

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I mostly jack off, when we have sex it's usually oral. She likes that it's small, easy to suck, lol. I use a dildo on her.

No, I really don't think it would make me any different.

I have all 5 on each hand, my pinky was folded under in first pic.

literally you every weekend lol

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Do some sport, the things on the legs disgust me more than the microdick

Quit staring at my big asshole.
I have all my fingers.

Having fun every weekend is bad? LOL

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lol i knew you were a chimp. have a good night bud

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Do you have low T values?

Another one of my butthole

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Do students have offer BJ to pass your class, or other sexual favors?

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Yes, I take testosterone shots

No, none of them have offered any sex favors for a grade

you also have 3 fingers are you being blackmailed by your student or neighbor?

if they did, would you do it?


Probably not

what the fuck is this

Looks Comfy


two souls coming together in a mating ritual from the Dindu tribe. Common dancing has been a staple of their culture since 400 BC

>I am a college professor

>A small college in California

>No, I'm ginger, Irish descent


Anyone find him yet?

Show more of yourself

Not quite fully hard, but close

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is that even dancing niqqa i cant believe you teach biology telin me thats not strait up GAYSEX

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