Non-Asians were a mistake

More like Def Nope.

Why do you care? It's an american movie, they will cast American actors.

Everyone will forget this movie in a couple years anyways.

Stop being upset about something not worth being upset about.

Exactly, I'm not watching this bullshit.

>South-African movies are full of whites
>North American movies are full of blacks
the world turned upsidedown

i watched the cartoon. that was enough. i dont need gooks and i dont need negros or biebz lookalikes to enjoy a story

I give it a month

The Japanese movie was absolute dog shit.

I think the ending wasn't too bad though. I recall being somewhat happy because I liked it better than the original anime ending. Fuck Near.

What happens in it?

The Japanese live action efforts were pretty shit (unsurprisingly) so I'll give it a chance

Movie ending is vastly superior to anime, you should watch it before some fag spoils it to you

why didn't they cast the bad guy as black and the good guy as white if they are going to ignore racial cast?

I'm so glad we finally have people open to discussing the biggest problems we have in the world right now

>asians can't be american

>people saying there aren't any asians in this
>watari's actor is an asian

fucking dumbasses can't even check wikipedia

>caring about more than one thing is hard

>implying L going around driving an ice cream truck with a loli for an hour and a half is a good ending

they can't

I fucking hate that putting yourself down as a human is viewed as a courageous thing, even when it's mild like this.
It serves to elevate the person disparaging themselves, while vilifying whatever group they are a part of.
It's like going "all of us are bad but I recognize it so I'm good." Like some kind of sjw cuck Socrates.
I can hear these people masturbating.

If the live action movie did anything right it was using Naomi's death to get Light on the investigation team instead of HEY WHOA LADY I'M NOT KIRA JUST TELL ME YOUR NAME HUH

why is there a nigger?

Thanks for joining the thread, already in progress!

pretty fun
good film...maybe this director is on to something
Well that was bad...but really what could you do with the property


Is this the end of Adam's once promising career ?

His only okay movie is "A Horrible Way to Die", everything after that, including "You're Next" and "The Guest" is stupid garbage.

when the nig gets revealed in a trailer will normies erupt over blacks taking over Asian roles?

The trailer is already out, FFS catch up to the goddamn discussion!

Blacks can't "steal" a role even if it's an azn in the eyes of a new world continuum.

>Not an SJW
>Love anime
>Don't want anime movies to be a thing in the west (Japanese live action anime movies are fine)
>mfw SJWs do the work for us

Lack of diverse representation is an actual issue, but people seem to be getting confused with the issue. 4-5% of Americans have Asian ancestry, and their representation in the media is much lower, so they feel sort of left out which is a fair and reasonable criticism of the media.

Getting mad at an adaptation of a cartoon made in Japan (which these people seem to forget is xenophobic and racist as fuck) seems like a backwards criticism. There's more ethnic diversity in this movie than the anime or the Japanese film even attempted to do. And I'm willing to bet the characters aren't gonna be massive stereotypes. But some blogger misses these little victories entirely.