Why is SAO so good?

Why is SAO so good?

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Harem aside

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Don’t know user, it was one of my first anime’s and I still love it

Because Asuna is whore

It's not. You've just never seen anime before.

Did you see the latest episode that came out yesterday?

it's trash
watch Log Horizon instead

its not. Its generic trash and its all flushed out for you to see after the first story arch. I'd love for you to tell me it doesnt follow about every fucking anime troupe (which isnt wrong in itself) but can't even create an interesting character with a cookie cutter sheet of tropes already done better in other animes

Watch trigun, ghost in a shell, log horizon,.hack, even FMA brotherhood has a more interesting cast and premise.

Why care about why? Just be glad it is and it exists OP

The first half of the first season was the only half-way decent part of SAO.

Once they get out of the first game world though, it's a complete dumpster fire from that point on.

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It isn't. It never was and will never be good.

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Cripes, what a bunch of snobs. SAO is a classic. Just because your super advanced anime addicted selves have evolved beyond the point of enjoying things doesn't mean SAO should not be on every true weebs watch list. Fucking fart sniffers

You too cock monkey. Maybe you could all make a contribution vs. show off your virginity

Are you retarded?

Weak sauce. Try again.
Join the navy.

I like cheese
>That's you. That's your level of discussion.

It's good because it plays on the classic elements of a soap opera OP, without the super old, super obvious shit acting. The same way guys are drawn to their super macho WWE that does exactly the same thing.

because you can carry cocked and locked and the trigger never sucks

You guys honestly don't know how to enjoy a thread, do you.


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I stopped watching because it was boring as fuck. 4 episodes of time skip and “GGEZ cuz I was a beta player”. Goblin slayer is more entertaining

OP pic was a gun, just assumed he meant Single Action Only. Gay ass anime threads go on Sup Forums