Why are movies from the lates 80s/early 90s so comfy?

why are movies from the lates 80s/early 90s so comfy?

because it was filled to the brim with tired indoctrination.


+ made by boomers, who were not jaded internet generation turds, that still believed in movie making
+ colorful and full of talented actors.
+ directors and writers had more freedom to try different looks and stories.
+ practical effects


Because there was little to no reason to be edgy. Soviet Union was left in shambles and it seemed life was going to be better and better. Villains were driven by self-interest because clash of ideologies was more or less dead.

In the late 90s, this comfiness has turned into boredom, as can be seen in American Beauty, office Space and even the Matrix.

They had sincerity, a lack of pretense, and had a sense of genuine humanity about them. Men were also men, women were women, and children were women. The characters fit their disposition, and that gave us a sense of comfort and reliability in the characterisation.

children were children*

Because they remind you of your youth.

Caught the cunnyposter.

If I were a cunnyposter, I'd have to kick my own ass.

They were on the forefront of film innovation, and weren't politically charged

man, 1988 was a great year in film
Heathers, roger rabbit, die hard, they live, rain man, naked gun, Akira, coming to america

>practical effects
I think this more than anything. CGI has made movies so fucking heartless. It was cool at first but it has come to be the ruin of modern movies. Hell, during the Power Rangers marathon 2 weeks ago, I really grew to appreciate "guy in a rubber suit" effects. After seeing all those fights like that vs some CGI bullshit, I actually prefer the shitty mid-90's low budget Japanese practical effects over modern day CGI footage.

Is there a year from 80-89 that didn't have a great run?

I'm genuinely curious.

85 isnt great. lots of meme movies but nothing exceptional

Bull Durham, Rain Man, Big, WIllow, Bloodsport, Twins, Young Guns, Naked Gun, Last Temptation of Christ, Colors, Funny Farm, The Great Outdoors, Scrooged, Eight Men Out,

> Back to the Future isn't exceptional

its not. overrated meme movie

Action movies sure were comfy back then.

still comfy tho
>The Great Outdoors

It's good but it's not exceptional by any means.

More effort. People actually tried. Most films were directed or written by people who had passion. Nobody was trying to push an agenda.

What do you count as an exceptional movie? Godfather? Citizen Kane? If you are judging by a standard like that, pretty much any year could be considered devoid of exceptional movies.

well, some people were. like oliver stone and spike lee


Don't forget the color palette. Movies today are basically black and white equivalent due to color grading.

People were also taking their time crafting a scene and letting it sink in for more than just a nano second.
I've just ended watching Blade 1.

Because movies were films and not kino back then