Me on the left

me on the left



Thoughts on this tushy?

kys yourself peado

quick question, how exactly are we supposed to compete with this?

I'm gonna need more pictures before i can make a judgement

Thoughts on this work of the body?

That is fucking grotesque.


We just get injections into our dicks just like these guys have :)

Thoughts on this absolute tushkino?

You're doing god's work

That's a nice tush

das rite whitey boi

Triggered boi

OP here. this was meant for /mtv/ but it's too late and you can't delete your own thread here. get the fuck out of my thread guys

Thoughts on my double blind dinner date?

god bless cunny poster


Couldn't they at least choose better looking black actors or do they select solely for dick size

Because Prince Yashua doesn't even have a fucking chin.

>he doesn't watch exotic4k

It's like you don't want to see women getting COLONIZED


>meant for /mtv/

Kill yourself nigger

fuck off pedoscum freedomfaggot. get rangebanned

I get sadder everytime i was this. Does jelqing actually work? I want a 7*5.5 nothing more

Kill yourself nigger cock blowing Reddit fuck

>fuck off pedoscum freedomfaggot. get rangebanned
>doesn't know what music video that picture is from.

you little faggot. can you even play the geetar?

so this...... is the power........... of cgi

Post more porn webms.

Please. :)

how is this even possible? looks like a fucking arm

sorry I was too busy watching my colored teeeeveeeeeeee

Hey ff do you have that kind of recent pic of valensiya with a micro yellow bikini

well, we got refrigerators...microwave ovens.

>white women are biologically programed to search security
>we can't provide them, only BBC can

This is the end of white men. Too weak to compete

this thread :(

>he hasn't seen exotic4k

Have you actually seen the full scene? Dude can't get decently erect most of the times. It's like fucking with a big soft squishy salami between the legs.

Recent? Prolly not no I don't have much Val after my crash a year or two ago

>the best way to fight against our trophy women to get stolen is to steal black women nobody want

Great strategy

Not recent perse but its a pic long after cd era I think it was after her family moved to that other country

Yeah but it's huge. Girls see an ugly rapist who is 6'5" and they conveniently forget he is an ugly rapist. Big things trick the female brain into thinking it is better. This is why there are no women in the field of microchips.

This. It looks impressive until you realize he cant even get it up

>he thinks it's only black women

They COLONIZE every race. No need to be upset.

Don't have to my knowledge sorry

Oh shit

>let's mix more and destroy the white race that will show them

Turns out; the cunnyposters are the good guys... nothing makes sense anymore

Oh ok._.

Any rare leras? Or rare mashas?

Majority of porn is still white on white. As long as there's a counter-site to BLACKED I'm ok with it

that's a fucking plump tushy

There are some non CD Leras I have and like to post dunno if they're rare though

This is one of my face Lera pics I've posted it alot

Sauce me that tushy senpai

I think i might finally have found a replacement for Chloe


Chloe banji?

Yeah, the cuckfags are annoying me desu

chloe is a coalburner

yeah she still the best banji. i dont know all the fuzz about the blacked maymay

Why dont you rid the world of your existence you cancerous cuck

Thanks bro, im sure its somekind of jewish smear campaign against her

ugly feet

Wew lad

Ready for breed

She's a ballet dancer which is hell for your feet, she has other qualities