Why is drumpf backstabbing our allies to help isis?

Why is drumpf backstabbing our allies to help isis?

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because he has real estate interests in Turkadurka

he backstabbed our Turkish allies?

Because we never should've been in the Middle East in the first place

because he's a retard who likes to see shit with his name on it

Because he’s Trump. Everything he touches turns into shit.

>our allies
Trump has no allies

Sounds legit

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Vote freedom
Vote democrate

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Option 1). Protect his financial interests in Turkey.

Option 2). Advance Russia’s global position as the Kurds will now ally with them as they are fucked if they do not.

Not mutually exclusive.

Because his boss told him to

I wish Putin could run for president

I hate TrumpyFats tiny orange fists desperate to be in daughter man BUT this is a pretty interesting move. Want war, want to sell war, want to sell weapons? This also WORKS... Turkey, wants to sweep, they're not too terrorist type... Yeah, let them sweep and die if that's what they want.

Trump is playing ECOball, and actually, it's not total complete shit for once

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Why is a deepstate contract think-tank always bitting our chans and helping Democrats?

That’s tight

>Why is a deepstate
*conspiracy nut tuned out*

Hey man... it’s gonna be ok. I’m a drunk guy on his couch in the midwest. Everything isn’t a conspiracy. Get some sleep.

I remember when the left wing types protested George bush and the wars in the Middle East and now they protest everyone stopping wars? That’s retarted and just protesting for corporations and their interests. Would you fight and die for Nike or chase bank? Wtf

less brown people.
typical trump tuesday.

I’ll take “major oversimplification of a complex issue” for 500 rubles Alex

That's pretty stupid reasoning. Nobody protested the invasion of Afghanistan, they protested the pointless invasion of Iraq that was very clearly built on pretense. Now, we have allies in Syria that have done the bulk of the ground fighting against ISIS. Ergodan wants to perform ethnic cleansing and wipe them out. Trump not only gave him the green light to do so, but even requested last month that they dismantle their defenses along the border of Turkey because we 'had their back.' That sort of betrayal and the resulting humanitarian crisis it has spawned will hamper US foreign policy for decades to come, just not as bad as the stupid invasion of Iraq.

Turkey is our ally too

I remember when Republican types made smart foreign policy choices. It's just too bad that it's been a few decades since that time.

Trump gives Turkey the green light and within a week, US positions are taking artillery fire, civilians are being bombed, ISIS prisoners have a mass breakout, Kurdish civilian politicians executed in the street...what a fucking disaster

all because the President is a moron who agrees with whatever the last person he talked to said

I know you're just trolling but it's funny how the media has an obsession with the Kurds. Idk if they like the name or what.

>WhY iZ dRuMpF bAcKsTaBBiNg OuR aLLiEs To HeLp IsIs

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Your cherry picking op.

But it's true, you fucking twat. Only two years ago conservative media were in love with the Kurds, with female Kurdish snipers being featured almost weekly on Fox and Breitbart. Now you cunts couldn't care less.

go send your kids over there to fight sand niggers if you care so much.

No you guys like war remember

Remember when the Republicans were the mens party, the party that would go to war and had morals... the party that was fiscally responsible. Petridge farm remembers

You're an ignorant piece of shit, aren't you? Which do you prefer, Ergodan not having a convenient scapegoat and the ability to wag the dog due to declining poll numbers from Turkey's lagging economy (his personal problem) or betraying our closest allies in Syria, emboldening ISIS, and handing over what little leverage we had in the region to Iran and Russia?

Never mind, you're a stupid cunt.

Ill be suprised if that fat orange man will do anything at all

Trumptard is impulsive.
He got a call from Erdogan, said "okay".
No more thought than that.

Die for Starbucks soldier

He's not. The Kurds are terrorists and he is not interfering with our Turkey allies from fighting terrorism.


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Turkey paid him.

because hes a fucking faggot cuck who meliana only married because hes rich

Yep the Israel first neoconservatives really love never ending war in the Middle East. Those poor bastards over there have been the pawns of western powers for over 100 years

Trump abandons Kurds
Kurds go crying to Assad
Assad unites Syria against ISIS/Jews/Turkey
Russians blow the fuck out of Turkey
Turkey comes crying to the UN and NATO
Trump ignores NATO defense pact
NATO disbands.
America is finally free.

I'd be surprised if he knew who the Kurds were

You do realize that by preventing Turkey from wiping out the Kurds by having 50 soldiers stationed in very safe areas (Turkey would never dare attack a base if it meant American collateral losses) we had 7,000 battle hardened Kurds fighting ISIS, right? By withdrawing 50 American soldiers and giving Turkey the green light to attack them strictly in order to boost Ergodan's polls, now there are no effective checks to a resurgent ISIS, which drastically increases the chance that American targets will be hit (think 9/11) or that the next time we need to fight a new caliphate that's hellbent on beheading your fat head, it'll be American soldiers that have to storm the dunes.

Blow a pistol, you fucking idiot.

Kurds are terrorists only if you're ISIS. They do want their own state, but they were carving it out of Syria.

Found the cockroach.

I never accuse people of glowing on here but I’m genuinely suspicious of your views user
>our closest allies?
That sounds like the military industrial complex’s position on all this or jidf shilling to keep the permanent war in the Middle East in place

Israel is the main funder of ISIS

user, i know it's not the first time the us takes sides with terrorists but perhaps you guys should slowly start overthinking your actions. Wiping shit away with new shit won't get us anywhere.

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Cus fuck the world

And trump is the dr frankenstien sewing the remains back together.

Either you're a troll or you need to step off a bridge.

>paying for anything
get your stormfag talking points straight dipshit.

Totally agree. Some of us still agree that United States has no business acting as an occupying force in a foreign land. Forcefully controlling their governments and murdering their people when they don't want the US there acting as an occupying force. We have no business in the Middle East supplying and aiding rebels. Last we forget what happened with FUCKING IRAN!

hey OP,, do you want to spend two decades in Syria spending several billion dollars a year and getting nothing in return?

I hope this is part of larger trend,, we can leave afghanistan, bail on Iraq, and finish off with a big "fuck you" to Israel.

The United States has no serious rivals in the entire Western Hemisphere. venezuela has the second largest oil reserve in the world.

Isn't half the world enough?

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What are you talking about a handful of Kurds single handily taking on isis?

50 soldiers. That's it. That's all it was taking to continue having an effective force fighting against ISIS. If you think that's "permanent war" then go fuck yourself. ISIS is going to give us war irrespective of whether or not you're tired of it. The only question was whether the Kurds were going to fight that war for us, or if we'll have to fight it unilaterally. Preventing Turkey from invading Syria was a smart move, and Trump's complete, damning ignorance and cuckoldry towards any autocratic leader (just consider the debasing language, the lavish praise, he's heaped upon Putin, Ergodan, and Duerte even as they execute journalists, political opponents, or sometimes people they don't like) is the purest form of fuckery I've ever seen in US foreign policy. Ever.

Isis is the result of the west's actions in iraq. After the sunni (saddam and his boys) have been btfo'd and replaced with shia, saddams former generals were hunted by those, which is why they basically started the organization right after the iraq war. When they took over iraq a few years ago it was more a coup that a conquering. Because large parts of the army was and still is sunni. When they spread to syria covered as al nusra (disguise was required as syrians don't like iraqi and they needed recruitment of syrian population for military power), they took over many fighters from other organizations and were able to occupy large parts of syria and iraq.
What I'm trying to say is that you don't need Israel to for doing a mess in those states. The arabs, as they naturally are camel driving barbarians, do very well in fucking up each other (and others) badly.

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Lol you honestly think isis is any sort of threat to America? The largest military in the world is threatened by a bunch of Middle East rednecks abusing their own people. That is a non threat to anyone now and the local governments can easily handle the issue. The only thing US spooks would be doing over there is kidnapping locals and sending them to the USA’s concentration camp in Guantanamo bay. That’s something people will be reading about in the future and most likely looked upon about the same as the concentration camps we hear about in the past

Simple. It's too hand over power to Russia in the region. Kurds said so themselves when the US stopped backing them.

That's what Al-Qaeda was as well.

nice try REPTILIAN

Because he thinks the kurds are the next mujahideen.

He has no intention of building up their territory to be a truly functional state, giving them the services that would cause them to lay down arms for good. He doesn't give a shit about them as humans with lives to be lost. As the last non-state actor in a war he was never interested in fighting in the first place, they have to either go away or settle down. Turkey, Syria, and Russia are all offer a cheap deal and trump loves deals. Sorry kurds, but we both know that you were only in it for the territory, and America has been doing the flip-flop cut and run boogaloo since Eisenhower.

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Anything can sound plausible if you're ignorant and lie enough.

pretty good spin huh? gettin hard to be a neocon these days.

>and the local governments can easily handle the issue
Then how did ISIS take so much territory?

>you honestly think isis is any sort of threat to America?
*boom* Was that your soft-target infrastructure blowing up?

Sure, you are ready to go out and kill any sand-niggs on your soil... but wtf don't you care about diplomacy and keeping them the fuck outta here in the first place?

& no, this is not about building a better wall.