FACT: There has never been a legit kino made about aliens

It's a dumb concept that begs to be given the "flick" treatment.
>inb4 muh aliens
Not an argument. Aliens is a "film" at the very best, but we all know it's a just a high quality movie.

>le flick le movie le film


stop this dumb shit already

Signs, you dumb fuck.


Nice try, but the kino "Signs" did not actually have a single alien in it. In fact, the switcheroo it pulls only proves my point.

Salutations, reddit!

That's because aliens don't exist. Kino reflects reality, and that's why it is so impactful and deep. Aliens aren't a part of reality (i.e., they don't exist), and thus are disqualified from being in Kino.

Arrival was pretty kinoy

>repeating the same meaningless word over and over again

you seem to be lost bud reddit is >>>>>> that way :)

What the fuck are you talking about? Signs is kino. This is no discussion.

>I have no argument

>repeating the same things over and over

This. And the original day the earth stood still.

baneposting is pure unoriginal cancer

Yes it is kino, and it has based Mel.

But I said Signs wasn't about aliens and didn't feature any, not that it wasn't kino.

that's a low-blow, big guy. fuckin hothead.

Not even trying.

go back to Sup Forums faggot

I think making a film from the pov of an alien who has completely different morals and purpose and just see it do its thing would be interesting. One scene would of course have it just totally demolish a human community with the "we are so insignificant to them, we are like ants, if we were to build a highway we wouldn't care to even notice an ant colony getting rekt in the process" idea.

Isn't that the plot of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?


You sound like a retard

yeah but it's a comedy, and the aliens are antropomorhpic english talking things more stupid than humans and they are actually building a literal cosmic highway

The Man Who Fell To Earth is Kino

>There has never been a legit kino made about a-