Why is lsd illegal still?

Why is lsd illegal still?

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Because it's not produced by legit corporations and not taxed.

No clue all i know is that as of right now i cant fuckin sleep because of it

I could go on for hours but the just of it is the government doesn’t want you to learn the inter workings of your mind. Easier to control you when your own brain was built by the system.

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It easily could be. Its all about obedience and ensuring that society always views money and order as top priority. LSD doesnt give a fuck about money or order. The governments fear that.

So what. I know it's hard to synthesize but still. It's discovery could have been world changing if it wasn't for the raids in the 60's. Sucks a small group needs to ruin the fun and exploration of the many.

what if you just did all that bullshit you thought you could do when you are on lsd. alot of people hitting the pavement on that is what...probably with their face. I'm invincible and I am going to stand in front of a semi truck hear me splat.

If your post was a question and OPs an answer, you’d have it right. But come on really?

legit corporations can’t produce this shit CASUE ITS ILLEGAL. Schedule 1 so no accepted medical uses so no production. if you put it on your taxes that your money is from selling LSD I’m sure that the IRS would share that with some other three letter agencies.

My point exactly why do people still fear it? So what if we stop valuing money it's right to help someone out it's always about being better than the next guy if you don't like someone then don't associate or live near them. Some people just want to kill and abuse. Why.

> no accepted medical uses
The system that decided this is the measure of whether or not it should be illegal is at risk from LSD's existence and usage.

LSD is illegal, because we're all taxed livestock. We might realize our collective existence if enough people do it, engage in general strikes, force the system to work for us instead of profit.

its useless liquid sort of like the useless liquid in your liquid cooled computer kit.

I think it's because of jealousy and physical appearance. People get violent over beauty. People value stupid things to boost their ego when really it's all meaningless.

Fucking Jeff bezos

Because to lots of people its basically a rainbow tinted schizophrenia simulator and shit like that cant be regulated.

Because theyre selling it to the hells angels ayyyy now delete this thread

For most people here, you can find it if you want it in like a month tops if you cared to find it. Keeping it illegal keeps it out of the public sphere, relegated to a benign subculture and treated with the upmost respect. Kids and idiots shouldn't have easy access to LSD, because kids and idiots shouldn't do it.

It can exacerbate stupid people doing stupid things
I trip frequently and I’ve learned it’s best to trip alone

This guys never done lsd

why not

It reconditions your mind from their brainwashing they don't want that.

Because it disolves boundaries.

It increases trait openness by one standard deviation permanently, the long term consequences of which are dis-inhibited exploratory impulses which can result in self destructive behaviors if the person was already pretty open. There are times when the appropriate thing to do is to reject the unknown, and if your gates have been wedged open, then whatever is out in the darkness will pluck you like ripe fruit.

>not eating oldmaiden psilo's tits because she's a dirty girl

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Can confirm there are a lot of bisexuals/bicurious who trip to explore that side of themselves. Came to the realization that I'm a heterosexual male prior to even being human, and left it there.

lsd is a hell of a drug you have to be carefull with this shit, you can go insane

People are pussies and cant handle their own train of thought when forced to introspect. That and a bunch of retards thought it was a good idea giving it to unsuspecting normies in fairly large doses.

Because it awakens compassion and cooperation in the subservient class.

This is some dragnet shit. LSD doesn't make you feel invincible at all.

It's currently regulated you retard.

Lol you're a pussy

>implying any drug should be legal
If you have to rely on drugs to function, kill yourself.

It does in people expecting it to. Its embarrassing the amount of times I've seen people hamming up misstereotyped effects they think the drug is supposed to give trying to fight back it actually does.

>Implying any drug should be illegal

No it doesn't.

if dog shit was illegal would you eat it?

You KNOW most kids these days would.


t. Never done LSD or any psychedelic or know anyone who has

seriously don't kill yourself

there is a scientific and statistical correlation between drug use of psychedelics and increased disregard for authority figures

many people would struggle with the experiences unless it was some sort of ritual overseen by a shaman because it would cause them to question so much of what they accept as reality

this user is on a higher wavelength

Only shitty hippies who think the world is their oyster and shit like that think hard drugs should be legal. If your little stupid brain only knew how fucked LSD is for your head you'd understand why it's illegal.

>t. Cartman is my God

because honestly, the average normie isn't ready for it.
it's not a drug like alcohol or weed where you can casually take it with a bunch of randoms and have a good time.
we get enough threads on Sup Forums as it is with retards going "hay i've just taken 5x the recommended newbie dose and now i'm in a car with 5 randoms on my way to a death metal concert in an unfamiliar city, when does this shit kick in? lmao".
it's a powerful drug that needs to be treated with respect but unfortunately the average Becky or Chad is more likely to knock back a 10-strip their first time in a shitty setting, freak out, end up in hospital only to say it's the drug's fault for being "dangerous".

t. did a hit of acid and is now an expert.

Open your third eye the government’s corrupt

Do it enough times with enough people and you will eventually have someone try some shit. I've seen a guy get puddled so hard he had to be locked in the basement because he kept breaking bottles and he was rolling around in the glass when we went to check on him.

Well you actually become smarter on-and-after lsd.
We all now thats not good for business

I have done lsd probably 100 times in my life at numerous parties it doesn't make you feel invincible at all. Sorry about your weird research chemicals poisoning your anecdote and friend.

Yeah cause if you take 5x the recommended newbie does of kush you're going to feel totally fine lol. or jack daniels, you're gonna die friend.

LSD should not be illegal, the systems in operation doesn't want truly WOKE minds. War? What's it good for?

I've never done LSD: the post.

Not that I trust any of you faggots but isn’t it the case that real LSD doesn’t exist anymore? And what people take now that they call LSD is just a bad imitation created by amateur chemists?

Like the materials used to make real LSD are locked the fuck down by the gov?

Nah, its just hard to cultivate and make. I'm sure its hard to find though.

It uses a fairky common ergot fungus, but you have to be a biochemist to make LSD.

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>It increases trait openness by one standard deviation permanently
You just made that up, didn't you?
People who do LSD are exploratory types already.

Now who'd go and tell you a thing like that?

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That study is flawed.
I stopped respecting cops after I realized they lied about how dangerous weed was. The THC itself didn’t re wire my brain so that I don’t respect authority anymore.

Really it’s just waking you up to the fact that if they’re wrong about this there’s a good chance they’re wrong about (insert whatever)

After I discovered weed I looked closer at other shit and that’s basically how I realized that corporations influence American policy too much and the people just kind of let it happen

Bro, shut up,

It gives a +1 to all stats. It was proven.

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Given the rarity of legit acid nowadays, you can bet half the people ITT are talking about NBOME or some shit. That's the sheer idiocy of drug prohibition: the safer drugs get banned, and are replaced by dangerous, untested ones.

Note to Americans: other countries exist. And not all of them have control-freak governments.

Says the cigarette smoking, pill popping, soft drink chugging retarded shitfuck

You can synthesize Lsd from Ergot, which grows on Rye
It’s a shroom basically

And half of Murca is addicted to perfectly legal opiates.

There is more lsd around than there ever has been. You're thinking of the 90s.

everything is a shroom basically

I know many intelligent people could handle access to acid and use it responsibly but I work with low income people and I know for a fact they would abuse it. Abusing acid is very very bad, and having everyone tripping out all the time would seriously fuck up our ability to enjoy a functional society

just wait, once they get he gateway marijuana legalized, they'll move to the less cringy and more fun stuff

no legal use.
Might fuck up your life

This is a good take. You take lsd and it doesn't make cartoon characters come out of the TV and tell you to kill your parents like the cop at school said. You smoke weed and it just makes you laugh. If cops were generally honest, a huuuuge amount of antiauthoritarians would have no problem with cops.


Addiction cessation.
Beanie Babies might also fuck up your life.

Thanks for putting more emphasis on my post
I fucking hate those “fuck drugs” faggots with the passion of Mel Gibson

Who cares? It's not even that great of a drug. DMT is where it's at. Everything else pales in comparison.

did you fuck mel gibson?


If you function kill yourself

Dmt is nothing compared to datura or any other deliriant for that matter.

Better now?

Pale a day
Oh hey oh
Gotta pick a pale a day
Pale a day

Can't argue with that. If you've got the gall to trip for days straight, more power to you.


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Concatenus - Unfathomable depths album cover. Can anyone ID the symbols around the edge?

Oh for sure, tropanes are fucking dreadful.
Continuous seizures for hours on end on the sidewalk for one of my mates after he drank a tea made with a butch of datura flowers and seeds. He said he thought he was still in his kitchen, talking to his dead relatives and making food when had Infact smashed through the front window and started eating the grass and dirt on the lawn before the seizures kicked in.

You have no idea what's real and what your brain is making you believe, It can seriously fuck you up. You wake up covered in cuts and bruises, you've lost teeth, you fingers are bleeding... just smoke a bowl god damn.

The joke

Your head

Great links

For anyone actually wanting to make dmt, look into extraction teks, try NoMans tek or Lazymans tek.

How pretentious. You realize he was just memeing, right?

>Abusing acid is very very bad, and having everyone tripping out all the time would seriously fuck up our ability to enjoy a functional society
false connections is probably the term youre talking about. if youre taking it frequently enough to be abusing it and long term, it does seem like it messes with your brain. I know of 1 guy with the issue and he became a recluse and hard to communicate with. If he stopped long enough he'd might normal out.

You could apply the same argument to alcohol, and yet society still gets by. At least acid isn't addictive like booze, and would be considerably less of a problem. Besides, plebs don't usually like psychedelics, especially long-lasting ones.

Is there datura experience reports on the nexus? I find this fascinating as high doses of mushrooms have put in the same state before. Full on seeing and hearing things that arnt there. Starting the trip in my bedroom and some how ending up outside covered in mud, freezing my ass off.

I didnt say it made you feel invincible, I said people could think it does and play into yhat. Have you never had people hamming up what they were feeling cuz they thought it was appropriate? "Woah dude im seeing Tom and Jerry sheeit"

No interest in LSD, but I want to try shrooms. I have no idea how to find a dealer that I can trust to provide them, though.

Grow your own shrooms. It's not hard to do.

Just buy a spore syringe and some rice flour / vermiculite and google of tek and bulk tek. You can grow out mycelia "cakes" in jars and then shred it to coco coir, leave it in a wet box you get shrooms, or mold lol

you sound like you've got your hand on your gat user

Anyone here knows where I can find some lsd in italy? I want to try it so bad