Suicide Squad

Finally got around to watching this yesterday. Doesn't it get way more hate than it deserves? Yeah, it had some flaws and was weirdly paced, but it was pretty standard for a superhero movie. Nothing outrageously bad. Although it's kinda dumb that the whole conflict only even happened in the first place because of Waller trying to create this team. I'd find it cooler if it was intentional and this was all part of her grand plan, but they didn't even acknowledge it. Not as cool as the Waller I'm used to. Granted, I didn't watch the extended cut (because I didn't know there was one) so maybe that added some improvements.

But I don't really get why DC stuff gets blasted by the critics while Marvel does basically the same thing and consistently gets high scores. What is the key difference between them? Critics generally shit on the "popcorn flicks" but Marvel seems almost impervious to that for some reason.

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Nice blog rebbitor faggot.

Oh look who it is again, it's "Sage." I remember you from last thread jackass. You must think you're so cool because your name is Sage. Well you're not.

DC doesnt make as good movies as Marvel does.

Everyone wants that DC makes good films but they fail every time.

A typical marvel film is that you feel entertained afterwards, even though it was pretty bad(Logan for example).
A typical DC film is basically "when is this shitstorm going to end for fuck sake"

It's Escape from LA with random DC villains, hardly great cinema but a decent flick

One thing that bugs me about all the DCEU films so far is that they've always had some planet-devastating conflict. Like would it kill them to take it easy for once? That's why I like the Marvel TV shows and also Deadpool, because they keep the conflict at a reasonable level while still being entertaining.

Hell, it applies to The Dark Knight too, so DC is capable of it. Not so much the other two Nolan Batmans though.

One of those movies it's popular to call the worst movie ever by critics and self proclaimed film experts for some reason, even though there are so many movies out there that are a million times worse.

Definitely has flaws, and it should have been much better, but it's entertaining enough. I'd say the 6.3 rating on imdb is pretty accurate.

More like 4.3
It's a below average film, it's like a made for tv movie. And I don't see how it doesn't unanimously get the award of worst superhero movie.

You do remember Jared Leto hissing and purring all over everyone right?

there has to be a severe threat, DC characters are literal gods

>And I don't see how it doesn't unanimously get the award of worst superhero movie.

Because movies like Elektra, Daredevil, Catwoman, Batman & Robin and Green Lantern exist.

I liked Daredevil, don't see why it got so much hate. The Netflix series is way better though.

You'd have to be clinically retarded to think any Marvel movie can compare to BvS/MoS/TDK

Marvel is a joke. Just turn off your brain like the good little sheep you are.

I love capeshit

I hated this, it was a legitimately bad movies

I also enjoyed daredevil, but it's been a few years since I watched it

How can you hate anything with Will Smith?

You know, the problem with Hollywood and superhero movies is that they make these films so far ahead of time that if people end up not liking what they do, then too bad, they won't be able to change it for the next few years because those movies are already set in stone.

it was just so fucking stupid, and why the fuck does Will get to just play himself in so many films, he gets away with it too often

He's earned it.

Alright "sage"

Yeah, BTFO him real good.

Some kinda