Tinder advice? i get over 20+ likes if i actually use the app...

tinder advice? i get over 20+ likes if i actually use the app, but these chicks are either so boring and bland or i get stopped by a pay wall. I'm a good looking dude but just a bit hard to talk to people i can't relate to.

Attached: tinder.png (1200x1200, 22K)

Filter out the niggers/spics and you won't have to worry about STD's ever again, user.

As for the rest, just do a money check on them (pretend that you forgot your wallet, or your credit card got maxed out when the waiter comes up) and see their reaction. That usually gives you a pretty good indication of who they actually are.

I'll remember that if I get past the first conversation. Right now I'm stuck where everyone I match with is either attractive and boring, or mostly ugly with somewhat of a personality. I've just been pretty lonely lately and idrk what to do about it. Maybe tinder isn't a good idea to solve that problem?

>money check
That gives me a good indication of who you actually are

Tinder isn't the best place to look for a long-lasting relationship. Oftentimes it's infested with one-night-stands and fuck-buddy rentals. people who just don't want to be in a commited relationship.

My advice to you would be to use other dating sites as well. Really, anything will give you better results than TInder. It's an app that's notorious for its disposable relationships.

You're doing Tinder wrong.

I had a lot of success with tinder. I felt like a whore. The trick is to not give a fuck. Don't "like" these women before you've even met them, and don't feel bad if they don't "like" you.

Speak your mind. Talk shit. Tell a story. Or something random you're thinking about. Ask them for their 3 favorite things. Ask them if they are satisfied in their sex life. Ask them if their parents loved them,nor who was their favorite. Ask them if they like shitposting.

You have to open up without fear of being rejected, aka be confident.

Who gives a fuck what these bitches think about you? Oddly enough, that attitude attracts more women.

I totally get where you're coming from. Maybe I am boring as fuck, my mind literally will go blank and I just have no idea what to say. I think it comes from living my life on the internet. I've missed out on a lot of opportunities to grow my mind for various reasons. It's not even like I'm looking for a relationship or someone to smash, well, I am but that's not even close to the whole reason I go on the app. I just want some chill people to talk to.

This. Good advice.

But I'll add that if you want a long relationship, you need to increase the amount of people you meet. That's simple statistics. While I wouldn't call people disposable, the interacting with someone you may never see again grows you little. They may have good advice, or serve as an example in some way. I've met some nice women and we had a very nice short time together, and some are platonic friends. You can't make new friends if you're not yourself.

It's a way to meet new people. If you don't meet enough new people, or have enough female platonic friends to keep you honest with yourself, then every new woman becomes a 'prospect' that you pin all of your hopes and dreams on and if it doesn't work out, you are devastated.

Nothing wrong with that, but then you shouldn't care what they look like. I've done that. You should say that to them, or literally put that paragraph in your profile. There are others like you. Make it easy for them to find you.

I might be repeating myself a tad and I apologize if I am. It's not even like I'm trying to date anyone right now. I'd be happy just having more people to talk to. I used to be super social when I was a bit younger, just being couped up on the internet I feel destroyed all social abilities I once had. The only people I know in real life anymore are a bunch of druggies that I hate being around.

Maybe a bio change is in order. I'll do that. Hopefully nobody gets blocked behind the pay wall lmfao

>tinder advice?
Don't take Tinder seriously, first of all.

>chicks are either so boring and bland or i get stopped by a pay wall
You must be very young to have not yet realized that all women are boring. Pay wall for what?

>I'm a good looking dude
Unless you have a physique to match those looks and make them matter, Tinder girls aren't going to give a shit; except fat girls, they swipe right on everyone

Bottom line, Tinder is a huge waste of time. You'll find the occasional hookup here and there, sure, but otherwise it's just girls looking for attention.

Oh. Well in that case I suggest you attend local events and festivals. Get as involved as you can with your local community, and make as many freinds as you can along the way.

Hell, do some volunteer work, I know cause I've done it. Was boring, but I got to meet quite a few people, you can also go to an airsoft/milsim event for shits.

>money check
lmao you fuckin' fruit, that has to be the dumbest shit ever posted on this board

How else do you test someone's true character on the first date? If not by an inconvenience via money then how?

You're right about this. I definitely should get involved with stuff. It's just scary not having anybody to do it with. I don't know what happened, but my ability to talk to people just plummeted and I don't know why. Well I have a couple ideas but I'm no psychologist. Definitely feel like the internet was a part of it though.

I Don't want to sound like a boomer but yeah, staying online tends to lead to adverse effects of isolation in many people. My bro went through the same shit, got hooked up. Could practically see his social skills deteriorating when he talks to people.

I fear spilling too much since I know people on this site, I never post on here and the only reason I am is out of being desperate. I will say though that after personal shit that happened to me a few years ago, I started putting all my time in to talking to people on discord I've known forever, and due to it. My social skills went down the drain.

Your self esteem is just fucked from not womanizing my guy, men get their confidence from knowing the girl their with or could be with is going to be below them. Go talk to some chick you don't give about, say she looks good, if she says some stupid shit(which they will) use logic, and take off their pedestal, were all people on the same fucking pedestal, also any girl you think you can get you can get which should be most if not all of them.

You started used Discord because of something that happened to you?

You can tell me about it if you'd like to. We're both anonymous here, it's not like this thread can be traced back to us...

Nah I've always been using it. I've known the dudes I talk to on it for many, many years before discord came out. I just got in a super depression due to family shit that happened. Due to it I'd stay away from people in school and I'd just focus more on talking to the online friends. Now that I've graduated, I've stopped talking to everyone I knew & the ones I somewhat still talk to are not compatible with my personality at ALL. Now I find myself stuck in a limbo. Stuck between four walls. Honestly the online friends are the only ones that really understand me.

Look user what i can say about tinder is that there's a lot of hoes in there. Just like pokemon, a lot types right? There's sad hoes, crazy hoes, stupid hoes, hoes, gold diggers, fat hoes, and many other...
The only thing that keeps them away from u user it's the urge to fuck that you have.. If you really wanna fuck just man up and get whatever match you get and swallow every fkn cringey word she says and reply back with a "haha same" so the hoe can think or feel like she is having a connection with someone. Then when you think is time just throw the pokeball and hope for the best and obviously im referring to a date or a sexual encounter with the pokeball...
Good luck user and hope you get the best hoes or whatever you looking for.

Attached: iRCIqzi.jpg (1543x1360, 427K)

If you're online friennds are what you say they are, then keep them close. Having friends like that who are that close to you should be something you should treasure.

On a side-note: in public schooling, students usually talk to eachother as acquaintances. To pass the time while they're given useless busy-work. It can often be compared to a workplace environment, doing a job and having people to talk to while being given an assignment. But in such an environment, it's often very difficult to find true freinds, since people are often-times too busy with their work. As such, when transferred away from that company/sector it is natural for people to just forget about those they've acquainted with. It's not anything rude or cold, it's just that you and they where too busy with their work.

As such, with your current predicament (of having some school-time freinds that you still talk to post-graduation but don't seem to connect to) It could be appropriate to distance yourself from them. Or if you choose to, repair the bridge between both of you. Remember, once a bridge burns down, it will be much more difficult to rebuild.

They're as close as I could ever ask for. Which of course I'm happy that I have them. Known them since I was a kid. It's not like the online buds can be around all the time though. & Let's face it, sitting on a computer all day makes you feel like garbage. I miss the real life stuff. Not just sitting on a screen all day lacking sun. Obviously they have their lives and on top of that, a time difference. I'd definitely move over to their territory if I could but, I'm a poorfag, I'm young, and I'd feel awful if I left my family. Maybe I'll find some people when the college life begins. Just scared of the social interaction of meeting new people. I am extremely fearful of my upcoming job for that same reason. I know I'm going to be super quiet and nervous (plus there's going to be a giant generation gap)

winter is coming

you get likes?


You could ass rape them and see how they react. Just throwing it out there...

Hmmm, can't argue with that...