Why is it so fucking hard to die?

Why is it so fucking hard to die?

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Are you eminem?

God made you to be very sturdy.

Because you're not really trying, you're just whoring for attention.

It's not.

I'd try if there was a foolproof way with zero chance of waking up in hospital in state where you can't even try again.

Jump off a bridge, while falling shooting yourself. You’ll be more then dead

jump off a bridge while wearing a "please don't try to reanimate" shirt.

Also, dying is super easy, everyone does it one day or another

Ever hear of your subclavian artery? Death time by severing that is ~3-5 seconds. Not saying you should do it but it really isn't hard to die.

Your whole body prime directive sense day 1 has been to not die. I'm assuming after this long it got good at not letting you die.

If you really wanna die just make sure you or no one else can help you once you've started, a camp site would be a good place to start.

its not if you have cancer, trust me

Well. If you would pay attention, you would actually ask why it's so hard to live

The only thing hard I could imagine is my dick.
No, seriously user be honest with yourself, why is it hard?
Answer that question for yourself and stop whoring for attention.
If you want people on the same level, then do not ask stupid questions. "why is it hard? " Start reflecting your life!

I think you responded to the wrong person.

Holy shit... How did that happen

Prolly had my post expanded from the reply link then expanded OP and accidentally clicked their ID instead. :x

Stop being a pussy and do it nigger

empty syringe with air, and you get a heart attack. Or eat poison?

Air embolisms can be risky in that you can survive them but have brain damage or some other organ damage.

better to fill that syringe with a teenth of H



Put your head on a train track

Attached: 1564265967102.jpg (1180x1500, 1.19M)

OP is a retard and has never heard of barbiturates


you never used bullets
time for those new mini bullet storms youve tested at the Alameda
point blank theyll remove your head

Its not. Just proves how worthless and pathetic you really are. Which sucks for the rest of us having to deal with your retarded ass.