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Other urls found in this thread:




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Toll paid

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Burn coal pay toll?

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It's only for Jim Boonie, no one else

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isnt he practically torturing his mom for money now.


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Voi shet, magir.

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He's so progressive he's the first trans racial cause race is only a social construct


Carefully, hes a hero

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>being sub 120 IQ

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As a german I have to inform you that we dont give a fuck about Shakespear.

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Back to le reddit, Untermensch.

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Can i put my penis in your naive ass now?

orange man bad


True, we have Goethe. He is in every way better

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Yeah, I do enjoy me some Faust and Die Leiden des jungen Werthers.

This faggot doesn't punch anything.

Me selling out my country


That's the joke

Attached: 1449147908229.gif (346x255, 1.68M)

haha he looks confused and then says "what"

Is there any other websites for deep dreaming? The original one works so shitty nowadays, and the result is weak. Although it has a shitload of settings without one essential setting: "Make weird shit? Y/N"

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I got a spear you can shake, kraut.

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Why couldn't you just say him "thanks" then? That's fucked up, mutilating yourself and all that.

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Good stuff mate

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But dude, weeeed!!11

Maybe they supposed he would use it for heroin consumption? Tbh I assumed his stepmother would use some other word, like blasphemous, or preposterous, to add the effect.


Our Prime Minstrel

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fuck, I hope this is bait

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that's the fucking joke nigga

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Really? I mean it's the UK, everything's possible.

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Do you know for sure if you died today, you'd go to heaven Sup Forums? Would you like to?


Attached: 358.jpg (680x680, 44K)

No, and you can't either

Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems... The solution is - add a dimension. If that won't work... add more dimensions.

Attached: trust me i'm an engineer.jpg (800x600, 142K)


Wouldn't the US invading and sweeping down through Middle America solve all of the problems? March down to the Panama Canal and build a much smaller wall at that narrow point, direct control of shipping through the ismuth, the middle Americans become US citizens, America can better fight the drugs and people trafficking problems and gets shit loads of beach front tourist traps. I can't see any downsides for anyone but a few politicians and despots.

jew york should be bombed

ah, low INT RPG builds are great

why would it be bait? it's not some hokey solution.


you're cringe, buddy

Another Krautmuncher here, can confirm. Generally it won't show up in any syllabus/curriculum

It works though. I could do the delivery a bit less cringy, but why not make an omage to an old and beloved game.


this one is funnier

entire canada should just off themselfs for electing such a massive cuck fag

they would. and would say "sorry" while doing it too, kek

Fuck i lost

May I know your pronoun? I wish to assault you by intentionally using the wrong one.