Hey Sup Forums it's very important to stop with the shit you are doing, and revive Sup Forums if it's possible

Hey Sup Forums it's very important to stop with the shit you are doing, and revive Sup Forums if it's possible.

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Do you think Sup Forums could stop with their faggotory and stop posting porn?

>to many newfags
>Sup Forums is getting censored

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Sup Forums doesn't need reviving - it is still alive and well and doing the job that it was originally intended to do:
i.e. be the retard Sup Forumsin where all the junk that didn't elong elsewhere on Sup Forums could be dumped, provided it complied with the Global Rules that are enforced here.

I suspect that Sup Forums is still the most used board on Sup Forums, with the quickest turnover of threads;
if not:
well done to the other board(s) that are actually doing better.

Its actually the fourth.
1) pol
2) v
3) vg
4) b
5) tv

Sad, Sup Forums used to have almost 2/3 of the site traffic. Porn killed it though.

I haven't seen any child porn, only cute drawings

: nice dubs
thanks for the info - I couldn't be bothered looking it up myself - usually when I try researching something for a post on Sup Forums, the thread has 404'd by the time I have typed it all out and posted it.

Sauce for the few interested. There probably wont be many though, since people only come to Sup Forums for porn and this aint a porn thread.

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irl CP does still occasionally get posted on Sup Forums, but most users are very quick to report it, and the Mods delete it almost immediately: maybe just a matter of a few minutes, from post to deletion.

so Sup Forums is still #1 for threads per hour.

>be me
>go on Tubekitty.com
>look for cream pie videos.
>front page is a pthc video

how about you revive Sup Forums instead, fag. Whining about it won't do shit about the insta/fb threads

Yeah, thats another symptom of the decline of this board, it has tons of low quality threads that dont even reach the imagecap.

Truth is the porn threads often reach the image cap, and the large number of threads that don't tend to be things like yellowfag raids on Sup Forums, other complaint threads about porn, furries, etc; and extremely unpopular forced memes like l󠛡o󠛡g󠛡p󠛡o󠛡s󠛡t󠛡er h󠛡y󠛡e󠛡n󠛡a j󠛡a󠛡s󠛡i󠛡r󠛡i etc

Sup Forums has become the same threads day after day. Any refresh of the main page will bring up most of the following:
-Waifu post
-Cuck post
-Am I gay post
-"Celebrity" post
-Kill myself post.

Over and over. Any OC is long gone.

May I ask how you got that very informative image?
I would find a link to the source quite useful

One of the problems with OC is that when it is created, even if you make a thread with the first four or five posts it often gets ignored because the average Sup Forumstard is not geared up to respond to the unfamiliar content and the thread quickly 404's due to lack of bumps.
I more or less gave up trying to create OC threads about three years ago, when the l󠛡o󠛡g󠛡p󠛡o󠛡s󠛡t󠛡er started flooding the board to the extent that any other new content disappeared almost immediately, and I was wasting so much more time filtering and hiding the obnoxious ordure instead of trying to post something interesting.

When will 8ch come back? I found porn there I never knew would make me hard!



I heard it is still operating on the "d󠛡a󠛡r󠛡k󠛡n󠛡e󠛡t",
but I've not checked it out. I only ever went to 8󠛡c󠛡h󠛡a󠛡n when Sup Forums was down for some reason.

[link munged to avoid spam filters if you use Tor you need to hand type the link - copypasta won't work]

Seems to be down. U got anything else time consuming?

Forced memes were what drove me out of here, specifically the “funny banana“.

Stopped browsing b when that shit got spammed everywhere and never looked back

Sup Forums is a containment board for aspies and autists. This is nothing new.

Sup Forums is alive. It's just called /s4s/ now.

I agree (ourselves excepted)


Hmmmm...whoo think was him..?!

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Very accurate. Now that you mention it that dumbfuck banana crap was the tipping point for me too. I come to Sup Forums once in a long while just to see what's going on in and every time is more disappointing than the last. There is a lot to point blame at. The catalogue killing any semblance of true randomness. The dismantling of sage as a way to cull bad threads. Lack of lurking and necessary gatekeeping by oldfags. A general degradation of OC or good senses of humor. Ultimately, it comes down to the users being simple minded, lazy, and uninteresting. Nothing going to change that now.

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>never looked back
..... hence why you're posting here today

Well the only way to win Sup Forumsack would be to flood it with actual good post, you need to drown out the porn post and not so stupid shit like yellow raids because those only incite the pornfags to post more, this is Sup Forums tell it to stop only makes it do it more

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About a decade ago cheese pizza threads would be posted and last an hour or more almost daily.

Nowadays you rarely see any real pics before they get taken down, I havent had to witness any in months thankfully.

I was told this site had some top tier memes and shit but I'm so new and I have no idea where to look or what to expect can one of y'all please help me?

It's dead Jim. Go to facebook and 9gag for your maymays now. It's all been ass fucked by tweens and normies.

Nah. Get out as long as you still can. This place rots your mind and heart. I've been here too long and I'm completely NSFW in real life now.

I am all for original threads man. I think a lot of lurkers are. Something feels off about many of these porn threads. Like they're artificially generated. There is some weird shit going on that we haven't really looked into. Also, it's an jmageboard people, post some images once in a while that aren't your aunt Sally's crack.

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I used to use kik for a little over a year and it had some funny stuff but there was way too much cheese pizza and most of the admins where ghost. All I have is recycled content and it's bigging the shit outta me, Frank

Pretty much this.

/s4s/ is far closer to old Sup Forums than Sup Forums is now

Yeah maybe I'll just stick to the Snapchat meme pages and such.. I've already seen too much on kik that you can't really unsee thank y'all so much though you've been really nice. -Jim

>Ban phoneposters
>Bring back the old system: people who are banned can't even browse
>Kill catalog view
>Kill infinite scroll
>... In fact kill anything resembling ease of use improvements

Not much anyone can do until the bots posting 80+ porn threads are all shut down.

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What's the deal with all this anyway?

Chicken-spam 2.0

>bring back mods are asleep at certain hours.

But seriously its become too trendy cause of media. I lurk till the old gods return.

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Talking about media, a lot of newfags is here cause goutube users using TTS and milks the audience and when they are dry, they come crawling here to see if they can get any cocks to suck before returning to the jewtube; to watch ads and pay for pomoted ads with extra DLC ads that fucking get leeched on to other ads.

Bump :3

adblock forevah

A life saver indeed