Without resorting to /fit/ memes, name one thing wrong with his body

Without resorting to /fit/ memes, name one thing wrong with his body.

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/fit/ is a bunch of chubby betas who do nothing but bench press like twice of week, they're triggered by low body fat%

its the identical body of Emma Watson.

long hair that can easily be pulled in a fight
terrible stance
folding thumb into palm
too skinny

It has no definition. Daredevil set a standard and Iron Fist should be just as or more impressive. Did you watch the show OP?

He's too thin, not enough muscle

I've seen more meat on a carrot.

Underdeveloped lats, core, chest and neck.
His arms and shoulders looks proportional, though not buff at all.

Also his head is too large for his body, makes him look even more scrawny.

He's not too thin though, he has obvious muscle definition

Daredevil is a brawler/boxer, not a martial artist.

literally no muscle under the lower third backrib
I could land 7 hits at his current fighting stance.
and thats with out using my arms.

so you're saying Emma Watson has a manly body?

Honestly just his lower core. His chest could be alot better too but arms and shoulders look perfect.

His stance is all kinds of fucked up, indicating either spine problems or shitty teaching

It belongs to a terrible actor.

You can be thin and have muscle definition, it's mostly a question of body fat. He doesn't have to be 6'4 230lbs and ripped, but he's far too scrawny for someone who's supposed to be some 0.01% martial artist. He needs to be physically imposing and have a body that at least creates the suspension of disbelief that he could perform superhuman feats.

No bulge

>chest tattoo

He has some definition but no muscle mass. He doesn't look like a fighter

You do realize he channels magic energy correct?

I think that could compensate for 10 lbs of muscle in a comic book show

he's sucking in that gut

user no

If you're gonna respond to any valid criticism with shit like this then why did you even make the thread?

He can't do that constantly though, only maybe a couple of times a day because it fucks him up. He'd need decent muscle mass for basic fights. Anyone who says martial artists aren't muscular is a retard

fighters usually don't have any notable muscle mass in low weight classes though. He doesn't lift weights on the side as heavyweights do, so he's not too muscular, makes sense

>You do realize he channels magic energy correct?
He didn't have a shiny fist when he hopped around the outside of that villain's skyscraper.

What is he supposed to be good at? Swimming? Ice skating?

martial artists aren't muscular, they're low bodyfat but don't carry that much lean mass

martial arts training itself won't make you gain muscle

>He needs to be physically imposing and have a body that at least creates the suspension of disbelief that he could perform superhuman feats.

It needs to look SOMEWHAT believable, or you run into the same problem of 90lbs actresses manhandling 230lbs henchmen through fancy karate moves. They need to be a little bulky to make it look good.

Can we just pretend Iron Fist didn't exist and stop talking about it?

There is better kung fu in any one episode of Into the Badlands than there is in the entire Iron Fist series. Whether or not the Game of Thrones twink was right for the role is the least of that show's problems.

>Can we just pretend Iron Fist didn't exist and stop talking about it?
It is the most popular Marvlel show they've put out, user. Expect future projects to be just as shitty or worse. Hopefully The Punisher is too far along to be this bad.

Nigger did you even see the difference between that fag and the actual fighters on the show? They were all easily twice his size.

Real fighters don't like to carry excess weight but they usually look the fucking part, you look at Bruce Lee who weighed like 140 lbs and tell me he doesn't 10 times more impressive than this fag

Daredevik and even Jessica Jones are better in every way. Yes, a chick throwing around dudes with 0 effort is better looking than the fag shit in Iron Fist. But that's not the point. Point is Iron Fist is in general shitty looking. Granted, their movies look worse.

>Real fighters don't like to carry excess weight

Only because real fighters have to deal with weight classes.

More weight is nothing but an advantage.

He doesn't look trained in anything at all. This is 1 week of irregular bodyweight excersise or leisure swimming body.

look at that fucking stomach

when you tack on mass you sacrifice flexibility, that's a straight up fact

the actor is too skinny fat for the role.

i cant take the faggot cocksucker from game of thrones seriously, he looks like a joke compared to Daredevil


He had like two months of training before filming and they apparently thought that would be enough. Also I hear rumors that he was a lazy uncooperative shithead the whole time

If you're gonna respond to any valid criticism with plot and character related reasons why make the thread!!??

I think the OP was pretty much a rhetorical question to which the answer is nothing. Christ fat people should be euthanized.

To be fair, he's made a considerable progress from his Loras days. If it's an effect of just 2 months, things can only get better from here.

>>when you tack on mass you sacrifice flexibility
no when you tack on mass you sacrifice cardio, you gas out faster. there are plenty huge fighters in the midweight classes that are huge but still manage to be fast in both movement and hands

Maybe, but they could have done the sensible thing and cast someone who a) could act and b) was already trained instead of going for the Meme of Thrones publicity

kys, my man

Absolutely nothing.

he is a twink when he should be at least a twunk


>has one scene
>effortlessly acts and fights circles around Finn Jones
>most memorable scene in the whole series

The pre brad pitt in fight club


Into the Badlands is an underrated show.

He looks like he doesn't do more than cardio. At least he has fucking magic on his side doing the heavy lifting.

Asian martial artist chick has the same problem, that actor hasn't done anything but cardio in her life, yet they still have her fight guys 4 times her size. There's other weight classes to choose from except for 'giant thug' if they really want to have her fight guys for money.
Wrestling is more realistic.

That scene wasn't anything special. It looked like some video game.
Danny should have Iron Fist'd his face.

The guy in your pic has more muscle mass, his body fat is just much lower so he looks skinnier.

Pic related. Bruce Lee is a martial artist and is very muscular for his height and weight.

The guy in OP's pic doesn't have anywhere near that level of definition. He looks like someone who does karate once or twice a week instead of someone devoted to martial arts.

Look at this: even he is demonstrably fitter despite being twice the guy's age.

It reminds me of how shit and disappointing the second season of GoT was, so I'd rather not see it.

The fucking happy trail crawling out of his pants

I'm literally bigger

That drunken master fight was the worst of the lot, he made blondie look oscar nominated.

Worse than the shit hatchet hallway fight with the twenty jump cuts per second?

That isn't a very low body fat percent though.

Nigga, he's 14% at least.

The fact I have a very similar body and I stopped lifting more or less 2 years ago

It's not inside me

Halfway through. They cannot afford to slow the plot down this much.

I like his hair

>Without resorting to /fit/ memes, name one thing wrong with his body.

Only one?

He's a twink

>brags about how great shape he's in
>tells the media how his workout has been Christian Bale American Psycho brutal
>show airs
>skinnyfat 15 year old body
I wonder why he's getting shit for it.

to be frank for a show with such terrible writting he wasn't doing that bad. At least he tried.

it's fucking embarrassing
a 2 month cycle would give appropriate results

This show is comedy gold.

>yeah, at least he showed up for the shoots
Yes, give the man a medal for putting in the minimum required effort.

it was in a shitty netflix show

They couldn't get Kick-Ass to do a cut? His character is already dead in the movies anyway.

I've been working out since November, doing bjj and muay thai since February, am a 160lbs 6'1" lankster. I'm 100x more toned then the knight of flowers. It's like he didn't even work out more then once a week for the roll.

Honestly your "review" (if it can even be called) that is fucking terrible

please never post your youtube channel again, your voice is also like audible pesticide

His hair is overstyled for someone who's supposed to be just back from some backwards monastery.

>He's 13-14% body fat.
>He didn't take trenbalone acetate, hgh, and insulin to get above his natty limit.
>he looks like he started lifting 3-4 months ago. He's probably 5-6 lbs of lean body mass over untrained.

he had three weeks to bulk up I believe, and not much time to do it while filming, they had a pretty rushed schedule

I sorta buy it, but Charlie Cox had a few weeks longer and managed to have a much more impressive body transformation

>he had three weeks to bulk up I believe
You can't just bulk up in 3 weeks when you're fucking weaksauce.

Lack of definition
Dosnt look like someone who keeps a tight daily ruitene

Nothing, I wish I was that skinny desu senpai

That is a completely unrealistic expectation and you fucking know it, 3 weeks is absolutely nothing

Have you ever bulked up? For most people, it takes at least 3 months for any noticable difference

terrible stance? dude is in the generic horse stance you fuck.