And the Oscar for Best Extra goes to

>And the Oscar for Best Extra goes to...

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no way jose

Kek, any more like this? I have a bad habit if focusing on background characters in scenes like restaurants and stuff, just to see how mundane their actions are and if they accidentally look directly into camera.

You had one job Tyrone.

kek, more

Doesn't Band of Brothers have a really serious scene where some soldiers are running where one of them is clearly laughing? Someone post it.

>sweeping webm.webm

>mfw niggers fail at even pretending to work

That's full metal jacket

the dude drinking from an empty glass in boardwalk empire

Let's not forget Doc's kid, the original pervert

Done intentionally to avoid sweeping noises. Sets are quiet.


wtf is he showing?

He's the director. He's telling the camera man to zoom in.

either he has to piss or marty can suck it

The Force grants additional reach apparently

hehe nice reddit post my friend, upvoted subscribed xDDD

bullshit, everything is dubbed anyway

>everything is dubbed
No it's not user

you obviously know fuckall
almost all sound is added in post through foley and dubbing

Take your pick

Not that user, but literally 90% of the sounds you hear in a film (including door openings, cars, page flipping whatever) are added in later in big budget films.

But still that 10% that is left is enough to make extras work silently

>in big budget film

More like in every film that has a budget. Here in Finland the average budget for a film is 1,5 million and they still use Foley for everything. TV show budgets are like 150k per episode and it's the same thing there.

Only films that don't use Foley are Clerks-tier amateur films that have budgets smaller than Amy Schumer's weekly grocery expenses.


You should watch Braveheart. In the big battle scenes there are extras who are obviously play fighting, horsing around and even laughing

ask and you shall receive

>that one policeman at 0:02 throwing a punch at literally nobody

This movie is such a clusterfuck.

wtf after all these years several times posting this pic i notice its empty. i was captivated by his expressive expreshion

does someone have the webm of the guy fighting Batman and falling to the ground for no reason?

>you will never be in a big scene like this and fuck it up on purpose for epic lulz

huh, I always thought it was cropped from a porno for some reason

Wow you're new.

>that one super fat guy with a jewfro
>see video of him in a bunch of shows as an extra
>now can't stop noticing him every time

In one of the first Iron Fist episodes, th cleaning nigger in the dojo does the same thing, sweeping over the ground. In fact, during the whole scene he comes in, sweeps for maybe half a minute and then sits down and does nothing.
He's not even an extra.

what the fuck I've used this gif for years and never noticed it's empty

You laugh but actually his portrayal of a black man working is 100% accurate, it's uncanny really

It's an ancient force kicking technique.

bravo nolan

There's a scene in I think a Hitchcock movie where a kid covers his ears a second or so before a gunshot. It's in a diner or something. I saw it on YouTube, so I don't remember it too well

>when the acid kicks in

the autism on the site...

I worked on a film and there was a scene with a lot of extras and it was a party scene where everyone is all dancing and it is complete silence. Looks hilarious all these people want to hang out for 8-12 hours to be an extra and they all do it for free.

He's not sweeping the floor to avoid creating a dust cloud.

It's like your Mom still cleans up after you.

Imagine being Orson in that ad and having to be all like "Muuuhaaaahhh, Paul Masson, you fuckin' fine, all delicious with your in-the-bottle fermentation and horrific faux-French monstrous taste. I would totally drink you, both in this advert and one for frozen peas." when all he really wants to do is drink another $500 Dom Perignon in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Orson and not only sit in that chair while the extra pours his disgusting California champagne in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the suspicious-looking sediment building in it, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that pour. Not only having to tolerate the monstrous fucking taste but Paul Masson's haughty attitude as everyone on set says it's VINTAGE DATED and DAMN, PAUL MASSON CHAMPAGNE TASTES LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and drink the disgusting fucking piss water contorting your palette into horrific flavours you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been drinking nothing but a healthy diet of Krug and Bollinger and later alleged moonshine for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Wisconsin. You've never even drunk anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the chemical contaminants in this mass produced sham pigswill as it's poured again and again for you, the extra smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in the "French excellence (for that is what they call it)", the excellence they worked so hard for with fermentation techniques in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could break a bottle and stab everyone in this room, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Orson Welles. You're drunk as fuck and don't know why the extra isn't doing anything. Just bear it. Slurr your lines and bear it.

>the autism on the site...
I love it.

it's called being autistic.


>Chairs were pieces of furniture humanoids could sit in or on (depending on the type of the chair). Chairs came in many shapes and styles, and chairs that could hover also existed. Chairs were common household items throughout the galaxy.

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Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
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Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
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Battle to the End
Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope (First appearance)
Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi

I see Rogue One skipped out on these humanoid furniture pieces.

do you think he browses Sup Forums?

This movie was so bad even for Nolan standards.

I'm not sure he don't drink anything he may have a little bit of whisky like they serve in this kind of glass

My kingdom for a kek

Well to be fair they only HAD one shot at this scene. Imax camera and set size.

Best they could do.

no way this is unintentional

if the glass was really empty the actor made a good impression of swallowing whisky and enjoying it

they probly stopped refilling it between takes after he got that happy

He didn't swim so good

Here is another real world example

There's this guy, sticks out more because he's pretty much the only guy in the background.

>niggers are lazy and scummy
Not surprised.
Some cucks would argue that these two negroids deserve earning the same amount of money as the white men actually doing their jobs, too.

I'm not sure how any of this counts but:
>Shawshank Redemption
>In the scene where Red is buying a bus ticket, as the camera is panning the queue, the old white guy turns to look at the camera
>Conan the Barbarian
>Thorgrim accidentally drops his hammer when the camera is watching Thulsa Doom's men charging toward the burial mound
>Stargate SG-1
>in one of the final scenes where the Tulac people are fleeing the GO-OLD, one extra keeps appearing with the worst-looking wig ever, complete with semi-bald-cap with an obvious seam and IIRC his real hair poking out between it

You can notice she looks at the extra and smirks.
How did this shit get the green light?

>that guy in the hi-vis punching literally nothing in front of him

War is helluva fun tho, so it could be good acting on his part.

Nolan only does one shot for all scenes.
they call him Christopher "one take" Nolan

He's a small guy if that's the director.

I hope to meet this guy one of these days and buy him a drink

That's not true. He does up to three takes, if necessary

even if they're not accomplishing anything, the guy shoveling sand is working hard

He's Robert Downy Jr's cousin.

For you, maybe. What are you, some kind of a big guy?

>budgets smaller than Amy Schumer's weekly grocery expenses.

So, Avatar?

>working hard
>accomplishing nothing
I'll make sure to show my boss this post next time he finds me shitposting while working.

>working HARD

I measure 1.78m so pretty average. I'm big for some guys, I'm small for other guys. What's the difference?

seriously why

You seem like you'd be a pretty big guy for me. Whaddaya say, big guy? You want to bring whatever it is you're packing over here and see if I'm a big enough guy to take all of you?


>director didnt notice this

I dont believe it

lol how did he not get fired

he's the wig guy from goodfellas so it's probably some kind of inside joke

The Hornblower movies have the extras constantly looking in the camera and laughing

The same fucking guy

Terminator 2 has so many continuity errors film classes show it to students.

In that scene towards the end where the T-1000 is driving a motorcycle up flights of stairs it seriously changes to a bmx bike at one point.

There's like hundreds of glaring mistakes in that movie.


N-no user why did you have to make this post

Cock at the end of Teen Wolf


1980s teen wolf, some extra in the bleachers whips out his cock

Blade Runner has a few of these. The huge hole in Harrison Ford's space suit and the scene where the boom mic is almost slapping him in the face. Also you can see the crew in the mirror scene in the first 15 minutes.

why sweep at all then? he outside on a dock just pick up a fucking box or some shit.


it's literally fine

>that one fat guy failing to cum on a bukkake scene

calculating the amount for mixing concrete

>hurr niggers are lazy durrr

alt-right cucks are pathetically dumb

wheres the mortar and stones? why they so lazy doing it?

Is it a common practice to just mix concrete on the ground?

>calculating anything but the amount of crack they are about to smoke
