
*the absolute state of nagelsmeme edition*

>Saturday 27/01


15:30 Cologne - Auagsburger (1-1)
15:30 Buyern - Hobb’n’Home (5-2)
15:30 Borruschia Dirtmund - Freecastle (2-2)
15:30 Rasenball - HIV (1:1)
15:30 VfB Buttfart - >Schalke (0-2)
18:30 Werder Bremen - Kneelers BSC
>Sunday 28/01


15:30 Byer Neverkusen - FSV Mainz 05
18:00 Hangover 96 - VfL Wolfsburger

2nd /bundes/

13:30 Erzgebirge Aua - Eintracht Brownschweiger
13:30 FC St. Antifa - Darmstadt
13:30 SV Sandhouse - Dynämö Dresden

3rd /bundes/

14:00 Karl Marx Jena - Hallescher FC
>Monday 29/01

2nd /bundes/

20:30 Bocum - Bielefeld

>Tuesday 30/01

3rd /bundes/

19:00 PreuBen Münster - ReWe Erfart

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yes yes hello

>pls watch our shows
fucking sky

>"Die Ost- und Westtribüne, da kommen die Leute ins Stadion, um ihre eigene Mannschaft auszupfeifen. Die sollen lieber zu Hause bleiben", sagte der Schweizer bei "Sky".

>tfw busy because boss fucked up paperwork
>tfw comfy saturday morning got ruined
>tfw missed almost all games so far
Fucking hell, at least I managed to see a buyern goal.

>Karl Marx Jena
Is that Chemnitz?

judging by his performances he should stay at home too


no it's Jena

it's a great matchday so far

Jena is a city

Dortmund seriously need to get rid of

Sokratis is good enough.

>everyone thought Frankfurt will get relegated
>Frankfurt is worth only 90 million
>third place right now (without leverkusens match)
tell me Kovac isn´t based i dare you

>TM values

I like Bürki, Götze, Durm and Sokratis though.

after this good matchday I have the feeling that bremen-kneelers will be an absolute borefest

2014 please

Aki please

they play kinda consistent this season but are just boring as shit

Frankfurt being 3. symbolises everything that's wrong with the league

Our league is an absolute joke.

I think it might be time to get rid of 50+1.

What did he say this time?

>wow, more money
>*spends 50m on Caiuby*

>tfw too intelligent for defence

why is the Bremen match the late one? who even cares about this?


too intelligent for defence and too intelligent for offence ... maybe they should channel their powers

>small clubs shouldn´t get respect for beating bigger clubs in a competitive sport


that's a foul


right call, at the cost of the game itself

var out

Combined together they make one mediocre manager.

"Dames und here, sie nieuwe trainer von HSV"

what's his name?
"peter peter" or "bosz stöger"?

Hollerbach (Magath's former assistant) got the job


good night

is this /quack/?

*puts cheese on thigh*

what are some essential Peter kinos?

*orders u to call mommy*

it was quark

who the fuck is that guy coughing in the back at Sky?

Bunducksliga when?

soon I hope

can you even buy quark in england?

no it's haram


>people acting like Wozniacki winning Australian Open is in any way comparable to Euro 92 and bigger than Riis winning the Tour
Would make me laugh if it didn’t anger me so much

based milf

>Selke chimpout


>all these wasted chances

Rock you like a Harrykane

You could put a fucking box at goalkeeper and those players would manage to hit it

Belfodil is Hertha's best defender

>dieses torlose 0 zu 0
Loddar pls


>dude, let's smack it right at the giganigga lmao

This wasn't really a boring game. Just needed goals to be the memeist game of the match day.



>Gleich mehrfach und überraschend früh und laut tat das schwarzgelbe Publikum seinen Unmut kund. Galten die Pfiffe zunächst nur dem wechselwilligen Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, trafen sie später die ganze BVB-Mannschaft, die teils patzig reagierte.
>Torwart Roman Bürki kritisierte nach dem Spiel am Sky-Mikrofon vor allem die Fans auf der Ost- und West-Tribüne ("Ich höre keine Unterstützung von diesen Leuten. Die haben keine Ahnung vom Fußball.") und fing sich prompt einen Anpfiff seines Chefs ein. Manager Michael Zorc mächtig angefressen in der Mixed Zone: "Die Aussage ist unangemessen und inhaltlich falsch. Ich empfehle den Spielern, die 90 Minuten nochmal am Stück anzusehen. Da müssen sie aufpassen, dass sie nicht selbst pfeifen."
>Tatsächlich ist der Ärger der Anhänger nach dem total fahrigen und indisponierten Auftritt verständlich: Fehlpässe, kaum Torchancen, kein Tempo zur rechten Zeit, unfassbare Ballverluste im Offensivspiel, ein lahmendes Aufbauspiel durchs Zentrum.
>Kurzum: So gar nicht das, was der neue Trainer Peter Stöger versprochen hatte, als er vor einigen Wochen verkündete, selbst er könne diesen BVB nicht unattraktiv spielen lassen.

how long until Peter 2 gets fired?

helo wher is everyone?

We're all at the bundes meetup my friend. Didnt you get the invite?

>get Stöger
>play unentschieden
who would have seen this coming

I have made my noodles too spicy, my mouth is burning



he's just insané


>Stöger: 6 draws
>Tedesco: 7 draws

based stögi

lmao Stöger even sucks at what he is doing best

when will stöger evolve into kultstöger?

Yes hello, I'm back from work

kinda disappointed desu. But 10 points out of 4 games is more than I could've hoped for.

I'm not even suprised desu.

hello friend
how was tse work?

>Wolfsburg: 11 draws

given that I had next to no sleep and was still somewhat hung over, it was actually pretty chill.

リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー is such an Ohrwurm.

thanks for asking btw.
How was your day? How did your team played'?

give it time

it was alright. dont feel like going out because cant drink right now bc have a real sore intestine. and being sober while everyone else gets smashed is kinda boring.
my team played yesterday & lost unfortunately

It's your move
I played all of mine
Time is running out
Make your move
Or we can't go on
Till you understand
It's all in your hands
It's your move DeNmArK

That doesn't sound so good. I get what you're saying and I probably would've done the same, but being sober while everyone else is drunk/high as fuck can be quite interesting, as long as it isn't for a whole night. Get well soon.

>my team played yesterday & lost unfortunately
Although being somewhat inconsistent, I still think that BMG is on the right track with their more possession based playing style. But it sure would help them if they could improve their pressing and overall "aggressiveness" again

good night

Are we getting autosaged again.

which position do you play?

>being sober while everyone else is drunk/high as fuck can be quite interesting
already did that because I have it since some weeks now. it wasnt as bad as I imagined but still dont need it every weekend

>Get well soon.
thanks friend. will have treatment starting next week and hope it'll be back to normal soon.

hehe no I'm the spicyburger user

sleep tight

play making shitposter

sure looks like it

I'm the walter frosch of bundes