Name a more overrated movie

name a more overrated movie

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three colors trilogy

The Matrix


in the real world, not Sup Forums

Fight Club or American Beauty easily

That filename

Forest gump


True fact.



The Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson
Only lotrfag redditors will disagree

Eh, the claim that it is the best film ever is retarded, but it is very good

Why is Forrest Gump overrated?

The Force Awakens

Cause jenny is a trashy whore who deserved the knife not a good guy like forest.

Shawshank redemption.

>when youre two stoopid to read the thread b4 posting

>Cause jenny is a trashy whore who deserved the knife not a good guy like forest.
There were a lot of metaphors under the surface that you may not have caught. Forrest represents the bright side of America (athlete, war hero, successful businessman, etc.), as opposed to Jenny who represents the dark side of America (homeless, whore, drug addict, etc.). Lt. Dan meanwhile represents America itself.


I caught them you idiot tahts the whole point. Its pseudo feel good garbage showing that jenny can be redeemed if someone saves her. Thats why I hate it. She deserves to have been thrown away not saved.

How dare you

Guardians of the Galaxy
2.5/10 flick at best

Anything by Nolan, especially Inception, Memento and Interstellar.

>Anything by Nolan
You're trying way to hard to be anti-reddit

He's work is overrated. Batman Begins solid, The Dark Knight, even though it's quite simple and has common flaws his other films have, is his best film, every other film is either mediocre or worse and is severely overrated, especially the movies I've mentioned that are filled with expositions, flat characters and mediocre directing, not to mention that Interstellar suffers the most from his pretentious self-indulging. Also, I'm trying to be anti-reddit, since I never did post on reddit and if I did, I wouldn't care. You know why? Because it brings nothing to the discussion but a pathetic ad hominem attempt when you have nothing better to say.


fuck you

Its very common to dis-like something that has become popular aka something reddit likes to try and seem cool and edgy here. Surely youve noticed that. Also saying all his other films are mediocore is too much mate. Even if you dont like inception its certainly better than mediocre same goes for dark knight rises.
Now please call me a pleb and hit your vape.

>if I sound like a contrarian retard maybe that smelly girl with the dreadlocks will notice me

Rises is arguably his worst film, it was quite clear that he didn't want to do another Batman film. Inception is mediocre at best since most of the characters aren't characters, instead they're walking expositions because Nolan doesn't trust his audience and thinks he's so smart, yet he can't convey his themes with subtlety even if his life depended on it. Also, some scenes were copied 1:1 from a superior animated film called Paprika, and don't play the homage card, thanks. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention how an interesting idea turned into a generic action movie and how Nolan played it too safe with those dream scenes, just take a look at Paprika or even fucking Dr. Strange that at least went a little further with it.
I never quite understood why not liking something that's popular is considered edgy, if you at least try to argue it and aren't like "hurr durr it's bad because it's popular!".

>I never quite understood why not liking something that's popular is considered edgy

Because of what you said below

>Inception is mediocre at best since most of the characters aren't characters, instead they're walking expositions because Nolan doesn't trust his audience and thinks he's so smart, yet he can't convey his themes with subtlety even if his life depended on it.

That is so try hard and ridiculous and pompous. I dont even understand what youre trying to say. You arent Max Landis by chance are you? Its just so over the top and insane man. Youre so up your own ass with snobby intellectualism that you cant even enjoy a movie cause you are so busy psycho analyzing every angle.

Guardians of the Galaxy

She's molested as a child you fucking idiot. She needed help.

>She's molested as a child you fucking idiot
That has nothing to do with what I said.
YA she has problems so why is that forests problem? Why should she drag his life down? So because she was molested thats an excuse to be a piece of shit for the rest of her life? Are you mentally retarded?
Youre not making excuses for her are you? You sound like a woman or white knight not sure which.

>Its just so over the top and insane man. Youre so up your own ass with snobby intellectualism that you cant even enjoy a movie cause you are so busy psycho analyzing every angle.
It may sound like that, but it's mostly true for all of his films, especially for Interstellar and Inception. I can enjoy a film with my brain turned off, but when I watch a pretentious film like Inception that tries way too much to be clever, yet fails and is filled with countless of expositions , I just can't. Also, yelling buzzwords without actually trying to refute the argument, even if you think it's pseud, try hard, whatever, brings nothing to the table so kindly fuck off.

The Dark Knight Rises including the opening scene.

Get Out

Like I said I cant even counter argue cause I dont even get what you mean. Ill agree he used a lot of special effects to capture the casual audience sure but so what? Again I dont even understand how a movie can be pretensious or how its trying "too hard" to be clever.
Also as far as trying to hard to fit in the fact that OP posted empire strikes back which is universally considerd a fantastic movie is a perfect example of what I meant. Are you going to offer a negative opinion on that as well?

>OP posted empire strikes back which is universally considerd a fantastic movie is a perfect example of what I meant.
Oh, you're on of those guys. Universally acclaimed titles doesn't necessarily mean they're good just because the majority thinks like that, think for yourself, man! It's the same deal with music and literature, hell, even with video games, ad populum does no good in discussions.
>Are you going to offer a negative opinion on that as well?
I like Empire, but it has it's flaws and is far from being fantastic. It's a good film no doubt, but not a masterpiece everyone praises so much.
>Like I said I cant even counter argue cause I dont even get what you mean.
Hope this helps. Nolan is very condescending towards his audiences. Inception and Interstellar reeked of "oh, look at me my films are so smart, you couldn't possibly understand them!" type of attitude, so he decided to include countless number of expositions into his work, because he can't convey the film's themes with any sort of subtlety and he's just lazy. I want to like Nolan, because I think he has a good amount of potential, but he just fails to reach said potential with almost each of his work. Ville, even though he has his flaws, is a better Nolan than Nolan himself, his film Enemy is much better than Nolan ever did.
>Ill agree he used a lot of special effects to capture the casual audience sure but so what?
We're nothing talking special effects here, we're talking how he thinks so little of his audience.
He's a wannabe Kubrick, especially with Interstellar that tried too hard to be 2001 yet failed flat on it's ass, but he'll never manage to be nearly as good as him.

>I like Empire, but it has it's flaws and is far from being fantastic. It's a good film no doubt, but not a masterpiece everyone praises so much.
See ok nvm im done with you man jesus christ

>Nolan is very condescending towards his audiences. Inception and Interstellar reeked of "oh, look at me my films are so smart, you couldn't possibly understand them!"
Again how? And again this is another perfect example of how up your own ass you are with snobby intellectualism. Youre like a millionaire who eats only lobster and refuses to eat a hot dog cause its peasant food. Dude when youre at a ball game you enjoy a damn hotdog.

Blade Runner

Look, I enjoy various shlocky B movies and am proud of that, I'm not trying to be or feel smart, since I'm far from that and I'm quite aware of that fact. You want to know how Nolan is far up his ass? As I've said, take a look at Interstellar and compare it to 2001, you'll see it if you're not blind. Again, expositions are a common element of his film, here's a link to the example of what I'm talking about:
This is bad since it doesn't come up in the conversation with subtlety, it's plain in your face. Just look at Tarantino's dialogue in Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction or take a look at intro scene in Social Network, that's an example of how to do dialogue the subtle way.

Again, fuck you. I'm not going to allow to be treated as a retard like Nolan wants me to be. Also, the only reason Nolan is popular, because he's the ultimate director for making movies that seem like intellectual on the surface and make people seem like smart for getting them, even though he includes countless expositions into them and tells you practically everything without you having to make an effort into actually understanding it's themes.
>See ok nvm im done with you man jesus christ
What? Just because I don't suck Empire's juicy cock, you're mad? Pathetic.

>What? Just because I don't suck Empire's juicy cock, you're mad? Pathetic.
Theres a huge difference between sucking its caock and simply admitting its a great classic film.

>Again, expositions are a common element of his film, here's a link to the example of what I'm talking about:
Ok so what? Thats such a minor issue when you look at the entire 2 hour film. Is seriously feel like you are nit picking a very small thing to get butthurt about.

>Again, fuck you. I'm not going to allow to be treated as a retard like Nolan wants me to be
So because his films have expositions that equals him treating you like a retard? thats a huge stretch

Man my original point stands. You have such a snobby attitude you cant enjoy a movie all because ellen page asks questions.

Please give me 5 movies you actually enjoy.

But it's not a great film, it's a good one, but that's where I draw the line, but that's just my personal opinion.
>Thats such a minor issue when you look at the entire 2 hour film
If it was just a minor flaw, I'd be glad to ignore it, but it's avid throughout the whole length of it. Also, I brought another points about it, but you chose to ignore them.
>So because his films have expositions that equals him treating you like a retard? thats a huge stretch
As I've said before, he's unable or is just lazy, I'll leave that to your preference, to convey the themes of his films with S U B T E L T Y.
>Man my original point stands. You have such a snobby attitude you cant enjoy a movie all because ellen page asks questions.
It doesn't and you're twisting my words, friendo. Also, just because you enjoy being treated as a retard, doesn't mean everyone else should.
>Please give me 5 movies you actually enjoy
>All Quiet On The Western Front
>No Country For Old Men
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Evil Dead 1
>Fire Walk With Me
These are some of my favorites, now kindly fuck off.

I like all of those as well and thats my point. I enjoy a wide array of things and can still appreciate inception despite its flaws. You cant cause youre a snobby asshole who wants things one way or no way. Thx for proving my point, now kindly fuck off.

>You cant cause youre a snobby asshole who wants things one way or no way.
If I truly wanted that, do you think Carpenter would be one of my favorite directors of all time? As I've said, I really want to like Nolan, but I'm repulsed by almost any of his films since he's wasting his potential more and more. Just because someone dislikes a movie you like, doesn't mean his a pseud or whatever your buzzword of choice is in order to make yourself feel better.
I'm through with you, have a nice day.

You said you dont love empire as well so it isnt just nolan. Btw what word isnt a buzzword these days. Apparently any word you dont like. Again cause its your way or no way.
I'm through with you, have a nice day.

I said I like Empire, not that I love it, learn to fucking read already.

I said I like Empire, not that I disliked it*
>not loving a famous film is somehow bad
Fuck off to your herd, sheep, I have no patience for thee.

>You said you dont love empire as well so it isnt just nolan.
>I said I like Empire, not that I love it
Thats literally what I said.
learn to fucking read already

Twisting someone's words and fitting them into what you want to see is laughable. Good job, you truly showed him!

True Lies
Dark Knight Rises
Suicide Squad
V for Vendetta

>Twisting someone's words and fitting them into what you want to see is laughable.
Im not twisting them at all.
>Good job, you truly showed him!
thank you
Good job, you truly showed him!

Pulp Fiction or The Godfather trilogy.

>Im not twisting them at all.
Sure :^)

>Suicide Squad
What rock have you been living under all these past months, mate?


>im not same fagging
Sure :^)


Not even the dude ur replying to, but you genuinely seem like an edgy 15 year old.

Thats cause I am obviously. You caught me. But how could you tell?
Youre one as well!!!

ESB is a masterpiece if it wasn't your cup of tea i feel sorry

For you

All of Star Wars is overrated. It's not a bad series by any means, but it's nothing amazing.

I'm just lazy, m8.

I liked Dark Knight. Interstellar and Dark Knight Rises are trash, memes aside

I like it, too.



memento is alright, it just doesn't hold up to repeated viewings....

but Inception and Interstellar are definitely the flagship movies for dumb people who think they're smart. reddit the movies.

Memento is only worth it for the twist, like you said, and he truly is the pinnacle of making movies seem smart on the surface, when they're in fact far from it.

literally shit

What you get for going into a movie with high expectations. Unless you didn't and still think it was shit, in which case kys.

It's not shit, it's a very good film, but not a masterpiece. Character development of the driver, the aesthetics and the action was great,


I thought it was going to be a good flick based on its reputation. What I got was a pretentious little domestic/crime soap opera with characters I didn't care about. Absolutely shit film.

I can't. I didn't recognize it from the thumbnail, and reading the thread name I was ready to come post some star wars shit. I'm proud, user.


literally the most retarded attempt to force a meme of all time

you might as well just drop hollywood entirely you jr varsity troll in training

Anything directed by a woman.

fast times at ridgemont high, johnny dangerously and clueless are in fact NOT overrated

I liked it more on rewatch, and I really like it now after showing it to a couple of friends

Point Break and Strange Days fuckface

Bottom of Barrell


Minority Report



The Shining

Fight me bitch.

The Dark Knight

Agree. Came here to post a couple of overrated Nolan trash, but I realized it's really everything by him.


Pre TDK Nolan is great, he lost something after that.

kubrick is crazy overrated unless you share in his autism

Star Wars isn't overrated. It's over hyped.