Unbelievably overrated

We have reached a point in this franchise that the hard core fans of the franchise skew the rating very easily by giving so called "automatic 10s". This movie while not absolutely horrible, it has severe flaws that should not let it deserve more than a 6 with the most objective view possible. The characters are extremely uninteresting, cookie cutter and banal, the writing extremely predictable, the humor is embarrassingly bad and the tropes of the star wars franchise extremely forced, predictable and unfunny. Honestly, if anyone must watch all star wars there is,sure, watch it, it won't be a painful experience, but if you expect a masterpiece walk away as fast as you can. This movie is not the greatest of the year, not the greatest of the month and probably not of the week. The only redeeming quality is that it is watchable. You won't feel completely horrible about it. But don't be fooled, without the humongous budget this 6/10 would be a 5/10 at best.

>The characters are extremely uninteresting, cookie cutter and banal, the writing extremely predictable, the humor is embarrassingly bad and the tropes of the star wars franchise extremely forced, predictable and unfunny

this is true for every big blockbuster.

Don't be stupid.

In comparison to TFA it's pure kino

In comparison to gulping a load of shit down your throat anything is better.


I think that's what he meant.

I actually found it less watchable than TFA, even though it was much better directed. The script was just really really weak and the film didn't need to happen at all

Better than TFA

about half of tfa was shit but rogue one was BORING

I didn't like TFA too much, but Rogue One made me appreciate it a lot more
Worst part was the forced/awkward fanservice scenes like the one with C3PO and R2D2 or the ending with Darth Vader and CGI Carrie Fisher

Yep it was pretty forgettable

4/10 or 5/10 better than tfa but that doesnt say much

Please notice my red arm senpai

>Red arm is gone in the C-3PO's final scene of the movie
What was the fucking point then

TL;DR i quite liked it though

So "nerds" buy the toy


>wah wah wah I don't like the thing! Here's muh wall of text!

Great thread op. No (you) for you.

I thought Rogue One was boring as shit and so did a lot of people. It's not overrated. We're not going to be talking about anymore when Episode VIII comes out.

Only stupid people who can't stop looking at their phones every 5 minutes.

It had fanservice done right.

Try rewatching hp

I thought it was ok
He swings too much in this scene. And they should have put weights in his sleeves to make his movement better.
minor gripe: They never refer to the deathstar as a battlestation
medium gripe: the main theme sounds like a knockoff despite a lot of the rest of the score being perfectly decent


Why do people on here like Rogue One better than TFA? Rogue One is maybe the worst and definitely the most embarrassing Star Wars movie. was trying way too hard to be dark and edgy. It was clearly just pandering to juvenile people who want to feel better about being grown men who obsess over children's movies.

>Worst part was the forced/awkward fanservice scenes like the one with C3PO and R2D2
Wait, so you found it acceptable when C3PO literally jumps in front of the camera, ruining a heartwarming scene and straight up introducing himself and telling the viewer to look and let them know that he has new red arm, but when C3PO and R2 shows up in Yavin 4 base where they would've been in that time period with their owner (Bail) which also explained how they ended up on the ship in the beginning of Episode 4 was forced and awkward?
Brain damage?