Why aren't more people watching this show? Best sci-fi show in a long time...

Why aren't more people watching this show? Best sci-fi show in a long time. Is it because people are leery of Syfy productions?

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normies flock to shit, expanse isnt heavily advertised so for them its gay

>Why aren't more people watching this show?

You fucking latecomer tourist faggot, there are huge threads about it when it airs.

Fuck off now.

>belta lowda

what did he mean by this?

>there are huge threads about it when it airs

Good? That wasn't really my question, though.

Belta Lowda we get this exact thread like once a week. The Expanse definitely has its audience. It's just not that huge

I'm watching it on Netflix at the moment, it's pretty fucking wonderful. I must admit, I didn't touch it until now because of the SyFy name.

I am, but the last half dozen episodes have been filler garbage. Is this shit going anywhere or are we stuck having to listen to cancer breath?

season 2 was a mistake

Just finished season 1.
It's pretty good to be fair, wasn't expecting it to be as good as it is.
I've heard season 2 is pretty cool too.

>I must admit, I didn't touch it until now because of the SyFy name.

Same for me, until I read a shit ton of great reviews that also mentioned "this is Syfy's biggest budget show yet" and I gave it a shot.

I'm not liking S2 as much as the first, but it's still pretty good.

yeah it's a shame but as a network, Syfy just has a bit of a stigma to it after BSG ended.

Really glad we're getting a S3 though since that means we're closer to gettting

ProtoMiller and Clarissa

I've been in a sci-fi mood these days and am planning to d/l the following shows:

>The Expanse
>Dark Matter
>12 Monkeys

Anything else I'm missing on? Pls don't say Redditworld, I've seen that and it's unbelievably bad.

season 2 has turned into a space power struggle and kind of slow but still pretty interesting

Is it pidgin for 'belter loader'? Slang for a loader on the docks that expanded into daily usage. It isn't french, as far as I know.

it's the plural form of Belters


that guy's twitter account is pretty informative, he's the linguist working on the show to create the Belter language

works for me.

>Inyalowda follows the same rules, by the way. It just refers to Inners.

The plot thickens.

>he's the linguist working on the show to create the Belter language

that's neat that they have an actual linguist and the writers aren't just making gobligook up on the fly

I'm trying to think of another sci-fi show that manages a setting that feels not only so real but so oppressive. I'm coming up blank.

Yeah, that and with the show's dedication to keeping the science as believable and accurate as possible is what i love about this amongst other things.

If this thing gets off BSG or GoT, tumblrinas+management jews will fuck the show and bookfags will fuck Sup Forums. This is going good for now.

>we want the 'only consumes media via torrenting' audience
what did they mean by this?

been years since BSG with waiting for a proper scifi show that had that same sort of feeling. but yeah i can't think of any else in the past few years that comes close

>tfw drummer will never make you her sex slave

her voice is so jarring...but in a good way. it's weird

my thoughts exactly senpai

it's too millennial for me.

>she will never execute you for not being able to satisfy her


Like a lot of modern productions it looks far better than it actually is. The plot and characters are tedious and predictable but the "good" effects have worn thin and they d nothing new or interesting anymore so it's fallen from great potential to typical repetitive lowwer production cost bullshit. I laughed my ass off in the last ep when the pig soldier was at the water with all the horrible green screen and that CGI enhanced foam rock.

Basically Thomas Jane carried the whole god damn thing while distracting us from many flaws and now only faggots will still watch. SyFy is cancer.

>The plot and characters are tedious and predictable

I think you're right about Thomas Jane, but the rest carry it too. Nothing in the first season was predictable to me. The sfx aren't that great, true, but still surprising for what I expected.

I prefer Gunny.

She is THICC

I watched the first three episodes then dropped it. Just way too many tropes for me to give a shit.

are you that same sperg from a day or so ago who kept getting angry at people saying Frankie needed to get in better shape?

I appreciate THICC, but she does not come off as a well-trained martian military officer to me

The books so far have been good overall, so I'm personally enjoying watching the show's rendition of the story. I can see why you aren't too optimistic about it though, since some parts of the show have been less than ideally executed.

i think it will get a huge popularity boost when season 3 premiers.

I tried to but it just has this cheesy feeling just like most Syfy shows.

>tfw you will never have a gunship.

it really hits a stride after the first three eps

This. Syfy should have made Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome a series. That and Stargate are the only good shows they have done.

because im into sci-fi NOT syfy. network really went to shit, used to be pretty solid growing up

the first one or two episodes do have that cheesy syfy feel, but that kind of goes away by episode 3ish and the story starts picking up.

>tfw no big boobed belta qt

Also, why the fuck are scyfy not making this show available in the UK? Are they retarded?


isn't it on netflix?

Is she an earther now?

Is there a way to watch this fucking show without it being slightly spead up or in shit quality? Netflix ain't showing it in America and I'd rather not wait for reruns.

More BSG and SG isn't going to bring in new fans (and new viewers) to the channel

shit in, shit out

Incorporated was pretty good but got canceled so no season 2


"wtf i hate mars now"

netflix has rights to it... should be on there

this is the most anti-Syfy scifi show there is, it really impressed me

Why do people pretend it's some hidden gem? It's a weak show with terrible writing. Same tier as dark matter.

>but muh expanse
>but muh beltalowda
>but muh witty zinger granny!

It's getting pathetic lads. It's just some generic sci-fi show.

Britbong here, Season 1 is on Netflix - I am having to torrent episodes of Season 2 every Thursday morning after they air in the US.

I can only assume that Season 2 will be made available after it has ended +6 months.

solarmoviez . to


I thought it would be generic at first and then I read actual reviews of it--and watched

if you don't want to constantly do that, look into sickrage. it's an automated tv show downloader for torrents

I thought Helix, Dark Matter and the Expanse to be alright.

>muh hard scifi real world physics
>muh based on a novel series
>muh this is what life will look like in two generations as opposed to Star Trek which is almost Star Wars level in terms of how wrong it is

>i didn't think I would like it until I read reviews that told me my opinion


It didn't tell me my opinion of the show, that came later after I watched it. They did tell me it was worth checking out, and so I did. You're on Sup Forums and you don't read reviews?

nice blog, reddit.

Your reading comprehension is awful.

Not really. user needs to learn how to english before he posts.

> Thread asks for opinions.
> Give one.
> Hurrrrr nice blog post.

>it's an user can't admit he fucked up episode

>even bothering to argue

I think the taint of "SyFy" definitely doesn't help.

I rolled my eyes when I heard the channel it was on. I actually don't remember the last SyFy show that I enjoyed.

After being pleasantly surprised by The Expanse I took a peek at SyFy's other show 'The Magicians', which is now a guilty pleasure of mine.

>muh i've been mislead about this show after reading too much reddit posts about it

yeah, you can usually tell a show is high quality when they go full aspergers on little details like that.

at this point i've picked up enough words to get the gist of their untranslated conversations

That's fair. The show definitely suffered when Tom Jane left. Maybe we're just so hungry for decent sci-fi that we'll endure more.

What sci-fi shows (currently airing) are better in your opinion?

i can only pick out belta usually

>What sci-fi shows (currently airing) are better in your opinion?

there aren't any. anyone saying otherwise is full of shit

>being this upset

fuck i was so hype for Chrome, why did they drop it ?


raging SJW detected
regular people just use meme

can you cool it with the virginsplaining?

>posting from your phone at the same time so you seem like you're not a butthurt esl samefag

Wow, just when I thought this board couldn't get any more retarded.


impressive timing desu

Killjoys is kind of schlocky, but i like it.

>suffered when Tom Jane left.
He'll be back.Sort of.

I hope his waifu returns too. As her sister

What? He accused you of posting from your phone, so of course it wouldn't show up as both (you)s. You should have pointed out the different in quote spacing, and then he would have said it was just you again trying to throw off the trail.

The Magicians is made for the Sup Forums audience. It's edgy Harry Potter with drugs, rape and zoophilia.

>Dark Matter
Now you're just trolling. You're not bicameral enough for westworld.
Dark Matter is just shit. The Expanse is a pleasant exception to the Canada is subsidied shit rule.

The last few episodes are pretty slow and boring with NOTHING happening. I hope something happens soon. This is getting really boring.

I watched until season 2 episode 1 and I literally couldn't take the shitty fucking acting and boring subplots

>anything on Earth is shit, that indian botox lipped woman is utterly pointless

remove her scenes and nothing in show would change



>Main crew

Decent except the Indian sounds like he's a fucking South Park character with his weird infomercial voice and the "crazy" guy is just so cringe it hurts

What do you all think of the hybrid?

>It's edgy Harry Potter with drugs, rape and zoophilia.

and it's on syfy? holy shit

Where's it's cock?

he's a big guy

>Earth lady
Agree, she was a minor POV character in book 2. Don't know why she deserves a storyline other than muh diversity. Also, Earth is much shittier in the tv series.

>Indian with accent
This is straight from the book. Martians all adopted a Texan accent, despite their origins. So, this is the correct portrayal

He's a straight-out psychopath in the tv show. Much more nuanced in book 2. Maybe they're incorporating future books into his character, but I am dissapoint.

>airlock lady, mechanical mouse
Not in the book

>Don't touch the aqua
Also not in book :(

if he is superhuman why does he have bad posture

it's also filled with ridiculously hot actresses

the show writers always try to add a convoluted reason for the characters to strip naked or fuck for magical purposes

it's trashykino

was there a reason given for why Martians all adopted a faux-Texan accent? Real Texans are currently in the process of losing their accents at this very moment, I can't imagine a bunch of Indians and Chinese on Mars in the future would decide to adopt an extinct dialect of English from a regional American subculture

>“Howdy, XO,” he drawled. The old west affectation common to everyone from the Mariner Valley annoyed Holden. There hadn’t been a cowboy on Earth in a hundred years, and Mars didn’t have a blade of grass that wasn’t under a dome, or a horse that wasn’t in a zoo. Mariner Valley had been settled by East Indians, Chinese, and a small contingent of Texans. Apparently, the drawl was viral. They all had it now. “How’s the old warhorse today?”
> Leviathan Wakes, James S.A. Corey
Works for me.