It has flaws, but it's easy "Educatement" and generally enjoyable

easy 8/10

The story has a good premise, it will easily appeal to younger viewers and parents, and while it seems to drag in several cases with repeatable and predictable themes, it renders a positive sum. The acting is not stellar but generally good, the direction quite smooth and while the production and photography aren't going to feel Blockbuster level,
they are at a decent level of quality. The story is about what every
teenager goes through in high school at the darkest versions of it, and
especially the female experience of it, during dramatic physical abuse. It does not get a Nobel prize in psychotherapy, and it several cases it does seem unfair to certain characters but ultimately it admits nobody is perfect.



So should I go watch it?

Your post makes no fucking sense.

Watched the first episode. Sounds like white female problems the show. Looked up the rest of the story on wiki, and I was right.

This. OP writes like a retard.

I finished this yesterday

definitely for tweens
is ridiculously fucking melodramatic
filled with frustratingly stupid characters
turns into a cheesy PSA by the end
show constantly pauses itself to focus on irrelevant shit just to get each episode to the 1 hour mark
the girl that killed herself is an annoying as fuck overly dramatic mary sue who thinks her life is worse than everyone elses
the lead actor who plays Clay is C U T E

Does it have boobs?

girls like you is what killed her.

how'd they wring 10 hours out of a shitty YA book

It was cliché filled high school drama with average/shitty actors. It's insane that it has 9.1 on IMDB. Don't waste 13 hours of your life on this when there's so many actually good recent series' out there. Also OP's post reads like a marketers.

I graduated high school in 2003. What I fucken hate it the bullshit when everyone is getting the same message or video or picture in class at once. All different phones going off at once and people looking at it and reacting. Almost simultaneously. Is that really how it is sometimes or just bullshit?

rapists like you is what killed her.

no its literally Every Idiotic Fake Highschool Cliche That Never Actually Happens In Real Life: The Show

Way too drawn out.
Ridiculous premises everywhere
>nobody has everyone in the school's number
>even if they did, and sent a compromising photo, school would instantly know and expel them
>why the fuck doesn't clay listen to all the tapes at once
>why the fuck does everyone answer cryptically and then leave when asked a simple question

Would work a lot better if it was cut in half. It's way too drawn out right now. I find myself wanting to watch but dying of boredom when I do start watching

I graduated in the middle ages. I'm not sure what's going on in America but my nephews just started high school and phones are "illegal" in classes and generally school. They are allowed to turn them on only for emergencies and after leaving school and I guess they do it anyway covertly during breaks.

But you can easily derive what's going on with Facebook or other similar social network if they all have them turned on.

The class would obviously have 10-15 around with the same facebook feed.

i started fastforwarding through all the present day scenes, nothing EVER happened in them and the parents lawsuit was total bullshit, you cant fucking sue every school where a moody melodramatic teenager kills themselves

"The eighth person is Ryan. After gaining her trust, Ryan stole a poem written by Hannah in which she detailed her personal problems. He published the poem anonymously in the school newspaper, but some of their classmates realised Hannah wrote it and mocked her. Hannah blamed Ryan for making her feel like even her thoughts are not safe from scrutiny."

This sounds like it's repulsively bad.

If people cared about me as much as people in this fictional high school obsessively care about Mary Sue Hannah, my high school experience would have been about 1000000x better

i was a lonely kid desu

That character was hilarious. A flamboyant gay that tried to help her by exposing her poems.

He the funniest line in the series. "I just published a poem, he is a rapist".

Lol true enough.

some of her reasons for killing herself were shockingly stupid

>they anonymously published my poetry, gonna kill myself
>asian jock asked me out, gonna kill myself
>my ex-friend who was a total asshole got raped, better make it about me and kill myself
>i freaked out on a guy that i had a crush on and told him to fuck off, its totally his fault for listening to me when i told him to leave but im gonna kill myself

It's a tv show to make money. If you pay attention real life can be easily symbolized through it though. e.g. Hannah would obviously be fat girl and Clay would be a beta cuck dwelling in Sup Forums.

The regular common unrealistic thing in those series is that they always cast beautiful actors because it sells.

In real schools only 1 or 2 are good looking, the rest are beta cucks begging for attention.

the most unrealistic thing is that teenagers care so much about this random kids death for so long after she dies

aw, you've never been invited to a huge group chat before?

>ultimately it admits nobody is perfect.
no it doesnt, the main character girl is presented as an angel too perfect and pure for the world while everyone around her is a monster out to get her