How do i leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black

How do i leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black

How do i transfer it

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This thread again? Come on, man.

You ain't ever leaving bud

Yes i am. I will beat god. Fuck off

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just go to his other thread.

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You’re gonna die in your tiny shit town

>on probation for being black

What did you actually do

what do you get from posting this garbage thread over and over again?

>I’m on probation for being black
You on probation because you fucked up.
You fucking up because you're black.
You can't tell the difference because you're a stupid chimp.

All that he's said is that he got a DUI. Then he makes a fuckload of excuses about how he can't afford a bus ticket and some shit about his brother's bbq business and they need his help.
ie: brokenigger plays victim

I got over charged for being black

>over charged
No you fucking don't. Prove it. Greentext your entire, unedited, story.

>harshest punishment than anyone else
>long as fuck sentence
>do good behavior the entire time
>no leniency
>talk to white people
>they all get tons of leniency

Fuck man... something like this:
>2:20 AM
>14 beers
>300 ft from house
>pulled over
>4.12 BAC
>call pigs "street nazis"

No one needs to hear how much you hate yourself anymore.

You didn't get charged for being black.

You got charged for being a nigger.

Stop being a nigger.

Stop blaming other people for your shit.

Take responsibility for your actions.

Shut the fuck up and sit down. You clearly can't stand up without taking from someone else.

"But they haven't givin me nuthin"

"I deserve"

Fuck off

You are entitled to jack shit

Fucking work hand to mouth for a bit and stop trying to live scraping the froth off the top of the milk.

Whine whine whine

Suck it up you fucking cry baby.
There's a reason your dad left.
Didn't want to listen to your pathetic excuses.

God damn

Own your history, OP. Everyone's got dumbshit stories. I got a DUI too and I didn't even blow .08 (legal limit in CA). .062 or some shit. Went to jail, classes, suspension, fines, all that and I had 2.5 beers in 3 hours. I ran a stop sign because I was lost and had a few.

Like this bro

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>live in Cali
>comparing this to my life

Yeah go away

>Nevada County
>worse than NY and FL combined
Keep feeling sorry for yourself. Michael Moore even did a video about the same place I was jailed.

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Tell your fucking story OP. How drunk, how pulled over, how'd you treat the cops? Even shitpants rednecks brag about this shit. You're just pulling the emo "life is unfair" like you're 8.

That's it? That all it take for you to back down you little bitch? That why you post these threads non-stop, because you can't own your shit, or even tell a story about it?

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